
Through His Eyes - Ryan Rees (Twin Paranormal)

Kalani Foster recently had her twenty seventh birthday though sadly it was nothing to celebrate. It had been almost six months since, through no fault of her own, she was involved in an accident which had left her blind. Now left out on the streets after she was cruelly disowned by her parents she tries to find her way in the world with her guide dog Jax by her side. Little did she know that she would soon meet a certain person would change her life forever.

SnowWolf2001 · Others
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26 Chs

Twenty Six

I have been waiting for this moment

for so long and now that it's finally here, I'm a bit nervous. My boyfriend Ryan is by my side, holding my hand and talking to me.

We had planned to have a home birth and I am grateful that he is here to support me through this process. As the contractions start, I can feel the pressure building up in my lower abdomen. Ryan is telling me to breathe through them and to focus on the end goal, our beautiful baby. I try to relax and let my body do its work.

Ryan is my rock, his voice is steady and calm, and it helps me to stay focused

I can feel the intensity of the contractions increasing.

Ryan is by my side, guiding me every step of the way. I am so grateful to have him as my partner. He is my best friend and my love.

I was 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and my due date was just around the corner. I reached out and grabbed Ryan's hand, letting out a small moan as another contraction hit.

I had started to have contractions in the early hours of the morning and that was nearly four hours ago and they were slowly building up and getting worse.

"It's okay, sweetheart," Ryan whispered, rubbing my back soothingly. "We planned for this. We're going to have a beautiful home birth, just like we wanted."

I nodded, trying to focus on Ryan's words and the warmth of his hand in mine, but Ryan had always been my eyes and my rock. He had been there for every doctor's appointment, every ultrasound, every moment of this pregnancy.

The contractions were coming more frequently now, and Ryan helped me to my feet.

We made our way to the living room, where we had set up the birthing pool and all of the necessary supplies. As I settled into the pool, Ryan knelt beside me, holding my hand and whispering encouraging words. I could feel the water enveloping me, the warmth and buoyancy helping to ease the pain of the contractions.

Ryan was my guiding me in this moment, his voice and touch guiding me through the process. I felt his hand on my belly, helping me to relax and breathe through each contraction.

Though I couldn't see what was happening, I knew that Ryan would be there to guide me through it. As the contractions grew stronger, Ryan's voice became my anchor. He reminded me to breathe deeply and slowly, to let my body do what it needed to do.

He held my hand, and I could feel his steady

presence beside me, I knew that I could trust him to take care of me.

I was feeling particularly vulnerable and scared. Ryan, sensing my anxiety, took my hand and began to speak in a soothing tone.

"Everything is going to be okay," he said. "I'm here with you and I'm not going anywhere."

His words brought me a sense of comfort and I took a deep breath, trying to relax my body.

The contractions were getting stronger and closer together, but Ryan's presence made me feel like I could handle them he began to rub my back in slow circles, whispering encouraging words in my ear. He reminded me of all the times we had talked about this moment and how we were prepared for it. He reminded me of all the strength and courage I have.

As the hours passed, I felt the familiar sensation of my body opening up, and

I knew that it was time. Ryan helped me to the birthing pool, and I immersed myself in the warm water.

It was a relief to have the weight of the water on my belly and to feel the buoyancy of the water. Ryan was my eyes, describing to me the colors of the room, and the movement of the baby.

He told me when to push, and when to rest. It was a strange sensation, but I knew that Ryan was there to describe it to me.

I couldn't see the water, but I could feel the warmth and pressure of the pool around me. It helped to ease the pain and make me feel more relaxed. Ryan would occasionally dip his hand in the water to check my progress, and would tell me how much further I had to go.

The hours passed by in a blur of pain and effort, but Ryan's steady presence

by my side kept me going.

I could hear him calling out the time between contractions, and he would massage my lower back whenever I needed it.