
Through His Eyes - Ryan Rees (Twin Paranormal)

Kalani Foster recently had her twenty seventh birthday though sadly it was nothing to celebrate. It had been almost six months since, through no fault of her own, she was involved in an accident which had left her blind. Now left out on the streets after she was cruelly disowned by her parents she tries to find her way in the world with her guide dog Jax by her side. Little did she know that she would soon meet a certain person would change her life forever.

SnowWolf2001 · Others
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26 Chs


Time flew by like I wasn't expecting. I had now stayed with Ryan and River for just over a month and it been nothing short of a roller coaster ride, they never fail to make me smile or laugh when I was feeling down.

Living with Ryan and River was the best thing that could have happened to me and having them by my side they couldn't do enough for me, they were always there to support me and help me with anything I needed.

Though in time, I began to notice other changes in myself only this time they weren't so good and all seemed to point in the direction of my health. It had started with just a normal headache and would take some tablets, to help stop the pain.

But things started to take a turn and it didn't seem to improve little did I know how much.

As I opened my eyes, by the bright pale yellow light that I could make out and that shone through the window I knew that it was morning, or should I say almost the afternoon.

Feeling around the bed for my phone I asked it what time it was.

"Hey Google what time is it?"

'The time is eleven forty-five'.

I knew in that moment if I was able to see myself my eyes were and would be as wide as dishes.

I tried to get out of bed as quickly as possible but it was a bad idea, sitting up I immediately began to feel a painful migraine coming on and in full force.

I couldn't help but hiss in pain as I placed my hand on my forehead and it wasn't long before I heard Jax crawling up the bed to come closer to me to check me.

Reaching out with my free hand I began to reassure her and pet her, but I didn't understand what she did next until it was too late.

She began to lick my hand and I wasn't sure what she was doing or why until it became more frequent and urgent.

"Jax? What's wrong girl what's the matter?"

This continued until I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and tried to stand up.

Managing to take a few steps from the bed I quickly started to regret it as I came over dizzy and I knew then I was about to faint and I couldn't do anything to stop myself from falling.

The last thing I heard before I had completely blacked out was Jax barking trying to get Ryan's attention and get him to come upstairs.


By the time I had come round, I knew that I was in the hospital from the familiar sounds and smells that I have now grown accustomed to over time.

I could feel Ryan holding my hand in his and even though I knew that I must have been out cold for a while I could sense he had never left my side.

I tried to say his name and call out to him but instead, it had come as a cough and a splutter.

"Oh, thank god you're awake, please don't ever scare me like that again. I knew something was wrong when heard Jax barking like she was, I raced up the stairs and greet her and when I found you... Found you the way you were I was scared."

Hearing those words made me feel very emotional but also made me realise something over the past couple of weeks, I knew there and then I had fallen for him I had fallen in love with my best friend.

The person who from day one looked out for me helped me, the one who let me live with him and made me smile and laugh.

"I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen."

"Hey, it's alright it's not your fault you didn't know Kalani."

All was quiet between us for a moment until I heard Ryan speak up.

"Um, Kalani there's something I've been meaning to tell you but I wasn't sure how you would react but here goes nothing. I've fallen in love with you, I love you and I understand if you don't-"

With that, my hands gently found his face as I leaned forward and placed my lips on his. I knew I had surprised him but it wasn't long before we had both melted into the kiss of pure love and passion.