
Through His Eyes - Ryan Rees (Twin Paranormal)

Kalani Foster recently had her twenty seventh birthday though sadly it was nothing to celebrate. It had been almost six months since, through no fault of her own, she was involved in an accident which had left her blind. Now left out on the streets after she was cruelly disowned by her parents she tries to find her way in the world with her guide dog Jax by her side. Little did she know that she would soon meet a certain person would change her life forever.

SnowWolf2001 · Others
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26 Chs


Catching my breath and taking another sip of water I was soon ready to go back to the car but I felt bad for making the others wait and holding them up.

"Are you alright? are feeling up to getting back in the car?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to go. I'm sorry Ry I didn't mean to do this and now I'm making the others wait for me."

"Hey, you can't help being sick sweetheart and given the circumstances, it's understandable."

"I know but given what's just happened the guys are bound to have questions and wondering what's going on and we won't be able to hide it forever I'm not far off from twelve weeks now and I know I'll start showing soon... I'm sorry Ry I know we'd promised each other that we wouldn't tell anyone until we were both ready to but - "

At that moment, my words were cut short when I was enveloped in Ryan's arms and I began to hear his comforting words.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay I understand darling it's alright if you want to tell the guys we can."

"Okay, thank you, baby."

With Ryan's help, we were soon back in the car before setting off once again. Though just as I suspected it wasn't long before I heard River speak up.



"Can I ask you something?"

I knew it was now or never otherwise I would quite possibly never be able to tell anyone until it was too late and taking a deep breath I quickly felt Ryan gently squeeze my hand in reassurance before I found the words to be able to speak.

"Sure, what do you want to ask?"

"Well, I don't mean to imply anything when I say this but... is everything okay are you alright? I'm only asking because I've seen Ryan rushing you to the bathroom quite a few times especially in these last few weeks, and I just hope that you're alright".

From those words, I knew instantly he wasn't implying anything from the start and River has always been like a brother to me and has always looked out for me so I could understand his concern and why he was worried.

"No don't worry River, you're not implying anything it's alright, and I'm okay but theirs actually a reason behind why I've been sick and it's something myself and Ryan want to tell all three of you."

Taking a moment I soon plucked up the courage to speak and even though I already knew that I was pregnant I still couldn't quite believe what I was about to say.

"It's because... recently we found that we're expecting, I'm pregnant."

As those words left my mouth there was a pause of silence and I wasn't sure what to do as I waited for anything the three of them wanted to say. Though thankfully I didn't have to wait too long as the car was filled with cheers and applause, the three of them were very excited as they congratulated me and Ryan, and I think it was safe to say that River was over the moon about becoming an uncle.

"I'm going to be an uncle! ha."


By the time we had reached the hotel minus the stops along the way, we had finally made it to the hotel just as it was getting dark. We were given a quick tour of the hotel and given rooms 9, 12, 15, 19 and the ballroom to investigate.

After the cameras had been set up and the introduction to the video had started Ryan had suggested that we split up considering we had a lot to cover having many rooms.

Not wanting to be away from Ryan, I decided to go with him and Wyatt, to room 19.

But almost immediately I could feel things were different around me and even though I wasn't able to see things going on around me I could sense them.

With Ryan guiding me towards room 19 and Wyatt following it wasn't long before we were in the room as I sat on the bed trying to get comfortable as I Ryan beginning to speak hoping to make contact with the spirit or multiple spirits in the room, but I knew that there was already something in the room with us, and for me to experience this feeling for the first time was very strange but I knew that there was yet more to come and time would tell.

(Sorry it's been a while since I last updated around a month ago but I had a bit of a writer's block and I wasn't sure how to continue the story but hopefully, now I can get back into the swing of things.)