
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 49: Conclusion!

Raymond shook his head in response to the unexpected reaction from the Zoldyck patriarch.

Yet, he could understand it.

After all, he had effectively disrupted their assassination operations within the country, depriving them of significant commissions over the years.

"Not that I'm feeling sorry about it..."

Raymond chuckled, finding the situation rather amusing.

In a republican country, the correlation between wealth, influence, and political power was undeniable.

With each increase in wealth and influence, Raymond's political clout also grew stronger.

During political campaigns, even for the presidency, candidates sought his sponsorship due to the immense funds required for their campaigns.

In exchange for his support, they owed him favors.

While they appeared to cooperate on the surface, in reality, those in power could only lower their heads to him and seek his favor.

The Celestia Consortium's significance to the country's economy had become indispensable, solidifying Raymond's position of influence and power.

As the Celestia Consortium extended its reach into the media industry, those in positions of power began to realize their dependence on Raymond's organization.

With the media firmly under his control, Raymond wielded immense power over the flow of information throughout the country.

Moreover, Raymond had cast a vast network of information across the globe through the slums, streets, and bars which were controlled by the Celestial Force.

This allowed him to manipulate information as needed and shield key figures within his company, such as Luke and Tatiana, from scrutiny.

Using this newfound authority, Raymond swiftly halted commissions directed toward the Zoldyck Family within the country.

It was a safety measure, considering that all major players within the Celestia Consortium resided in the Republic of Padokea.

The reasoning was simple:

The country had become their stronghold, and by controlling the flow of information, Raymond ensured that his influence remained unchallenged.

"I suppose you won't attack me anymore, right?"

Raymond uttered with a shake of his head as his eyes dimmed and deactivated his ability, signaling an end to the confrontation.

Sakujiro exchanged a final glance with the Zoldycks before trailing behind Raymond, his senses still vigilant.


Silva and Zeno remained silent, their gazes fixed on Raymond's retreating form as he faded into the distance, leaving their estate behind.

"Father, if we both joined hands, we should be able to kill him," Silva suggested, observing Raymond's fading figure.

Zeno shook his head in response, gesturing toward Raymond's lingering Nen aura, "His Nen itself was quite dangerous, and given his character, do you believe he has revealed his full strength?"

Silva's expression tightened at the realization as the others around them approached, their concern palpable.

Having faced off against Raymond, Silva had gained some insight into the young man's character through their fierce exchange.

Raymond's audacious tactics, like intentionally slowing his pace to land a hit, were crazy enough.

Silva could see that Raymond was both cunning and crazy.

"I suppose it's likely he kept some tricks up his sleeve..." He nodded in agreement with Zeno's remark.

"Husband, your injury..."

Kikyo worriedly spoke as she looked at Silva's bleeding arm and the dried blood in his mouth.

Silva waved off her worry, assuring her, "I'm fine."

Rather than dwelling on his wounds, he turned to Illumi and instructed, "Grab your hand and find someone to reattach it to your arm."


Illumi nodded in agreement before swiftly disappearing with his severed hand to keep it in pristine condition so he could attach it back to his arm.

"Stop accepting contracts involving anyone tied to Celestia Consortium, no matter what."

Zeno's command echoed with authority. 

After a brief silence, he also added, "Before accepting any assignment, thoroughly assess the target's background."

"That goes against our assassin's code, Father. It's not feasible."

Silva's expression darkened as he objected.

"It's better this way since our survival is at risk," Zeno stated firmly, meeting Silva's gaze with intensity.

Seeing that Silva seemed to be unconvinced, he shook his head.

"Do you understand why he participated in the Hunter Exam, where he could have easily killed Illumi but didn't?"

Zeno asked the question, his tone carrying a thoughtful tone.


Silva remained silent, deep in thought.

"It was his way of extending a notice that he's coming for a visit. Today, he has visited us. And do you understand the significance of his request for Illumi's left hand?"

Zeno continued, his gaze shifting to the sky as he let out a sigh, "It was a test to see if we comprehend his intentions, a test you've failed miserably."


Silva felt slightly speechless as it had been such a long time since the last time his own father had berated him.

But he remained attentive, knowing there was more to be said.

"Then he unveiled himself as the mastermind behind Celestia Consortium..."

Zeno's voice carried a sharp edge, his gaze piercing.

With purposeful strides, Zeno continued, "By doing so, he made it clear that any interference with his affairs would lead to war!"

Zeno understood Raymond's restraint.

Escalating the conflict would draw the attention of the Hunter Association, something neither party desired.

Zeno contemplated silently, realizing that Raymond was avoiding sparking a civil war.

He understood the implications...

If the Zoldyck family clashed openly with the Celestia Consortium, it could escalate into a broader conflict involving the Hunter Association.

"But don't you think we've stooped too low by bowing down like this? We're Zoldycks! We don't cower before anyone!"

Milluki interjected childishly, earning a swift reprimand from Kikyo.

Ignoring Milluki's outburst, Zeno pressed on with a solemn tone, "And, more importantly... That young man... He has an army!"

Zeno would pay no heed if it was just an ordinary army, knowing they could handle them easily.

But Zeno recognized that this was no ordinary force.

From their overwhelming presence and skillful use of Zetsu, he could tell they were well-versed in Nen.

Shaking his head, he thought, "No wonder the Hunter Association kept an eye on them."

And Zeno was certain that the force surrounding them wasn't everything since the Celestia Consortium was far too vast for only this amount of people.

"It looks like the Chairman underestimated him," Zeno mused to himself, fading into the background as he pondered further.

"That young man got more tricks up his sleeve than we thought..."


Silence fell over the group at Zeno's words, and Silva nodded in agreement, understanding the situation.

"...understood, I'll see what I can do."

Though Silva was still a bit displeased since he himself didn't see any other alternatives at the moment, he could only comply for now.


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