
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 48: Revelation

In a moment of silent tension, Raymond and Zeno scrutinized each other with unwavering focus.

"...He's able to sense their presence even when they're using Zetsu to conceal their aura?" Raymond's eyes sharpened as his mind raced.

Recalling how he had stumbled upon his subordinates' presence by chance, noticing subtle movements in the forest during their journey to the Zoldyck Family Estate, Raymond's apprehension deepened.

His familiarity with these signs allowed him to piece together the puzzle, and Sakujiro's reaction confirmed his suspicions.

"It appears I've underestimated them," Raymond admitted to himself, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, especially when he realized...

...that beside Zeno, Raymond could sense another formidable aura focusing on him when he activated his eyes.

Meanwhile, Silva's brow furrowed as he glanced at his wrist, sensing a malevolent Nen still clinging to his own as if attempting to consume him.

This was the very reason why he had lost control of his orbs earlier—the intrusive Nen had disrupted the flow within them.

With a deep breath, Silva circulated his own Nen, allowing a surge of energy to emanate from his hand before releasing it into the air as he swiftly cut off its connection with him.


However, the moment his Nen lost its connection...

Raymond's Nen swiftly engulfed it before effortlessly overpowering Silva's Nen and settling back into a serene state.

"...Such a dangerous Nen," Zeno remarked, shaking his head in awe as he redirected his gaze towards Raymond.

A sense of nostalgia washed over him as he detected a familiar aura reminiscent of Netero's pure martial arts aura emanating from the young man.

"To think that such a young man would be able to overpower Silva..." Zeno's expression flickered with a mix of fear and astonishment.

He was both awed by the young man's prowess and terrified since Zeno understood that the young man in front of him still had plenty of time to grow stronger.


Seeing Raymond made Zeno think of his grandson, Killua.

Killua was undeniably the most promising member of their family.

Since Zeno could see Raymond was also talented as well, he couldn't help but feel anticipation for Killua's growth.

Zeno couldn't help but feel quite excited to see his growth as he could see Raymond was a talented young man.

"Our Killua will surpass him," Zeno thought with pride, envisioning the future achievements of his grandson.

As he watched the young man before him, Zeno couldn't shake the belief that Killua would eventually outshine even Raymond!

"...Tell me, young man. What do you want from us?"

 Zeno's voice was firm as he approached Raymond, stopping just a few paces away.

Raymond shrugged nonchalantly, "Simple. Illumi took out one of my top men. I couldn't retrieve his hand during the Hunter Exam, so I thought I'd pay a visit to get it."


Silence fell over the place as Zeno's eyes sparked with a knowing glance at Raymond's words.

Zeno vanished from sight without uttering a single word, reappearing beside Illumi in a flash.

And with a swift motion, he slashed Illumi's left hand, then just as quickly returned to stand before Raymond.


Silence enveloped the scene as Illumi remained impassive despite the loss of his arm.

Internally, however, his thoughts raced, "Does Grandpa recognize him?"


Raymond seized Illumi's thrown arm with intrigue as a sly smirk formed on his face, "Finally found someone who speaks my language in the Zoldyck..."

"Have you concluded your business?"

Zeno paid no heed to Raymond's words, repeating his question.

Simultaneously, he channeled his Nen as a formidable pressure gradually radiating from his body.

"Sure thing," Raymond dismissed Zeno's attempt at intimidation with a shake of his head.

He could tell Zeno was trying to tell him that if provoked, he wouldn't shy away from a conflict.

"I'll take it as nothing ever happened between us then..."

Casually discarding Illumi's arms to the ground, Raymond signaled for Sakujiro to depart, strolling away leisurely.

Sakujiro nodded and took Raymond's blazer, while every member of the Zoldyck family kept a vigilant eye on their departing figures.

"By the way, it's only fair for me to introduce myself, I suppose..."

Raymond abruptly turned, causing an uneasy tension to ripple through everyone present.

With a chuckle, he observed their adorable reactions before introducing himself, "I am Raymond... Celestia!"

The mention of the name caused both Zeno and Silva to tense, their pupils widening in surprise.

Without hesitation, Silva vanished from sight, reappearing in front of Raymond with a swift kick aimed at his neck.


Gasps echoed through the onlookers as the situation escalated unexpectedly.

But just as tension peaked, a sudden chill descended...

And Sakujiro's figure unexpectedly materialized between them with ice encasing his dagger as he intercepted Silva's attack.

With a well-placed kick, he sent Silva hurtling backward, crashing into the ground.

"Ice, huh? As expected, you're that guy from Meteor City..."

Silva's hand dripped with blood as he struggled to rise, half of his body encased in ice.

He looked at the ice covering his body with nonchalance as he took a deep breath before forcing his muscles to flex, shattering the icy prison that bound him.

Sakujiro remained silent as he twirled his dagger in his hand.

His eyes remained locked on Silva's while still wary of the other's presence as the surrounding air grew colder by the moment.


Zeno's voice boomed as a powerful pressure surge radiated from him.

Silva just frowned in response as Sakujiro remained vigilant.

"I thought we settled our business here? What was that about?" Raymond's voice reverberated across the scene, drawing Silva's sharp gaze.

"After you forced us out of business in the country, you have the nerve to ask?"

Silva's response was filled with disdain.

"You're still getting commissions from abroad, aren't you? Don't be petty," Raymond countered, a chuckle escaping him.

Silva grumbled in frustration, clenching his fists to regain his composure, mindful of Zeno's scrutinizing gaze.

Zeno shook his head in disbelief as he shifted his attention to Raymond.

He hadn't anticipated that the mastermind behind the Celestia Consortium would be so young.

For so long, the name had no face, as everyone only knew Raymond's name without knowing what he looked like.

"...No wonder he outwitted the Chairman in a chess match," he mused silently.

Despite his discontent with the Consortium for monitoring their activities and essentially eradicating their assassination missions in the country, Zeno couldn't deny the extent of Raymond's influence, which was too crucial to overlook.

And to think that such a person suddenly revealed himself to the world...

"...Storm is brewing indeed," Zeno thought as he felt a chill run down his spine.


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