
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 47: Surrounded!

A vivid crimson hue enveloped everything, reflecting the color of his gaze as time seemed to slow down in Raymond's perception, with his thoughts completely accelerated.


Raymond shook his head after seeing Silva's expression. He could roughly tell what Silva was thinking.

"That's why I dislike assassins..."

He muttered to himself as he slowly made his way toward Silva.

Both of their figures suddenly disappeared before their collision, creating another resounding shockwave.

As the fierce battle raged on, Silva's heart sank with dread.

Raymond had seemingly transcended his previous limits, becoming even faster and more adept at countering Silva's attacks.

With a sharp evasion, Silva narrowly avoided Raymond's onslaught before retreating to a safe distance.

But Raymond showed no mercy, closing the gap with alarming speed.

In a flash, he materialized behind Silva, unleashing a devastating whirlwind kick aimed squarely at Silva's exposed back.

The impact sent Silva hurtling towards the ground with alarming velocity, his body crashing into the earth with bone-shattering force.

A deep crater formed upon impact, with Silva at its center, a testament to the sheer power of Raymond's assault.

"...Tell me, who are you?"

Silva rose from the crater with an air of nonchalance, his demeanor unaffected by Raymond's earlier assault.

His expression remained sharp and focused, undeterred by the force of the attack.


Without a word, Raymond continued his onslaught with a swift kick as he materialized above Silva with lightning speed.

"Rude brat!"

Silva's brow furrowed in response as he leaped into the air to avoid the attack.

Silva opened up his hand and his hand suddenly glowing with swirling chaotic orbs of Nen energy.

As Silva prepared to merge the orbs into a single, devastating attack, his concentration was shattered.

Raymond appeared before him instantly, blocking Silva's hand with uncanny precision.


With a jolt of realization, Silva's eyes widened in alarm.

But his reflexes were swift, and as Raymond launched another kick, Silva retaliated with a powerful thrust of his own.

His foot connected with Raymond's chest, sending him hurtling toward the ground like a meteor.

Raymond crashed into the earth with incredible force, carving out yet another crater on the battlefield.

"Time to meet your end!"

Silva's voice boomed, his hand clenched into a menacing fist as he was about to combine the orbs to create an explosion aimed at Raymond.

Yet, Raymond's response was a sinister chuckle as he calmly issued a warning, "You might want to reconsider your position..."

Silva's heart raced with apprehension, but before he could react, a wave of dread washed over him.


His eyes widened in disbelief as he felt the connection with the orbs he had conjured slipping away.

In horror, Silva glanced at the hand Raymond had restrained earlier, sensing a dark aura disrupting the flow of his energy.

Before he could react, the orbs exploded with a deafening roar, engulfing Silva in a maelstrom of destruction.


Milluki's worried cry reverberated through the air.

Kikyo's expression twisted with worry as she uttered a single word, "Husband..."


In the heavy silence that ensued, Illumi's unwavering gaze remained fixed on Raymond.

Meanwhile, Raymond slowly rose to his feet, spitting out a mouthful of blood, while Kalluto observed with stronger interest.

As the dust settled, Silva's battered form emerged, consumed by the aftermath of his own attack.

With a resounding thud, he collapsed to the ground, sinking to his knees as he expelled a mouthful of blood before he wiped his bloody mouth with his hand.

Sakujiro swiftly reached Raymond's side, concern etched on his face as he inquired, "Are you alright, Master?"

"I'm good..."

Raymond's response was accompanied by the ominous gleam in his crimson eyes.

Despite his assurance, a sharp pain throbbed in his chest from Silva's earlier assault.

"It's good that I've been dodging his attack since the beginning or else I might be in a worse shape," Raymond mused, shaking his head at the realization.

Blocking Silva's attack head-on would have been a perilous gamble, given the sheer raw power emanating from Silva's blows.

Silent contemplation enveloped Raymond as he looked at Sakujiro, who had arrived uninvited.

Despite his unspoken disapproval, Raymond refrained from berating his loyal subordinate since they had a new guest.

Together, Raymond and Sakujiro turned their attention towards a particular spot in the mist-shrouded woods.


The air grew tense as slow, deliberate footsteps echoed through the forest, imposing a temporary halt on their intense battle.

As the figure emerged from the swirling mist, Silva's eyes flashed with a sharp light as his gaze locked onto the newcomer.


Silva's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, feeling a surge of blood rising in his throat once more.

He grimaced and spat out another mouthful of blood.

Zeno regarded his son with a sigh, "Are you alright?"

"I can keep going. Father, let's team up. We gotta take him out, no matter what..."

Silva declared as he slowly got back on his feet.

Despite the searing pain coursing through his body, Silva's countenance remained stoic.

They needed to kill Raymond!

His resolve was unwavering.

"Zeno Zoldyck, it is a pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face. Your reputation precedes you..." 

Raymond's voice was calm as he emerged from the crater, with Sakujiro shadowing him closely.

Zeno's gaze locked onto Raymond's crimson eyes, which burned with an ominous intensity.

Surveying the battlefield, he noted the lingering presence of a foreign Nen, its energy devouring Silva's familiar aura.

"...I don't usually involve myself in these matters, but these presence around us have been unsettling me. Wouldn't you agree, young man?"

Recalling the warnings about the existence of a formidable young man from Netero, Zeno furrowed his brow as he couldn't help but think that this young man in front of him might be the one.


Sakujiro's pupils quivered at these words.

A rustling sound enveloped the Zoldyck Estate, and a multitude of ominous presences gradually revealed themselves.

Birds scattered in panic, and the sky darkened, adding an eerie atmosphere to the unfolding events.


Silva's eyes widened in shock as he sensed a formidable presence enveloping their estate, spreading throughout the surrounding mountains.

Tension gripped every member of the Zoldyck family present, sending shivers down their spines.

Even Gotoh and the Zoldyck family servants paled at the overwhelming aura.

Raymond's brow furrowed at the disturbance, and he raised his voice, commanding, "Halt!"

At his command, the rustling sounds ceased abruptly, and the mysterious presence faded away, leaving the mountain shrouded in silence once more.

"I apologize. I didn't intend to bring additional company today. It appears my subordinates were overly concerned for my well-being..."

Raymond shook his head, casting a brief glance towards Sakujiro, who bowed apologetically.


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