
Throne of passion

"If anyone dares to even gaze upon him with ill intentions, they'll find themselves in the shadow of their worst nightmares."

Saniya_5063 · Teen
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5 Chs

A Surprising Encounter

As the evening approached, Alessia dressed meticulously for the dinner, choosing an elegant black dress that hugged her figure perfectly. The dress had intricate lace detailing on the sleeves and neckline, giving her a sophisticated yet alluring look. She wore minimal makeup, just enough to highlight her natural beauty, with a touch of red lipstick that made her look striking. Her dark hair cascaded in loose waves down her back, and a simple silver necklace adorned her neck.

"Alessia, are you ready?" her mother called from downstairs.

"Coming, Mom," Alessia replied, giving herself one last look in the mirror. She descended the grand staircase of the Galvetro mansion, every step echoing in the vast, elegant space. The mansion, a symbol of their power and legacy, was adorned with priceless art and ornate decor, a testament to their influence.

At the bottom of the stairs, her mother waited, looking every bit the matriarch of the powerful Galvetro family. "You look beautiful, dear. Ready to meet the Rossis?"

Alessia forced a smile. "As ready as I'll ever be

Arriving at the luxurious hotel, Alessia walked into the grand dining room with her parents. The room was adorned with crystal chandeliers and elegant decor, exuding opulence. When Alessia entered the dining room, she was momentarily taken aback. Her parents were already seated at a beautifully set table, but what caught her off guard was the familiar face sitting across from them. Marco . Her heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, both of them sharing a moment of surprise and confusion. She quickly composed herself and joined her parents, her mind racing with questions.

Her parents greeted the Rossis warmly, completely unaware of the tension between the young heirs.

Marco, dressed in a sharp, tailored suit, felt a similar shock. He had expected a routine business dinner, not a reunion with the woman he had clashed with just hours before. He masked his surprise with a polite smile, but his mind was already piecing together the implications of her presence.

"Good evening," Marco greeted, his voice steady, but his eyes betrayed his surprise.

"Alessia, Marco," her father began, his tone warm and inviting, "we've arranged this dinner to discuss something very important."

As they settled into their seats, the waiter arrived to take their orders. The table soon filled with an array of high-class Italian dishes: a platter of antipasto with prosciutto, salami, and marinated vegetables; rich, creamy risotto topped with truffles; and perfectly cooked filet mignon. They also ordered a bottle of vintage Barolo wine, its deep, robust flavor complementing the meal perfectly.

Alessia could hardly focus on the food. She kept stealing glances at Marco, trying to gauge his reaction. She knew he must be as puzzled as she was.

"Now that we're all here," her mother said with a smile, "there's something we need to share with you both."

As they were about to start their main course, Marco's father cleared his throat. "We have an important announcement to make," he said, glancing at Marco and Alessia with a knowing smile.Alessia's heart sank. She had a feeling she knew what was coming, but she wasn't prepared to hear it.Marco's father continued, "We've decided that it would be beneficial for both our families if Marco and Alessia were to marry."The words hung in the air, and time seemed to stand still. Alessia's eyes widened in shock, and she turned to Marco, who looked just as stunned."No," Alessia thought, "This can't be happening."Their parents continued discussing the arrangement, oblivious to the internal turmoil of their children. Alessia's heart pounded as she struggled to maintain her composure."What did you say?" she finally managed to stammer, her voice barely above a whisper."You heard us right," her father replied with a firm nod. "You two are getting married."Marco's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He met Alessia's gaze, seeing the same confusion and disbelief mirrored in her eyes."Married?" Marco repeated, the word feeling foreign on his tongue.As their parents raised their glasses to toast the engagement, Marco leaned closer to Alessia, his voice low and tense. "We need to talk. Alone."Alessia nodded subtly, her thoughts in chaos. The room around them seemed to close in, the once spacious and elegant dining room now feeling like a trap.Their parents, lost in their own celebratory conversation, didn't notice the silent exchange between Marco and Alessia. The tension between them crackled like electricity.Alessia forced a smile as she raised her glass, her mind already plotting the conversation she and Marco needed to have.As they clinked glasses, Marco's eyes darkened with determination. "This changes everything," he thought. "But I'm not backing down."Alessia mirrored his resolve. Whatever the future held, they would face it head-on.And then, amidst the forced smiles and awkward congratulations, Marco's phone buzzed with a new message. He glanced at the screen, his eyes narrowing at the unexpected news.He looked up at Alessia, his expression unreadable. "We have a problem," he murmured."What now?" Alessia whispered back, her nerves fraying at the edges.Marco's jaw tightened as he showed her the message.

"Tony's gone. And he's taken something important with him."

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