
Throne Of Heroes

A curse born out of malice for what the world wanted him to be. A boy reborn in the flames, dreaming to be a hero. Angra Mainyu, with total control over an omnipotent Corrupted Grail. Emiya Shirou, Master of the Throne of Heroes. Corruption unleashed, ancient legends summoned. A destined clash, where only one will prevail. A Fate/Stay Night Fanfiction

IntriguedShitcan · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


The three of them then headed home in a car borrowed from Taiga's grandfather, Raiga. They were accompanied by one of his men acting as a chaperone. It was quite an experience, and Shirou couldn't help but find it strange to think that he was now closely associated with a legitimate Yakuza family.

He glanced at Taiga, who sat in the front seat. At first glance, she appeared as a relatively harmless and somewhat tomboyish high school girl. But as he got to know her better, he realized that she was actually the doted granddaughter of a Yakuza family that more or less controlled the entire city. Not to mention, she was a national-level kendo practitioner.

One thing led to another, and now he found himself as the unofficial grandson of a Yakuza family, thanks, in no small par, to a certain tiger. Fujimura Raiga, the head of the family himself, surprisingly welcomed Shirou's presence. Perhaps it was because he knew Kiritsugu beforehand, which might have made him easily fond of Shirou.

The "uncles" and "aunties" of the family were also slowly warming up to him, always smiling and waving whenever he visited the Fujimura Household. Shirou chuckled to himself; he certainly hadn't expected this to happen.

"Hm? Something funny, Shirou?" asked Tamamo, who sat beside him.

"Nothing, just remembered something funny," he replied.

Meanwhile, Taiga was busy tuning the car radio, switching from one station to another. "Why isn't there anything good here?" she mumbled.

The radio buzzed continuously until Taiga stopped at one station.

"We present to you a deeply unsettling case of serial murder and mutilation that has left both authorities and the community on edge. Through a series of chilling events, multiple murders have occurred, with each victim found shockingly drained of blood. The investigation is currently underway, with law enforcement officials actively pursuing leads and concentrating on the intricate dissection observed on the victims' bodies. In certain instances, the level of brutality has led experts to speculate that these atrocities might be caused by animal, as some victims appear to have been torn apart by a ferocious beast.."

Everyone's attention turned to the radio. Taiga had a horrified look on her face, Shirou flinched, Tamamo remained silent, and even the Yakuza member who was driving frowned.

"Local authorities have formed a specialized task force to investigate and apprehend the perpetrator or perpetrators. Residents are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity. We will continue to bring you updates as the investigation unfolds."

"This is horrible," Taiga shrieked in shock. "What the hell happened to this city?"

Apart from the obvious Fuyuki Fire not too long ago, there had also been serial kidnappings and murders before that, as well as a mass hysteria on Mion River that even the JSDF had been sent to investigate. As the granddaughter of a Yakuza, Taiga had heard bits and pieces of information from trusted less official sources. It didn't take much for the Fujimura Family to realize that there were active cover-ups happening in Fuyuki.

What was even more surprising was that her family's influence couldn't do much. It meant that whoever was pulling the strings had enough power to surpass their own.

"Did gramps already know about this?" Taiga asked the chaperone.

The chaperone, an intimidating bald man who was also a member of the Fujimura Family, nodded. "Boss has known for a while now. He instructed us to lay low and gather more intelligence."

Yakuza they might be, but they still followed unwritten principles. They wouldn't force anything on others, deliberately harm innocent people, and they would keep their promises, which included protecting those who paid for their protection fees. Fuyuki was their turf, and they would do everything in their power to keep the common people away from grim stuff like this.

"Shirou?" Taiga called her little brother.


"Be careful, okay? Don't go somewhere far alone, especially at night," Taiga told him, visibly worried. "Don't follow strangers either. If you feel in danger, immediately run and scream for help!"

Times like this showed him how much Taiga genuinely cared for him.

"Okay, Fuji-nee," Shirou replied.

Taiga narrowed her eyes. "If I catch you doing something stupid... I will make you my sparring partner. So you better remember it, mister," she said with a playful tone.

Shirou could only manage a weak laugh at that statement.

Meanwhile, Tamamo stared out the window, occasionally glancing at Shirou. A mysterious string of murders with mutilation happening at a time like this? Totally not suspicious at all. She used her mental connection to silently report back to The Overseer, Irisviel. After a moment, a slight smile formed on her lips. Well, well, look at the time. It was finally the moment for the rest of the heroes to arrive.