
She'll Cancel Them All

Eika and Mei stared at the screen scrolling down to a bunch of songs in the playlist. Each passing moment was anticipation. It counted down.

1. 2. 3. BEGIN!

The music blasted off in the speakers and within the first dance moves. Eika and Mei Qian moved at the same time. Each step was intense. No one dared to make a mistake. Eika was stiff but, she pursued to dance through her limits.

Mei Qian, however, had the higher ground. She danced through the music like it was nothing, she knew the song by heart. Each sway and turn was smooth. Her scoreboard piles up by the numbers. All of their classmates were staring at Mei's score.

Meanwhile the dance machine of the class, Noriko was staring at Eika's movements. She didn't say a single word but, she was thinking deeply. Hikaru clenched his fist and supported Eika throughout the song. He was the only one cheering for Eika.

Mei Qian smirked internally she won't challenge anyone if she doesn't have the skill! She's the perfect woman in this world! She glanced at Eika but, her eyes grew wide at her scoreboard.

Eika's dance may not be attractive or dynamic as Mei Qian but, her movements were flawless and, each dance step has accuracy. Her score was 30 points higher than her own!

But Mei pretended to be calm and confident but, she gritted her teeth in anger. She danced her body aggressively but, she didn't match with the song's speed.

Eika didn't look at her scoreboard. She didn't look at anyone. She's looking at her hands and feet then at the screen. She never danced this wildly before. She's losing her stamina. She's about to collapse. Her head started to ache.

Her heart was beating loudly and, it clenched inside her chest. Her vision is getting blurry but, she continued to dance. She didn't know what her score was.

Hikaru got up from his seat. Something was wrong, Eika moved her arms slowly, he was about to walk up to Miss Iori but, he couldn't see her anywhere.

The song was about to end but, something smacked against the floor. It didn't take a minute before Eika disappeared from the stage and fell off the platform.

Mei Qian was dancing with victory and confidence. She didn't notice that Eika fell off the stage until the lights turned on.

Eika collapsed on the floor. She's holding her chest and her ankle groaning in pain. Their classmates stood up and approached her but, Hikaru moved past them to reach for his friend.

Mei Qian stopped dancing too. She found Eika on the floor and gasped. She covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Everyone move!" Miss Iori bellowed waving her hands around violently but, she didn't hit anyone. She ran up to Eika and checked up on her.

"What happened?" One of their classmates asked one another, "I don't know! She suddenly collapsed,"

"Heh, she has a weak stamina? She'll never make it," They whispered to one another. Hikaru got up in alarm but, Iori pulled him down to stay put. She sent him a look to not make things worse for the both of them.

Everyone's phone buzzed and, it showed that Eika has fallen into the lowest ranking among the first years. She is now Rank 650.

"Class dismissed!" Iori announced, she wanted to get the students out of the dance studio as much as possible but, no one exited out of the classroom. Mei Qian was confused. She wrapped herself with her arms. She didn't understand what was happening.

"OUT!" Their teacher yelled everyone hurried off and Hikaru carried Eika on his back. His eyes glinted when he saw something purple forming on her ankle but, Iori interrupted his thoughts.

"Sato, please bring her to the infirmary," Iori commanded and, Hikaru nodded before he sprinted away.

Mei Qian was the only student alone in the dance studio. She saw Iori's gaze and asked her to move out of the room. Mei Qian nodded briefly and, she headed out to find her best friend.

"You were awesome!" Ling exclaimed. She placed her arm around Mei Qian as they walked down the halls. Mei Qian was distracted. Did she win just like that?

Did she win just because of Eika's weak stamina?

How pitiful. Now, her competitive spirit burned brighter than before.

Those who don't deserve to be an idol. She'll cancel them all.

Thank you so much for sticking with this novel all this time! I am honored to have readers like you! Our exams just finished earlier and I just got home today. I decided to change my schedule. I'll be posting chapters on Saturday too so keep a look out!

Also, what do you guys think about the new cover? Do you prefer this over the last one? Tell me in the comments! (The song for Eika and Mei is Blackpink - Whatta Bum Bum Remix)

TawnyWritescreators' thoughts