

Despite hearing countless tales about him, she couldn't summon the courage to meet his gaze – the prince rumored to wield power over death itself, or perhaps embody it. As his cold, husky voice commanded her removal, fear gripped her, her heart racing. She couldn't fathom why her sister had drawn the attention of such a cruel prince. Determined to shield her sister from harm, even at the cost of her own life, she pleaded desperately, defying the prince's order. Her actions shocked onlookers; challenging the empire's crown prince was unheard of, yet she persisted, seemingly indifferent to her own fate. In a moment of impulsiveness, she grasped his sleeve, pleading for mercy. The prince, Kim Kyong, enraged by her audacity, turned his gaze upon her. Realizing her peril, she withdrew her hand, resigning herself to her fate. Kim Kyong's guards, perceiving her as a threat, readied their weapons. Bracing for the worst, she awaited the fatal blow, only to be met with the unexpected sound of their retreat. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found the prince kneeling before her, his gaze locking with hers. And with just two words, he sealed her fate.. This book cover isn't mine. It's from Pinterest.com. Sorry. My Webnovel account is having fault and my email as well. I need to make some corrections somewhere. Once I'm done, I'll refer you there.

WhiteBunny789 · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 29: Bastard Child!

CHAPTER 29: Bastard Child!

The lady looked scary with her dark red tainted lips and wrinkled face. Reflexively, Chin Ari took a step back now regretting ever advising her mother to leave.

She stood there for a while studying the woman who paid no attention to her. After gathering up some courage, she walked towards the woman and bowed deeply. But something unexpectedly happened to her....

Chin Yeon couldn't help but glare at the girl who came close to her. She looked so decent and morally trained and those were the things she prayed the bastard child lacked. The next moment, she gave her two hot slap across her face, on both of her cheeks.

Chin Ari lost balance and fell on the ground, for a moment she couldn't open her eyes. By the time she could, her eyes widened in shock. Tears started to fall freely, rolling down her cheeks. What had she done to offend the old hag. Since she was born, no one has ever for once or by mistake hit her across the face....oh, one did but it's a long gone memory now.

Chin Yeon looked down at the girl with hatred burning in her evil gaze. "Weakling!....I wonder why my son was so stupid to accept you this bastard!"

At first she thought of calling Chin Sun here so while she treats Chin Ari in a hurtful way she would treat Chin Sun well but everything didn't go well as planned.

"A random child from an unknown family, completely unrelated to me, can't come into my family's life and live off us. You can't get anything for free here! I don't do charity!, You'll work for it!" She waved her slender long fingers before carrying the basket of vegetables and walking away.

It took a while before Chin Ari could regain her composure. Why does everyone think she's a bastard child?Is it because of her hair color?....She's so tired of the world's cruelty towards her just because of this little difference of hers.

The next day came by quickly, it was so obvious that the day would be so tight from that day onward. As usual, Chin Ari got up from bed early and cleaned up, changed the bathing water before heading out of the room.

Almost everyone was awake, everyone except Chin Su, Chin Sun and Chin Hwa. The entire house was so noisy and busy at the same time. Chin Ari couldn't help but wonder what was going on and why the whole house looked so busy.

"Everything must look perfect.....these roses aren't red, they look so pale, take them back and bring in new ones!....No! Don't put those there, don't you know anything about color combinations at all, don't ruin today." Chin Hun was moving around and checking on what everyone was doing.

Finally she took notice of Chin Ari who stood beside the staircase looking somewhat confused. "Oh you, you are here. What are you doing standing there?! Find something to do and keep yourself occupied, hasn't your mother already told you that you are just a random person seeking shelter here?!" She sounded so harsh when she said that.

Chin Ari had heard so many harshful words like this for many years but still doesn't know how to get over it as it always keeps affecting. All of a sudden, she felt an aggressive force, pulled her hands and dropped something heavy on it.

"Take this!. You can see what they are all doing....follow the steps and do the same thing, afterwards, go and dress my baby up, the man's family would soon be here"

So it's something related to meeting a man's family and it even concerns her daughter. She should have guessed it all along.

"What are you still doing standing here?! Move."Chin Hun pushed her, urging her to start her work.

On the other hand, Chin Bada who just got to the general room saw how Chin Hun was being so aggressive and cold towards Chin Ari. Knowing her daughter too well, she won't utter a word and just allow them to do whatever they want to do to her.

Her blood boiled and she immediately moved closer to rescue her daughter. Anger was written all over her face. "Chin Hun!" She warned while coming in between the two, protecting her daughter from the witch's grasps. "Watch the way you behave towards my children okay?, I don't have to voice everything out, if you're wise, you'll back off."

Chin Hun smirked and eyed both mother and child. " Who exactly do you think you are? You are also equal to a commoner here, it's only after you ran out of money that you decided to come and stay here so you would enjoy free food. You are just a prostitute and prostitutes hold no title"


Three tight slap at once. This interesting scene attracted the rejected employees who were decorating the general room. This seems like a suitable topic to discuss amongst themselves for the week.

The most interesting thing was that their Lady Boss, who has a very arrogant and proud personality, just got hit by a woman they could hardly recognize.

Chin Hun on the other hand was dumbfounded when she got hit across the face. She fumed and wanted to hit hers back when she sighted her husband coming not too far and immediately posed as a victim.

"!....what did I do to you Chin Bada?! I was just keeping your child busy and all you have to do is to slap me. Even my child works, why can't yours?! This is not fair!" She was almost on the verge of breaking down.

When Chin Hyuk heard his wife's voice, he immediately rushed over and much to his surprise, she had more than ten fingers printed red on her face. There is no way she would be able to meet the other family in this state. What would they think of him? A man who beats his wife? Or maybe a man who can't protect his wife.