

Despite hearing countless tales about him, she couldn't summon the courage to meet his gaze – the prince rumored to wield power over death itself, or perhaps embody it. As his cold, husky voice commanded her removal, fear gripped her, her heart racing. She couldn't fathom why her sister had drawn the attention of such a cruel prince. Determined to shield her sister from harm, even at the cost of her own life, she pleaded desperately, defying the prince's order. Her actions shocked onlookers; challenging the empire's crown prince was unheard of, yet she persisted, seemingly indifferent to her own fate. In a moment of impulsiveness, she grasped his sleeve, pleading for mercy. The prince, Kim Kyong, enraged by her audacity, turned his gaze upon her. Realizing her peril, she withdrew her hand, resigning herself to her fate. Kim Kyong's guards, perceiving her as a threat, readied their weapons. Bracing for the worst, she awaited the fatal blow, only to be met with the unexpected sound of their retreat. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found the prince kneeling before her, his gaze locking with hers. And with just two words, he sealed her fate.. This book cover isn't mine. It's from Pinterest.com. Sorry. My Webnovel account is having fault and my email as well. I need to make some corrections somewhere. Once I'm done, I'll refer you there.

WhiteBunny789 · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 28: Scary Old Woman.

CHAPTER 28: Scary Old Woman.


Chin Ari looked up from the book she was reading, confirming if there was someone at the door. Chin Won went on an errand and she was told not to let anyone in so who could it be at the door.

"Who's there?"

It took a while before the person at the door finally gave an answer. "Grandmother wants to see you, she said you would come down for dinner." That didn't seem like Chin Won nor Chin Sun's voice, who could the new person be?.

"Alright." She stood up from the bed and turned the book upside down on the table so the pages wouldn't get mixed up before she finally tapped Chin Sun to wake up.

"Wake up, grandmother wants to see us."Chin Ari tapped her cheeks lightly. Chin Sun eyelid felt heavy and she still felt like sleeping, she couldn't help but complain when she heard that.

"Grandmother can see us tomorrow, why now?!, I'm still feeling sleepy." She turned and faced the opposite direction.

Chin Ari signed before leaving the room. She went back downstairs, at least she can still remember the route but as for where the grandmother is, she doesn't know.

"Chin Ari." Chin Bada called her, and she was holding a tray filled with mint leaves and beetroot. She didn't look too well.

Chin Ari moved closer to her and immediately collected the tray from her. "What did you want to use this for?" She asked.

"I told your grandmother about your condition and she recommended this." Chin Bada replied, she sat down on the rug and Chin Ari placed the tray on the table before sitting beside her.

"Oh"...."Is it a cure or a control?" She asked. She really wants a permanent cure, her body always feels different when that happens and it makes her feel like she's suffering.

"It's a control." Chin Bada replied. "Go to the kitchen and wash the beetroots and get a knife for me."

Chin Ari stood up and started walking in an unknown direction, after taking a few steps she realized she didn't know the way. "Mother, where is the kitchen?"She asked and the woman pointed at a particular passage on the left hand side of the general room.

"Oh." She went to the kitchen and washed them thoroughly. She placed them in a bowl to drain the water before she started to look for the knife and board.

"And who are you?" A harsh voice resounded in her ear. It was Chin Hwa, Chin Sun's younger sister who is just a few months younger than her.

Chin Ari turned to the direction where the voice came from and saw a girl dressed in yellow and white. She could feel that authoritative aura from her and she looked like a really sassy person.

"Chin Ari." She replied, before she could turn to face her business, the girl scoffed and entered the kitchen completely.

"So you are ....the bastard child of my uncle. Tsk Tsk, that man really endured a lot before his death, he even accepted a cheating wife and the child of another man!" Chin Hwa smiled scornfully before walking towards the fruit basket.

She took an apple there and walked closer to where Chin Ari was standing. Deliberately, stepped on Chin Ari's toe while she tiptoed to open the cupboard right above Chin Ari's head.

Chin Ari didn't complain, instead she endured all the pain while she decided not to say anything, she knew it was a deliberate action. Finally, she found the knife she had been looking for and picked it before Chin Hwa could close the cupboard back. Coincidentally, Chin Hwa was also aiming for the same knife so she snatched it from her.

"Peel it." Chin Hwa ordered and dropped it on the table. Chin Ari ignored her and took another knife before walking out of the kitchen.

"Hmph, rude rakyat. Who exactly does she think she is to disobey me!"

Chin Ari returned back to her mother and handed the beer oot and knife over." Grandmother wants to see me, let me go to her first"

Chin Bada frowned when she heard that, so the old woman knows they've arrived and the first person she wants to see is Chin Ari, hope she won't cause a new problem.

"You don't even know where her room is, let me take you there." Chin Bada stood up to accompany her, Chin Ari didn't protest, she knew nowhere and nobody so the best person she could depend on right now was her mother.

Chin Bada looked so worried as they walked to the old woman's room, her room was like a separate house on its own, intact it's in a different quarters, only a concrete walkway is connecting it with the main mansion.

Chin Ari involuntarily shivered when she saw the structure of the house, it looked scary and kind of spooky. If she can live in such a place like this then she can't imagine how bad the old lady would be.

The old lady was standing not too far from them, tending to the garbage in her garden. When she sensed the unknown presence in her quarters she turned sideways to see who it was.

Her face was so wrinkled and light, she had a very long gray hair which was left to fall freely....her eyes lacked any welcoming sensation as it only spoke of hatred and detest and her dark green plane dress matched well with the color of the vegetables in her garden

"You can return now mother, I'll be fine." Chin Ari reassured her mother when she noticed the worried look on her mother's face.

Chin Bada sighed heavily, hoping deeply it would be so before she patted her daughter's shoulder and left. Immediately Chin Bada left, she noticed the old woman who was standing not too far away behind Chin Bada.

Chin Yeon ji pretended not to see Chin Ari who was standing all alone now. Chin Ari on the other hand was still in doubt of whether that was really the so-called grandmother, if she is the same grandmother that everyone is scared of then she has to beware.