

Despite hearing countless tales about him, she couldn't summon the courage to meet his gaze – the prince rumored to wield power over death itself, or perhaps embody it. As his cold, husky voice commanded her removal, fear gripped her, her heart racing. She couldn't fathom why her sister had drawn the attention of such a cruel prince. Determined to shield her sister from harm, even at the cost of her own life, she pleaded desperately, defying the prince's order. Her actions shocked onlookers; challenging the empire's crown prince was unheard of, yet she persisted, seemingly indifferent to her own fate. In a moment of impulsiveness, she grasped his sleeve, pleading for mercy. The prince, Kim Kyong, enraged by her audacity, turned his gaze upon her. Realizing her peril, she withdrew her hand, resigning herself to her fate. Kim Kyong's guards, perceiving her as a threat, readied their weapons. Bracing for the worst, she awaited the fatal blow, only to be met with the unexpected sound of their retreat. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found the prince kneeling before her, his gaze locking with hers. And with just two words, he sealed her fate.. This book cover isn't mine. It's from Pinterest.com. Sorry. My Webnovel account is having fault and my email as well. I need to make some corrections somewhere. Once I'm done, I'll refer you there.

WhiteBunny789 · History
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36 Chs

Chapter 26: A Useless One.

CHAPTER 26: A Useless One.

After the word to word combat with Chin Hee, Chin Bada went to look for her children. The house was so big she didn't know where to start but one thing was for sure, they are on the top floor cause that is where the grandchildren's rooms are.

Immediately Chin Hee left, she went straight to her son's room out of anger. The poor young man was still sleeping....she was really angered to the brim she felt like strangling life out of him.

"You disgraceful child! Wake up...is this still morning?!"Chin Hee hit him hard on the back and the youth mumbled back to consciousness.

"Why did you hit me like that? Did father say something to you again.... go vent it out on your daughter.....

Chin Hee was so angry she felt like striking him hard across the face but she controlled herself, he is still her most special child and only son after all. "Shut up! Always speaking nonsense...who told you your father said something bad to me again. Get up and find something profitable to do, you are just so useless!"

With that she walked out of the room leaving the young man who was still feeling sleepy all alone. Chin Su scratched his head, realizing that his hair was so messy, he ran straight to the mirror and exclaimed like a man who just lost his wife. "How on earth did this happen to me!"

His hair was so messy and it was so similar to a bird nest, he couldn't endure seeing his hair so messy like that, moreover that was his signature swag, who dared to ruin it!. After adjusting his hair, he placed his right hand on his chest, he could still feel his heart thumping hard against his chest, it was as if it was struggling to come out of there. The sight was so frightful.

After taking care of his most dearest hair he took a bath,changed and went out of his room. Since he just woke up,he knew he shouldn't be expecting breakfast from home,instead he should be preparing to get dinner.

"Mother." he called out like a spoilt brat and hugged her from behind. Chin Hee hid her smile and replaced it with a fake frown instead before hitting his head slightly. "I woke you up about an hour ago and you are just coming out of your room!, You are really shaming me."

The young man didn't care about what was bothering her, instead he went straight to the point. "Mother, I'm hungry!"

Chin Hee's frown became real all of a sudden and this time around she turned and slapped his shoulder. "Eat me!"

The young man was a little startled when she raised her voice so high like that.

"I already told you, if you know you want to eat and you really want to eat, you must always wake up early."

Chin Su walked away when he heard her say that, he knew he wasn't going to be anything that was why he even allowed her to hit his precious head without causing a ruckus.

"Chin Su! Come back here!.....your sisters are already on the farm working, hurry and go there. Your father should be there as well and he must be expecting you. What kind of child are you!" She almost poured water on her body while reminding him of his duty.

Chin Su went back to his upstairs, aiming at his room. It's better to sleep and forget about his hunger than to wake up and die of hunger but his steps trailed when he saw someone familiar.

"Auntie." Chin Su could still recognize her but she seemed to have age, not much difference though.

Chin Bada who had been looking for her daughters since recognized the voice and turned sideways to look. Chin Su was staring at her like a ghost.

He didn't expect to see her on a random day like this,in fact he almost forgot that someone like her existed. '`Why are you here?" He asked curiously.

Chin Bada frowned from within but smiled physically. "Why do you ask? Can't I come back to my home again?" She asked and the man shook his head.

"You can come...I just thought of asking", with that he continued walking away without even turning to confirm the ghostly sight. On his way to his room,hear some voices coming from Chin Won't room. That was unusual!Who could be in Chin Won's room?!

Chin Won isn't the kind of person to relate with other people, she hardly speaks and she isn't even welcoming, so aggressive and annoying and now...not only was there someone in her room, they are even sounding so cheerful.

Out of curiosity, he opened the door and peeped into the room.

"She must be really proud." Chin Ari concluded after some time of personal thought.

"Right!, you are so right!....and you know her brother, I'm sure you don't know him!That guy is so lazy and sooooo irresponsible. He's the top disgrace of this family and he is arrogant too....I really don't see what the girls I the village sees in him that they are always flocking around him like senseless sheep's"

The two didn't notice that Chin Su was already sitting in the room because they were so lost in their conversation and the observant Chin Sun was already fast asleep under the two's comforting care.

Chin Su didn't make his presence known either, instead he found a place of comfort for himself and listened to the she-devil, Chin Won's definition about everyone.

"Is he that handsome?" Chin Ari asked, obviously enjoying Chin Won's gist.

Chin Won made an ugly face as a reply to her question. "He shouldn't be that bad, I'm sure you are only making a face like that because you don't like him." Chin Ari stated the obvious.

It is so natural to call the people you hate ugly. Chin Won sighed before finally saying. "Well he's not ugly and he's not that handsome too, I just don't see what the girls like in him...always trying to be in his good books."

Chin Ari laughed but before she could speak, Chin Bada came into the room. At first,the person she noticed was Chin Su whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot before she faced her main stress.

"Here you are, I've been looking for you since you left. You should have told me something at least instead of leaving me worried." the woman sounded so stressed out as she complained.

Chin Ari instantly felt bad and she immediately apologized. "I'm sorry mother, I should have told you before leaving"

Chin Won beamed when she saw Chin Bada, she immediately got off the bed and gave her a tight hug. "Auntie, you are so bad, you didn't even notice your niece here, not even a word of concern...I really missed you but you don't even care about me."She pouted cutely making Chin Bada smile return back to her face.

"I'm really sorry, where's your mother?" She asked and just like that the hug got disengaged.

Chin Won's facial expression changed as she replied. "She's gone....I don't know where she is, it's been month now."

She sat on the bed facing the other side of the room, it was then she realized Chin Sun's presence in the room. For the first time in history she sounded nice to him.

"How long have you been here, Chin Su?"She asked.

Chin Su smiled and gave an accurate reply. "About twenty minutes now."

Chin Won and Chin Ari faced each other and gulped before they both faced him and asked. "Did you hear anything?"

If he had been there for about twenty minutes now that means he must have definitely heard something.

"Of course I did!" he spat it out.

When Chin Won heard that, she knew she was already in trouble so she immediately started to twist her words slyly. "Thank goodness you heard everything, you should actually be careful of those girls always wanting to get close to you, they are only after you because of your face and they are so ugly!

You know you are a handsome man who deserves care and attention from worthy people and not from people like them, they are just 'Rakyats' aiming at the golden egg'."

When he heard all that, he calmed down and his deadly look relaxed.