
Threads of Infinity: Group Chat Across Endless Dimensions

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HastySeptemberPH · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - My Parents? Childhood Friend?

As Hikaru head downstairs as his mother is calling him, Hikaru did not know that he, an anomaly in the world of Pokemon, can be search in the World of Queen Of Nightmare as his photos have spread in the 'Group Chat'. Well, he will not be mad though but he will be shock as he did not know that he is also a story in another world.

"I've been calling you for several times but you are not answering. Are busy or something?" Hearing that question, Hikaru couldn't help but look at the woman in front of her who looks familiar yet unfamiliar. He knows that this is his Mother.

She is currently cooking at the kitchen while looking at Hikaru. She is waiting for an answer to her question as she knew that 'Hikaru' sometimes is working even early in the morning as he is currently the Champion of Kanto Region.

"Y-Yeah, I-I just finished talking to some people." As Hikaru stammered and was talking nervously in front of his Mother.

"Why are you so nervous, silly little Hikaru." His Mother, Helen, chuckled upon seeing his son's nervous face.

Helen, the name of his mother. A renowned Pokemon Researcher and Scientist in the 3 regions. Kanto, Johto and Sinnoh. A woman who's a mother of a young adult still have that heavenly appearance on her middle age look. She has crimson eyes and a snow white hair.

Helen then looked at Hikaru and said, "Your Childhood Friend, Kasumi, is here and she's waiting in the living room. You can talk with her while I'm cooking breakfast."

"K-Kasumi is here?!?!" Hikaru shouted in surprise.

"Why are you acting strange again! You're a young man now, act according to your age." Helen reprimanded him.

"Y-Yes, Mom" Hikaru weakly said and helplessly nodded his head.

"Now that's settle, meet her now." Helen nodded in satisfaction as she hummed while cooking.



At the living room, he saw a young woman with the looks sat down in their sofa while reading something from her phone. She looked at me when she heard my footsteps as I neared the living room.

"HIKARU!!!" The woman happily said while jumping to me like a little kid.

"K-Kasumi...." Hikaru weakly said.

This girl, Kasumi, in front of Hikaru is a very charming and bewitching as well. Even when they were young to even now, a lot of man is still bewitched by her appearance. She had an oval face, her skin was white and tender, and was actually not inferior to what you call fairy. She has long black hair and have a deep black colored eyes that looking as it contained the stars in. And if one meets her gaze, the snow, cold feeling inside will melt and flowers will blossom on a clear day.

'I forgot that my Childhood friend is such a beauty. Yep, yep, I'll give her 10 out of 10 though she's still far from my appearance. I do have more than 200 stat points of charm so I think I'm definitely above.'

As he was in daze as he assess his Childhood friend, "Hey, Hey! It's been a while! I've just finished some things and I can officially take the title of the Unova Region's Champion!" Kasumi said proudly.

"You! You are the Champion of Unova now?!" Hikaru was really shock this time. As he did not know in the memories before he reincarnated as the memories as Hikaru.

"Yes! I've defeated the Wandering Champion of Unova. Awesome, right?"

"Y-Yeah, You defeated Alder, Congrats! I've heard that he wants to retire for quite some time and you gave answer to his wishes."

"Are you complimenting me or are you saying that Alder gave it to me for free?!?!" Kasumi said to me with a punching post. Though before she punched me, My Mother then saw us and smilingly shook her head.

"Now, Now, stop that. You are not kids anymore."

"Well, I'll forever be a kid in front of you, Aunt!"

"Come, come, Let's eat"

"Okay" "Yes!"

'I can definitely fit in this world!' Hikaru looked at both his Mother and Childhood friend Kasumi with such gentle eyes and a warm smile appeared on his face.



As they finished dinner, Hikaru then go with Kasumi as she wanted to talk to him about something.

"Hey Hikaru! Can we go to Celadon City tomorrow? I want to experience the journey of us again! It's been years since we travelled across the region." Kasumi said to Hikaru with a hint of nostalgic in her eyes.

"Well, we did travel to other regions and saved the world so we did not have enough time to really do some fun stuff when we are young." Hikaru also reminisced the past even though he did not have his full memories back then.

"I-Is that alright with you?"

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"Yay! Then let's go out before lunch."


She, then hugged me like a little kid and I thought, 'did I spoil this girl back then?' As I looked at my memories, 'Yes, I really did spoil her back then.' and I slapped my forehead lightly.

As she reluctantly let go of me, the two of us then made a plan again about our outing. And after a while, both of our phones started to ring and the two of us can't help but to look at each other. Before we answer our calls, we separated to each other for a while.



As Hikaru answered his phone, He then saw the caller. To his surprise, it is Lorelei, the Ice-type Elite 4 of his Kanto Pokemon League. He answered the call as he was curious what she will tell to him.

"Hikaru! I have received the documents given by the other members of Elite Four. I've also seen what's inside and all is good."

"Thanks for the Hard work. Is there anything else you have to say? I still have a few business to do."

"Wait! I have something to say! It's quite important."

"What is it?"

"Can you come here in Celadon tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Why?"

Hikaru shook his head, "Ummmm, Can it be move next three days or something?" Hikaru promised that both He and Kasumi are going shopping tomorrow. He knew that if Kasumi knew about this, She'll definitely punch him in the face.

"It won't be that long, I just need a few hours for this, please!!" Lorelei begged like a child.

'Wow, she's older than me by 6 years, right? Why is she still acting cute?' (Hikaru is 19 years old, making Lorelei 25 years old)

"What's up, by the way? You did not even pleaded back then when I declined to watch the League Conference back then."

"I, someone wants to meet you and he will be here in Celadon tomorrow. Due to that, we, the Elite Four, have something to say to you privately."

"Well, I'm not interested." Hikaru said and was about to end the phone call as he does not want to meet others right now....

"WAIT! He seems to know you." Lorelei shouted in a hurry.

"Woah! What's with the shout. Well, can you tell me his name or something?"

"Sorry for shouting there. His name is Alder, the Champion, I mean, the Former Champion of Unova Region."

"What's Alder doing here in Kanto?"

"Well, he's not called Wandering Champion for nothing."

"Fine, I'll meet you guys there tomorrow."

"Okay! Thanks for the time!" She then end the phone call happily.


Hikaru then put his phone in his pocket as he made a note that he needs to go meet the Elite Four and Alder tomorrow at Celadon City. This made his head ache a bit as he also made a promise to Kasumi to do shopping tomorrow. Shaking his head, he'll just tell Kasumi to move their schedule next Three days or next week.

He then saw Kasumi walking to him disheartened. Hikaru then asked why Kasumi looks like she lost her soul. "Why are you looking like that?"

"Hikaru... I'm sorry that I can't go with you tomorrow. The Elite Four of Unova called me because of the Champion thingy again." Kasumi said as she pout and have a sad puppy face.

"Ohh, it's okay. I also wants to say that my Elite Four also called me earlier that they needed a meeting. I wanna ask you to move our Shopping next time you return here in Kanto."

"Thank goodness you also have a meeting. I don' t want to disappoint you or something."

"HAHAHA! You will not disappoint me. No worries."

"Then... Can you send me to Vermilion City tomorrow and I'll ride the plane there to go to Unova?"

"Agreed. I'll also need to go to Vermilion City for a detour."

"Then we're settled!"

As the two settled their issue about the plan for shopping that becomes a meeting, they then talk about random things and reminisced a few things in the past and after a while, the night came again and they bid farewell for now and will meet tomorrow early in morning.



Laying in bed, Hikaru remembered about the Ki techniques and Introduction and History about Ki given by Master Roshi. He did not know if it'll work or not but he will give it a try because as someone who lives in the World of Pokemon, he knows that some people in this world have superpowers and can control nature. Hikaru then thought to look at it tomorrow. As he was about to sleep, His blanket suddenly move and His Pokemon, Eevee cuddle up to him and sleep. Smiling, he then shook his head to looked at the Second System too as he also knows that this system gave him a few things the same as the Dimensional Group Chat System.

