
thoughts and things throughout my day and life

This really isn't anything cool or entertaining well it might entertain you, but anyway this is just gonna be me writing down thoughts that appear to me throughout my days in school or at home P.S pic is just random pic from google images of brook from one pice

Yasser_Samir_8538 · Urban
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15 Chs

Why getting a gf is so hard

Now let me tell you filthy basement dwellers (jk I love you) my opinion/ thought process.

So why is it so hard? (that's what she said) Well I won't talk about anyone besides me. Well anyway my problem is I have no female friends. Like at all, and I'm not kidding I am a pretty social awkward kid so I have like 10 friends max.

So that right there is probably my biggest problem. Another problem is I am a lazy bum, which means I don't really try to befriend others that much. Now don't get me wrong I am perfectly capable of communication just, the making friends part is just eh.

Another reason is most likely myself. I have never had a real full on crush. I mean I had a small thing where I liked the girl in a kind of romantic way in 6th grade. Now that might be another story for another day but long story short she was into girls. Yeah.

Anyway getting back on track I just don't really like any girls in my school. (don't get me wrong I am straight I just don't like anyone) Well it would be pretty difficult to find a reason to care when I have no interest in any thing besides anime and web novels.

There is probably a whole ton of other reasons but those are the main ones. Anyway recap I don't care enough to get a girlfriend not that I can't find one totally right guys, puss slayer and all that.

But no in all honesty 0 fucks are given to anyone as I honestly can't even remember anyone's names from school that I don't fuck with heavily.

<3 Yasser big sexy author

Well get a load of that guy. What a fucking loser. Probably a virgin.

Well anyway how are you fuck faces doing. That does it for this chapter

Stay Sexy


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