
This True Vampire Ancestor is clearly strong but overly cautiou

Edward, who traveled to a different world, became a top vampire hunter. With his strength and charisma, he gains a group of excellent companions and becomes the leader of the hunter's guild. He even kept vampires in captivity, extracting their residual value and sucking their blood. However, there was one thing he didn't notice.......... He was a vampire himself. Or the strongest True Vampire Ancestor in this world.

Gandhi51 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 36 - Vines

  "Rinka! Wait a minute! .... Huh?"

  Edward chases him all the way out, only to find the elf girl passed out on the side of the road.

  He immediately went up to check the situation and found the girl pale and in a cold sweat.

  "It's like... symptoms of hypoglycemia."

  "Low blood sugar... What does it mean? Is it a lack of blood?" Ray-Ray asked.

  "No, it's not enough sugar in the blood, mostly because of starvation and so on."

  "Is there still sugar in the blood? And it's not sweet?" Ray-Ray asked another revealing question.

  "Neither, please bring some snacks and water, the snacks should be sweet."

  Your Excellency the True Vampire Ancestor was so focused on the elf girl's well-being that he didn't notice the vampire teenager blow himself up.

  Kate soon came over with a plate of buttered muffins, which Edward tore into small pieces and fed to Lenka.

  After feeding a few muffins, Lenka wooed but .... didn't wake up.

  The former doctor then stopped feeding and observed the situation.

  Only the elfin girl's eyes opened slightly a slit, glanced at the butter muffin, made a swallowing motion in her throat, and then closed her eyes tight again pretending to be unconscious.

  Ray-Ray saw the detail and said helplessly, "All right, this whole plate of muffins is yours."

  Lenka sat up a little sheepishly, fixing her hair a little before quickly eating several muffins.

  She choked a little from eating so fast, while Kate was on hand to bring water in time.

  "Well, I haven't eaten in ten days."

  Edward mentally rolled his eyes, if this were a human, he would have starved to death long ago.

  Kate whispered, "Then why aren't you eating?"

  "Came to Constantine territory when the money on the body is spent, had wanted to pick some wild fruits nearby to eat, but found that the trees in this neighborhood are either poisonous fruits or guarded by powerful magical beasts. Running to the human's orchard was also scolded away ...."

  Lenka finished her water and began to take small bites of the muffin again.

  Ray-Ray watched the one-dimensional girl eat her muffin and suddenly had a flash of insight in his mind.

  He said, "Oh yeah, I just remembered something, your sister seemed to say something when she was on the ground after she was attacked."

  "What's the word?"

  "I think what she said was 'I'd love to have another bite of butter muffin before I die.'"

  "Eh? In other words, this is what my sister's last wish is?"

  "It should be."

  Lenka silently lowered her head, slowly savoring the taste of butter and granulated sugar left in her mouth.

  "It's not hard to understand my sister's dying thoughts if it's such delicious food."

  She seemed to accept this easily.

  Edward couldn't help but want to raise his hand to his forehead, how did a child so gullible travel halfway across the continent from the country of the elves to Constantine?

  If this had met the traffickers, they would probably have been sold to the ravine.

  The stupid kid finished another butter muffin, then pulled a greaseproof paper bag out of his pocket and nonchalantly wrapped the rest of the muffin in it.

  She then stood up and bowed once more to Edward and the others, saying, "Thank you for your help, and if you ever get a chance to visit Sinatra's Sai in the future, please be sure to look me up, and I will repay you."

  Sinlathesai is the name of the country of the Elves.

  After saying that, Lenka turned around to leave, only to take a step and stagger to the point of falling.

  "Hey, your blood sugar is still low, so take a break."

  Edward stepped forward and held the elf girl.

  Ray-Ray glanced back at the townhouse, figuring that his sister had suppressed the restless owner, and said, "Kate, why don't you help her to the guest room to rest for a while."

  "Okay." The capable maid agreed and helped the wobbly long-eared girl into the townhouse.

  When the girl disappeared into the townhouse, Edward said quietly to Lei Lei, "The elves .... Doesn't seem to have much intelligence."

  Lei Lei shook his head, "On the contrary, most of the elves have high intelligence and are well suited to learning magic. It's just that they are a rather closed race, so they are all very simple and don't seem to have much heart."

  After saying those words, Lei Lei realized that what he said was a bit over the top, didn't Your Excellency Kayne know this knowledge?

  Unexpectedly, Your Excellency True Vampire Ancestor nodded thoughtfully and said, "I see, but Young Master Leonardo looks so young, but he knows a lot about the customs of various countries."

  Ray-Ray said, "Shouldn't be showing off in front of Your Excellency Kayne."

  "No no, I genuinely think you're awesome."

  Edward said as he patted Ray-Ray on the shoulder.

  This pleased the young blood's heart; it turned out Your Excellency Kayne was quizzing himself.

  "By the way, how did you know the assassins were targeting me?"

  "Uh, they're obviously ambushing Your Excellency."

  "So it is."

  Edward thought for a moment, associating the group with the assassin in the back with the hip injury, and he didn't give the matter much thought.

  Anyway, the assassin's side seemed to have died down, and his own room was already set up with all sorts of defense mechanisms, ready for any unseemly little varmint to come and deliver the goods.

  "Alright, in that case, that girl is in your hands to take care of her first. I should also take my leave."

  "Gladly at your service."

  Edward had a sense of relief at having shaken off an encumbrance.

  After leaving Leonardo's house, he went to the Ancient Literature bookstore, as he had originally planned.

  It was comforting to be able to swim in a sea of knowledge, but he was now beginning to have a new obsession as well.

  There were fewer and fewer books on elemental magic in the "Ancient Literature" bookstore for him to study.

  "Ugh, isn't this the end of the road to being a professional elemental mage?" Your Excellency, the True Vampire Ancestor, picked up a copy of Introduction to Illusion Magic before letting out a Versian sigh.

  Of course, this also had something to do with the fact that the magical atmosphere in the Eastern Continent was so poor that one couldn't buy high level magic books in bookstores.

  "Once the matter of the assembly house is settled, it will be necessary to mention the matter of studying in the Western Continent to the Chief Steward again."

  Just as he had read no more than a few pages of "Introduction to Illusion Magic" in his hands, the street suddenly became noisy.

  As soon as he raised his eyes, an incomparably thick, gigantic vine three or four times thicker than a person's waist pierced through the door of the bookstore and burrowed into the store.

  "What the hell?!"

  Edward immediately pulled back and drew his silver sword, ready to fight this sudden invasion of vines into the store.

  However, the vines only coiled around the doorway for a moment before they stopped moving.

  After making sure there was no danger, he joined the shopkeeper in painstakingly cutting down the massive vine that was blocking the doorway, and then exited the bookstore to check the situation outside.

  Only to see that the huge vine grew from the ground and then stretched across the street, cutting it off.

  On the other side of the wall of vines, a group of people were yelling, "Seize that heretic! Bind that witch to the stake!"

  Well, that sounds like the Heretic's Inquisition.

  And on this side of the wall, a girl was cursing across the wall, "You're the heretics! Barbarians who dishonor the Goddess of Nature!"

  Edward looked at the girl and couldn't help but reach for his forehead.

  This was the Lenka he had just gotten rid of not long ago.