
This Time I will Play the Villainess

"You will die for your crimes. That's the only way you'll get out of this." The King looks down on the dirty woman his gaze ice cold. Next to him another woman smirks arrogantly looking down on her. "If this is how I die, then I promise you in my next life, I refuse to ever love you." The dirty woman made this promise, Not only to the King but to herself. That's right, if it was possible then next time she would live as a villainess! The King laughs darkly, "Then I should make sure that you never come back!" He roars as he gives the signal and just like that the woman is executed before the entire Kingdom.

MB_Queen · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Slave Trade Demolished

"Even though you bare that cute appearance, you're vicious." Seno says dryly as they left the scene.

Vienna had no clue that the mysterious stranger from earlier was still nearby and that as she was leaving he had whispered something.

"Let's meet soon, youngest daughter of the Kalvicas." And then he disappeared once more.

Vienna on the other hand turns around before stepping up into the carriage. Seno who was already sitting inside and had his hand extended looked at her curiously, "is something the matter?" He asked.

She turns around and took his hand, "no, it's nothing." She says as he helps her in and the the carriage leaves the scene. For some reason she felt as though someone had just said something to her just then.

She shakes her head, it might have been just her imagination.

The Imperial Palace of Amerra; three days later

"Are you positive that it was an accident?" Emperor Mou Shu asked the spy that knelt before him, the Emperor's frustration was adamant in his expression.

News of the secret Slave Trade mysteriously catching fire has finally reached the palace. And Emperor Shu was not happy to hear about it.

"Yes, His Imperial Highness. It seems that there were no survivors and according to body count, the slaves were among the dead bodies." The spy confirmed.

"Dammit!" He yells slamming his fist onto his throne arm. For this to happen so suddenly, it's the worst time right now. The plan to kidnap the oldest Kalvica sister obviously didn't go well and General Mikal was getting executed.

He clenches his fist, it will have to be done. Besides it's his own fault for getting caught at the scene.

"Send in the Crown Prince!" He yells pointing at one of the servants nearby.

They immediately rushed out and a few minutes later Crown Prince Fallon entered the throne room. He falls to his knees in respect, "May the Emperor of the Empire live a long life." He greets.

"May the Sun of the Empire prosper greatly." The Emperor returns the greeting before motioning for his son to stand.

"Father you look pale, has something caused you headache?" Crown Prince Fallon asked.

"How are things with the youngest daughter?" Emperor Shu asked.

Crown Prince Fallon flinched, "not well, Father. She's more stubborn than the rumors stated." He answers.

Emperor Shu's expression turned to a death glare, "figure it out! We cannot continue to let the Kalvicas gain reputation! I am the Emperor, only I should be at the top!" He screams his eyes was wild and lacked sanity.

"Yes Father. I'll figure something out." Crown Prince Fallon says.

"You may leave." Emperor Shu waved him away before rubbing at his temples.

Meanwhile back at the Kalvicas Main House; Seno's Study

"You want me to enter the Forbidden Sect? But that's not easy!" Seno rages as he stands from his chair and glares at Vienna.

She must be insane!

Vienna quietly sips her tea, his anger did not faze her one bit. Seno turns to Baiyu, "talk some sense in her!" He yells.

"There's no point in talking sense into me. I've already decided that you should do this. If not you then things will not go our way." She tells him placing her cup onto the small saucer before her.

Seno shakes his head as he sits back down, "what makes you so sure that only I can do it?" He asked.

Vienna smiles, "because you managed to do so in my past life." She declared.

Seno gapes at her, "seriously? But why on Earth would I even do that?" He asked.

Vienna would also like to know, but since he died before she could find out the reason she could not ask him. Back then he had his reasons for going, but before he could officially join he was murdered.

Seno noticed her silence wasn't a good thing as he draws out a long sigh, " I must be nuts to go along with this drastic plan." He grumbles.

"I don't see it as drastic. The Forbidden Sect is known to protect the people in their Sect. Having them on our side is a huge advantage for us." Baiyu says.

"Oh great. You too?" Seno asked.

Baiyu shrugs.

A knock on the door silenced them as their mother walked in with snacks a smile on her face, "it's so great seeing my children getting along well." She gushes as she sits the snack on the table.

They all glanced at each other before Vienna answered, "it's better that we do. since we're all we got." She says. Their mother looked surprised for a split second before beaming at them, the smile made her facial features look a lot younger and more beautiful.

"I'm happy to hear that. I hope you guys come join us for dinner later." She says before leaving them alone once more.

"Somehow I feel a bit guilty leaving them out of all this." Seno says as he grabs a cake from the pile of snacks lying before him.

"It's best this way. But we should definitely warn them of any possible dangers without being too obvious. Our parents deaths need to be prevented no matter what." Vienna says,

The other two nodded in agreement.