
This Time I will Play the Villainess

"You will die for your crimes. That's the only way you'll get out of this." The King looks down on the dirty woman his gaze ice cold. Next to him another woman smirks arrogantly looking down on her. "If this is how I die, then I promise you in my next life, I refuse to ever love you." The dirty woman made this promise, Not only to the King but to herself. That's right, if it was possible then next time she would live as a villainess! The King laughs darkly, "Then I should make sure that you never come back!" He roars as he gives the signal and just like that the woman is executed before the entire Kingdom.

MB_Queen · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Kidnapping Scheme Part 3: It’s the Bestfriend!

"You're not going anywhere." The voice says as Mikal came into view.

The three of them noticed that he was not alone, someone stood beside him. Vienna could barely make out the person's face, but she already knew that this was the leader, the one behind the Slave Trade dealings.

The person stepped into the light revealing their face, completely shocking all three of them.

"Hey Vienna?" Baiyu asked with a whisper while pointing at the person in front of them.

Vienna nods, she knew what Baiyu was thinking because she was thinking the same. Neither of them would have guessed it'd be this person.

"Wow, to think that this was the work of Ino." Seno says with a shake of his head.

"You guys look surprised to see me. Is it that hard to believe?" Ino Vestia asked as she covers her mouth to hide her obvious smirk. She was Baiyu's bestfriend and someone they all enjoyed hanging out with.

Character Introduction

Ino Vestia : Baiyu's Bestfriend

Age 19

Characteristics: She's plain and a little chubby. Has brown hair and brown eyes.

"I did not see that coming." Seno mutters.

Neither did she. Back in her past life Vienna learned that Ino was murdered and then her body was displayed for all to see. Perhaps it was someone who hated her guts or something? Or maybe she was also used by someone like some kind of karma?

Baiyu clenched her fist her expression looked as though she wanted to kill Ino right this second. "Why on Earth would you get into slave trade?" Baiyu asked.

Ino narrowed her eyes, "I don't know why I have to tell you that. Instead you should be worried about how you'll die right now." She says her tone threatening.

"Sorry but that won't be happening." An unfamiliar voice says.

Vienna watched in shock as a sword was suddenly pointed at Ino's throat and Mikal was being held by the neck.

"Woah! What's happening right now?" Ino asked her voice trembling with fear.

"I just so happened to notice this scene and got involved." The voice spoke.

"Wow, he really just lied that easily. There's no way he just so happened to stumble inside an underground slave trade." Seno whispers in her ear.

Vienna rolls her eyes.

Of course not. But that was besides the point. The real question was who was this man that was being hidden in the dark shadows?

"Wait, don't kill me!" Ino screams.

Before their very eyes they watched as the man slits Ino's throat and her body slumps to the ground. There was not a hint of hesitation. Looks like her death came much sooner this time.

"I decide when to kill someone." The voice says.

Vienna squinted to try to get a good look at the man's face, she noticed that he was about to leave, "wait!" She stretched her arm out to stop him.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Someone you'll meet soon enough, make sure you take care of that guy yourselves." He says before him and his aid disappeared from the shadows.

Vienna really hopes she get to meet him again soon like he said. She'll have to remember the deep undertone of his.

She glances down.

Mikal was cowering in a fetal position on the floor, must have happened once the aid let him go. "So what do you think we should do with him?" Vienna asked as she stared down at him with a cold expression.

Seno rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "well, first let's release those guys." He says pointing behind them.

"You're right." Baiyu agrees as she gathers the keys from the guard that must have fainted a while ago. She'd totally forgotten about that guy. The curious gazes of the people behind the bars turned to happiness as Baiyu opened the cells to let them out.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" They each cried and made their way out of the building.

"We should go too, I think it's best to keep Uncle Mikal alive for now. A shame that we couldn't give Ino a public execution, but it's fine if we give him one, no?" Seno asked with his arms crossed.

He definitely had a point there.

"No, don't kill me. It wasn't my idea! You have to believe me!" He cries reaching to grab the hem of Vienna's dress. She reacts instantly and lands a solid kick to his face pushing it down to the floor. It was like she was stepping on a bug.

Her gaze looked as though it could freeze fire.

"Believe you? Why on Earth would I do that? A bastard like you should stay squashed like a roach under my heels." She says cruelly as she digs into his head more.

"Remind me to never mess with Sister Vienna whenever she's pissed." Baiyu whispers to Seno.

He nods in agreement.

Seno reaches down and pulls a bleeding Mikal to his feet. Vienna really did a number to his face. "Let's get out of here. Any longer in this place I'll lose my mind." Seno says as the three of them also made their way out of the building.

Once they stepped out Baiyu stops and pulls out a candle then tossed it on the ground. That's when Vienna noticed a wet trail leading to Mikal's house.


Right before their eyes it caught fire.

When the hell did she have time to do that?

"I was wondering what to do with Ino's body. This is the method that made the most sense. Besides I wanted to blow the place up once we rescued the civilians." Baiyu explains.

"Right, but now that you did that. How will we bust a slave trade?" Seno asked.

Baiyu's eyes widened in surprise. She looked as though her eyes would pop out from her head. "Oh, that's right." She says.

Vienna sighs. She'll just have to let this one go.