
This Text Adventure Game is definitely poisonous

It all started when the protagonist downloaded a game called "The Fool (Beta Version)," marking a pivotal shift in the style of his life. This was no ordinary game; it lacked visuals and music, composed solely of lines of text and a multitude of choices. Yet, each decision within the game had the power to alter the player's destiny, for on the other side of the game lay a real, unknown world. Players were unable to physically enter this otherworld or see its landscapes, experiencing the alternate realm solely through text, vicariously living each step of their character's journey. As the game progressed, not only could rewards from the game materialize in the real world, but creatures from the game began to appear in reality as well. Then came the day the game was released for global public testing. An era quietly unfolded, where the masses embarked on explorations and treasure hunts in an alternate universe through 'textual adventure,' heralding a new chapter of engagement and discovery.

Pentacolored Seven Characters · Sci-fi
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509 Chs

Chapter 87: Domestic Player Power Rankings_1

Translator: 549690339

"Ten Commandments, Paranormal Bureau, Dragon Group..."

Mu You was muttering these names with a furrowed brow.

After considering it, he clicked on the search box above and tried searching for 'Ten Commandments'.

However, things did not go as expected. He assumed that this organization would be a hot topic, but the final search results were sparse, not even reaching one hundred. Moreover, these mostly just mentioned the name with no one discussing the details, as if it were some taboo that would lead to disaster if mentioned.

In the search results, the post ranked at the top and had the most responses was a guide post. It was a paid post where one needed to pay first to open and read it.

'In light of the recent surge in the number of new players, I've decided to follow the trend and post a guide to enlighten newbies about the rankings of domestic player forces.'