
This is our Story

The reunion of two best friends that had to split up because of unfortunate reasons. The two friends have always had a crush on each other without telling the other one, and now that they reunite there may be a chance that their 'friendship' might go in a different direction.

Lisa_Poerstamper · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter THREE

Selene's P.O.V.

Omw, I've been texting her all morning and she didn't reply to even one of my messages. Like really I was just trying to help her out.

Okayy maybe it was a bit out of place but she's my best friend for fuck sakes! I'm supposed to try and get her to be happy.

Well I'm going over there now and then she just has to hear me out.

It's a bit awkward standing in front of her house, knowing she's pretty mad at me. We never ever had a fight this huge before and I'm afraid that she might just end the friendship.

Luckily she answered the door when I knocked.

"What do you want Selene?"

"Oh wow okayy you're really mad, didn't think it would be that bad."


"Okayy okayy I'm sorry, I came to apologize. It wasn't my place to do what I did and I'm sorry but I'm you're best friend and I just want to see you happy. Please don't hate me."

"Next time ask for permission before you just go blurt out someone's secrets, and I don't hate you, I'm just really pissed right now."

"Okayy I will I promise. Just tell me we're still gonna be best friends? "

"Well I guess so."

Great, she forgave me but I still feel a little bad tho. Anyway Liam already told Mike about it all. So I'll just tell her now, before she finds out later and hate me for that to. Although I don't know how to tell her.

"Soo uhmm Lexi."


"There's something I need to tell you." Omg I don't know how much more she can take before she ends this. I'm fucked.

"Tell me what?"

"Liam already told Mike about everything he send me a text this morning saying mission complete."

Oh gosh, Oh gosh, Oh my fucking soul just say something please so that I can stop stressing.

Finally she spoke,"Yeah whatever I'm over it anyway so wtf ever I guess."

Wow, did she really just act all dead and zombie like? What on earth did I do? Omg, this is worse than I taught.

"Uhmm okayy. I'm really sorry tho, I'm gonna give you some time to cool off. Text me when you ready, kay?"

Without another word I left before I could make things worse than it already is. I had to go see my brother to tell him not to talk to her about it untill she's ready.

But as I'm on my way home I see his car driving in the direction of her house. Fuck I'm too late, well now I just have to deal with the consequences I guess.

Mike's P.O.V.

"Wait? What did you just say?"

"Oh my fucking soul, Mike are you deaf or something? I said Selene asked me to tell you that Lexi likes you, like really likes you."

"And you're sure it's not just Selene messing around? " I asked knowing my sister likes to cause chaos where ever she goes.

"Well Lexi seemed pretty pissed when Selene told me and she told Selene that she had no right blurting out all her secrets to the world. So yeah I'm pretty sure this isn't some lame prank." He said sounding a bit too confident.

"I gotta go talk to her. See ya later, bye."

I really needed to go see her to make sure she's okayy and well, to tell her the obvious truth. The truth that I have been in love with her since the moment we met, well not exactly, but since the moment I was old enough to understand the word in love.