
This is a TBATE Fanfic

This is a TBATE Fanfic. Guy dies. Reincarnates in TBATE before he ever got to read it. Only knows main character’s name. Has the abilities of a healer, but also has fire affinity. Loner. Raised by bandits.

Shednaps · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


His frown dropped, and gained a complicated express that grew as he noticed all the bodies on the ground.

Most with a single stab into the chest, and his eyes eventually land on my sword hanging down in my left hand.

I could hear whispering from the group until the same glasses wearing man stepped forward once again.

I didn't back away this time, rather I narrowed my eyes and adjusted my grip on the sword which made him stop again and raise his hands.

"I'm the guild master of Xyrus City. We got reports that troublesome bandit group was taking shelter in this area.

Do you know what happened to them?" He gestured with his hand to the bodies.

I cocked an eyebrow at his question as to anyone it was very obvious what had happened here.

However I decided to humor him with an answer.

"I did." I said as I raised the sword in my left hand up pointing the tip towards the sky.

I held it there a few moments before sheathing it at my side and continued staring at the man.

His face showed concern but most of all shock, as well as the others in the group behind him who began doubting my claim.

I didn't pay them any mind though, it doesn't matter to me whether they believe I killed them or not.

I didn't do it for them after all.

The supposed guild leader of Xyrus stepped closer again with his hands still raised.

The name Xyrus had rung a bell in my head, and remembered it to be the city that Arthur and his parents were heading to.

Do I want to go there though?

They must have chose it for a reason after all.

The bandits had talked about an academy there and that it was a big city.

It could be a good place to live, but I suppose that's something to worry about for another time.

"Malcius, we would like for you to come back with us to the guild and tell us the story of what happened.

You will be rewarded for the dispatching of the bandits of course." The man with glasses said as he nudged a dead body with his foot.

However another person in the group didn't seem to like this arrangement.

"You can't be serious guild master!

There's no way this kid killed all these bandits!

He was probably just some slave kid that got free after whoever killed them left."

He tried to reason with the man, but all I could see was irritation in his eyes as the man continued to speak.

Once again I ignored the false claims and just stood staring back at the guild leader.

Waiting to see what kind of decision he made, and whether he could be trusted or not.

"The boy will receive the reward.

Whether you believe he killed them all or not doesn't bother me Randyll."

The guild leader spoke to the man before turning back to me.

"Malcius, grab your things.

You'll be coming with us back to Xyrus."

I remained unmoving as I stared at the man, still gauging his character.

So far he had argued on behalf of me receiving the money, but it was tough to trust strangers after living with bandits for 4 years.

"What's the matter?" He asked me as I continued to stare at him.

"Your name." I responded

"What's your name?" I clarified after he gave me a confused look.

Realization dawned on him and he laughed shortly before answering.

"Sorry Malcius.

My name is Kaspian Bladeheart, guild leader of Xyrus Adventurers Guild."

He said with a confident smile on his face, but I just nodded and turned to grab my stuff.

I had heard of him from the other bandits and apparently he was quite strong despite his younger age compared to most guild leaders.

My tent was turned into a makeshift back pack that carried my bed roll, clothes, books, a spare sword and a few knives I kept.

He eyes my pack with suspicion, most likely realizing that a captive wouldn't have had so many personal items.

I ignored his gaze and fell in behind the people leading the way back to Cam City.

Nobody tried to start a conversation with me and I was glad for it, I was not in the mood for conversation.

Once in Cam City we stepped through a portal, I had heard about these from the bandits but had honestly thought they were playing a prank on me.

Most of the group split off once we reached Xyrus, while I followed Kaspian to the guild headquarters along with a few others.

Once inside Kaspian walked to a receptionist desk.

"Have someone set up a room for young Malcius here and have someone take his things to his room."

Kaspian said to the receptionist who called to a woman at the back and then motioned to a man sitting at a table.

The man approached and extended his hand out to my pack, but I shook my head.

He looked to the receptionist who shrugged so he turned to Kaspian who just held up a hand.

"Seems he wants to keep his things close, you can go back to your drink Ivan."

The man just nodded and headed back to his seat where a mug of what was probably beer sat on the table.

Once inside an office, Kaspian gestured for me to take a seat as he sat in a chair on the other side of a desk.

"So Malcius, tell me why did a member of a bandit group kill his whole crew?"

My eyes narrowed at him, but he seemed unfazed.

"They deserved it." Was my only response and Kaspian nodded.

"How did you come to be apart of their crew, they are one of the more… nefarious bandit groups there were."

"I was useful." I shrugged and he seemed annoyed with my short and nearly useless answers.

"How long have you been with the bandit group?"

"4 years." This caused his eyes to widen and he looked me up and down.

"You're no older than 10, you mean to tell me you've been in there group since you were 5 or 6?" I tilted my head at his concern at such a pointless thing.

"Since I was 5. And yes, I have been." I responded and this didn't seem to calm him any.

"Did you… kill?" Kaspian muttered almost as if he regretted having to say it.

For me though I barked a shirt laugh before responding.

"I killed 40 bandits. But I guess you're not asking about that.

I killed 20 adventurers and probably close to 100 civilians."

His eyes widened further before narrowing his gaze at me with slight disgust and scoffed at him.

"Should have known." I muttered and his face eased as he recomposed himself.

"Should have known what?" He asked and I just gazed out the window, seeing the moon rising in the night sky.

"Kaspian tell me this.

What do you think makes someone useful in a bandit group?"

He looked at me as he brought up a hand to rest on his chin as he thought.

"I suppose someone able to pull their weight." He responded evenly and I nodded.

"Yes, do you want to hear about the people I killed?

At least a couple of them?" He looked hesitant at first but motioned for me to continue.

"Imagine you're 6 years old and you hear the sounds of a woman being… taken by force by several men.

At first you ignore it as you're weak and can't defend yourself, but eventually the pleas get more desperate and you can't take it anymore." His eyes never left my form as I told the story and his face remained serious so I continued.

"So you wait until night and you sneak into that same tent, finding the woman beaten and bruised with her clothes torn to shreds.

She sees you but only looks back with hollow eyes, not even seeming to register your approach.

The look itself hurts as much as the screams had earlier, so you make a choice.

You grab the knife off the passed out bandit and you kill the woman, ending her suffering.

Then the next day they get another score if women, this time theirs 5 and 2 of them are girls only a few years older than yourself.

Unfortunately for the girls they are just "ripe" enough the bandit leader says.

Now you've killed 4 women and 2 girls in a single month.

This goes on for years, and in between you're asked to participate in the raids, so you kill your first adventurer." I was going to continue but he finally lifted a hand.

"I understand Malcius, you don't have to say anymore.

I'm sorry for my suspicions before hearing the full story." I didn't respond and just keep looking out the window as Kaspian thinks everything over.

"You were able to defeat adventurers?" He finally asked and I just nodded.

"So you have a mana core then?" Once again I nodded and I could feel the excitement bubbling from him slightly.

"What stage are you and when did you awaken?" He finally asked and I side eyed him before sighing and straightening myself in the chair.

"I formed my core at 5 and I'm currently and the dark orange stage." His eyes widened farther than they had the entire time I had been talking with him and his smile widened as well.


A dark orange core at just 9 years old, you just be a prodigy.

What is your affinity?" He asked and I eyed him warily.

I had told the bandits I could use healing magic, but that was also to not get killed.

Should I tell this man across from me that I can use healing magic, will I be locked up and used as a healer for the guild?

No, that's not what I want.

Even if that's not what would happen if I told him, I can't risk it.

"I have an affinity to fire." I said as I flicked a small flame above my index finger before dispelling it.

"And quite the control it seems." He says with his interest growing.

I just shrugged at the compliment having never been good at receiving them even in my past life.

"Malcius." He called and I looked up to meet his gaze.

"Would you like to become an adventurer?"


1700 words again.

See you next chapter. Maybe