
This is a TBATE Fanfic

This is a TBATE Fanfic. Guy dies. Reincarnates in TBATE before he ever got to read it. Only knows main character’s name. Has the abilities of a healer, but also has fire affinity. Loner. Raised by bandits.

Shednaps · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


I arched an eyebrow at his words and Kaspian smirked before repeating.

"Do you want to become an adventurer?

I know you're skilled in at least strategy and fighting if you were able to take out 40 bandits by yourself.

How did you kill them all by the way?

There seemed to be no struggle despite their injuries."

When he finished I gazed at him for a few moments before pulling out a small vial from a pouch I kept around my waist.

He grabbed the vial and studied but didn't seem to recognize it so I explained.

"That vial is made from the extract of the Novia flower, it's harmless in its flower state.

But if you grind it up, boil it in hot water and then continue to grind it something about the process causes it to become a paralytic.

3 vials was all it took to paralyze the whole crew and the effects last for around 5 hours.

More or less depending on the dosage."

I finished and he looked at me in astonishment as he gazed at the vial a little longer before sitting it down and passing it back to me.

"Very well, the reward for the bandits was applicable whether dead or alive.

So your total reward is 100,000 gold coins." He said calmly, but I could see a smile fighting to climb on his face.

My own reaction was shock at the number, had they all really been that troublesome for the 40 of them to equal 100k?

"Yes you were traveling with a rather notorious crew.

Tezar has been around for over a decade moving from city to city, so he and Clause shared the highest bounty at 20k a piece.

The rest were less but still fairly decent rewards for them as well that's why it wasn't hard to find people to track them down to take them out.

You can probably see why some people were a little upset when we found you standing over their dead bodies."

I nodded absently but shrugged off the last thing he said.

It didn't matter to me if some adventurers missed out on a payday, I had other things on my mind at the time.

"Anyways, 100,000 gold coins is a lot for anyone person to hold especially when they don't have a house so tomorrow I'll take you to buy a storage ring to carry it.

With a 100,000 you could buy a rather large storage ring, one that could be equal in size to 6 foot high, 6 foot wide and 6 foot from the door to the back wall.

You won't find many bigger than that and you should be able to acquire it for about 30,000 gold.

It's definitely expensive, but I believe it's a worthy investment especially if you're going to become an adventurer."

I honestly don't really know the gravity of how much 100,000 gold is, but if exchanging it to dollars from my world that's a decent chunk of money that I now I find myself in possession of.

I nod to Kaspian and let out a yawn, to which his face softens into a smile before standing.

"Oh yes, its quite late.

Why don't I show you to your room?"

I grab my tent turned pack and follow him out the room and to my temporary housing.

He hasn't said how long I'll be able to stay here, but anything free has to be good.


The room was not too big, but I wasn't complaining.

It came with a bed, closet, a desk and a window that allowed you to see outside.

We were currently on the second floor of the guild headquarters.

"The bathroom and washing area is downstairs, there will be signs you can follow.

I personally recommend you use them as soon as possible."

As he finished the words he left my room and headed back to his office.

I couldn't help but realize that he basically said that I smelled bad.

Not like I could really deny it, guess I'll take him up on that and bathe before getting some sleep.

The following morning I was up before the sun as usual and started my meditation, and cycling my healing and fire mana through my body.

To an extent the mana veins and channels in this world seem to work similar to the way I had read in some cultivation novels.

So while I purified my mana through my River method I had come up with, I started imagining the same thing with my healing and fire flowing through my mana veins and channels.

Not quite sure how much this helps me, but it makes me feel stronger and I feel like I can pull on more mana than I could before.

Eventually I was disturbed by a knock on my door, so I stood and opened the door.

It was Kaspian, and his eyes widened briefly before he smiled.

"A bath seems to have done you some good, not nearly as rough as you looked before."

I didn't respond and just grabbed my pouch and cinched it to my waist and I noticed that Kaspian held a ring in his hand.

Catching my glance he holds out the ring to me.

"Here, let's say this is a gift from me to you.

It hold the entire contents of your 100,000 gold coins, but it won't hold much more.

I still recommend you buy another storage ring."

I eyed the ring before eyeing him with suspicion and he sighed.

"I'm not trying to trick you Malcius, there is no foul play intended I can assure you."

Kaspian defended as he held out the ring to me and I eventually took it.

I'm not one that's abides by the rule of never take something that's free.

Especially during my stint with the bandits I learned that sometimes free things are much more worthwhile than things you paid for.

Perhaps that's not a good thing but I shrugged the thought off as I slipped the ring on and willed a coin to come forth.

"Ah, I see you have no trouble with it.

I should inform you that the money in there is not entirely coins.

It's split in half so that 50,000 is in coins and the other half is broke up into small bars that represent 1,000 gold.

I'm sure you and the shopkeep you buy your storage ring from will be happy for this."

I nod and pull out the gold bar he was talking about.

It was about 5 inches long and only half that across, but bar wasn't exactly the right word.

I imagine a gold bar as being thick, but this was flatter and thinner.

It reminding me more of a bigger popsicle stick if I was honest.

We began to walk towards the door and I turned to Kaspian.

"I appreciate the help, but I can take care of myself." I spoke with a neutral tone.

He stared at me momentarily before nodding.

"Very well, Malcius.

You're free to stay here for as long as you like, but after a week you will be expected to pay the lodging fee just like everyone else."

I didn't respond and turned out and stepped foot on the pathways.

Not many people were out yet, but store fronts were already beginning to open up so I began weaving my way through them.

Kaspian had given directions to the shop with the storage rings so that's where I headed first.

I planned to get as much shopping done as I could as fast as I could.

I'd come to realize in just this short amount of time that I didn't much care for the city.

I was already missing the trees and open woods that I had lived in the last 4 years.

I found the shop quickly and met the owner at the door as he was hanging his sign up and propping his door open.

"Get on brat, I'm not giving free handouts." He spat at me and I just ignored his words.

As I'm sure I looked like a beggar kid with my torn and rough clothes and no shoes.

I flipped a coin in my hand and showed it to him, and his eyes looked back approvingly.

"Fine fine.

But if you do anything suspicious I'll toss you out and call the guard."

I just nodded and stepped into the store behind him.

"How much is your largest storage ring?"

The man eyed me from behind his counter before bringing out a small box that held 3 rings in them.

"These here each cost 100,000 gold coins or 100 marks." I eyed them carefully and wondered how much they could store if they were 70,000 more coins than the one Kaspian recommended.

"How much can they hold?" And his smile widened.

"Come with me."

He waved his hand around the desk so I followed him to a door that led outside to a spacious yard.

In the yard there were sections marked off with fences and a number with a price tag next to it.

In the center of the fences was the smallest one that read "100 gold coins."

I quickly realized that each fence surrounding it was the next size up and jumped in price in accordance to the size.

He pointed to the last fence that encased all the others.

I would guess that it was about 50 feet front and back as well as 50 feet side to side.

The number written before the price turned out to be the height which also read "50 feet".

"This is the 100,000 gold coin ring that I showed you.

As you can see it is quite spacious and well worth the coinage."

I looked at him and then back to the fencing before looking down at my current storage ring.

"How about a deal mister.

I'll pay for the 50,000 ring right now, but I'll be back in…. About a month and trade it in along with the other 50,000 for the largest one you have."

The man eyed me with a scrutinizing eye before nodding, and guided me back into the building where he pulled out the ring and I pulled out my 50 marks to pay for it.

The man chuckled at this and shakes his head.

"I didn't think you actually had it on you, kid.

I was ready to call for the guard as soon as you bolted."

I smirk at the man and shake my head.

"I'll be back for the other ring in one month." Was all I said as I walked out the shop heading another barking laugh as I exited.

Now to get clothes, supplies and rations.


Another chapter down.

See ya next time.