
This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

A fanfiction based on this Twitter Manga: https://twitter.com/sasakisaki9646/status/1241338062560317440 I do not own any of the characters in this story, full credit goes to sasakisaki9646 for the idea and cover art. The story is a basic idea. Just simply one image a day for 100 days that lead to the Gyaru and Otaku to date at the end. I just felt that there could be a bit more, so I decided that I will expand. If the original creator asks for me to stop, I will take this down. Update: 04/24/2020 I learned the original creator has decided to stop after day 30. So if/when I get to that point. My story will be different that theirs if they ever decide to start it again.

bigbear51 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 15 Days

Ahh Saturday. It should be a day of relaxation for most students, but for people like the Gyaru and the Otaku. They're stuck doing some part time job. While the boy would rather be at home playing some video games. He can't deny that it's nice to be working right along side her.

"Thank, we hope you enjoy the meal." He says, handing off another bag of food. After the many weeks he's put in, the Otaku has gotten quite good at this job. It's a far cry from his bumbling around and making a mess of things like two months ago.

"Nice job Otaku!" She praises him, which causes the boy to blush a bit. Getting attention from someone like her always brightens his day. "I thought you were going to make me have to work twice as hard, but it's nice to have a reliable partner."

"I'm always happy to help." He replies. "It's great that we can trust each other here."

"Oh sure, trust…" She sounds a bit less enthusiastic about that part though.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Well, you know I thought you didn't have anything with Kinjyou." She tells him. "But then I go and learn she was into you." It wasn't news or gossip she wanted to hear. Partially because she felt bad for her friend, but it also upset her to not be made aware of this after making it clear she took an issue with it.

"Well…" It's not easy to explain himself. "I just needed to deal with it, but I wasn't sure how."

"I'm pretty experienced." She responds. "You could've went to me. I thought we were best buds." That might've been true, but at the same time he didn't consider her when it came to this. In fact, the boy went to Otomore and Koyamauchi for help when it came to that situation. Weird, but the former made sense as she helped him with the Gyaru as well.

"Maybe, but in the end things worked out, right?" Since it's all over, his life seems to have gotten back to normal. It shouldn't really impact either of them anymore. Even after getting rejected, he's still able to normally talk and hang out with Kinjyou like nothing even happened.

"True, but when I think about it…" She twirls her hair nervously. "I don't know if I'd be able to handle hanging out with someone who rejected me."

"I'm pretty used to reading about it." He can't really relate when it comes to real life, but the boy would like to believe he could handle any problem coming their way. As they chatted, another customer came up.

"Hello, how may we…" The Gyaru was about to greet them as always. However, they both had their hearts sink as the pair saw it was one of the teachers standing before them.