
This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

A fanfiction based on this Twitter Manga: https://twitter.com/sasakisaki9646/status/1241338062560317440 I do not own any of the characters in this story, full credit goes to sasakisaki9646 for the idea and cover art. The story is a basic idea. Just simply one image a day for 100 days that lead to the Gyaru and Otaku to date at the end. I just felt that there could be a bit more, so I decided that I will expand. If the original creator asks for me to stop, I will take this down. Update: 04/24/2020 I learned the original creator has decided to stop after day 30. So if/when I get to that point. My story will be different that theirs if they ever decide to start it again.

bigbear51 · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 14 Days

This is bad, this is real bad. After getting chewed out by their teachers and parents, the pair were forced to quit their jobs. Well, it isn't the worst thing for the Otaku, since it's not like he needed this job. However, it can be inferred by the boy that the Gyaru took this job for a reason.

It's not a reason he's aware of yet, but it is one he's about to find out. She messaged him the day after they were caught to meet together at a certain spot. He assumed that this was going to be her address, which was the case. The thing that surprised him the most was where she happened to live.

"This place is smaller than I expected." He comments as she lets him in. Everything else about her seems to show she's well off. But the apartment she's living in is a bit small and rundown. There's no way she lives here with her parents.

"I know…" As it turns out, she doesn't. The Gyaru explains to him that she lives alone here. Her family actually lives in the countryside, and were willing to provide enough to live here in the city and go to school here.

"But if they already give you money, then why did you need the job?" He asks after she tells him everything. Living on her own and having to work while also attending classes seems pretty challenging.

"That's the thing… They only give me enough to live on my own." She buries her face into her pillow in disappointment. While it's great to have food and rent taken care of, she is still a gyaru. That means following fashion trends and hanging out at places like karaoke. Those things cost money too, so that was why she took the job privately in the first place.

"That does suck." He replies. While he might not be a gyaru, the boy is an otaku. If he was unable to have access to being able to buy all those figurines, manga volumes, and anime blu-ray. Then he'd be a pretty sad person. In fact, now that he's lost the job too, he's not going to be able to buy as much as he used to. Not to mention his mom is almost certainly going to punish him by not giving him cash for a while.

"I don't know what I'm going to do… That's why I wanted you to come over." No one else but him is aware of this truth. She only told him about it since he was the only one aware of her job in the first place. Well, that and she feels close enough to him to confide this secret.

"I don't have any ideas of my own, but I promise I'll help you as best I can." He wishes he had an idea. The boy really feels sorry for her to be in this situation, but what else can they do?"