
This Concubine Will Ascend

In her previous life, Leonora Von Ebonwood was merely a concubine, a pawn sent as a gift to Emperor Nathaniel Aurelius from her own kingdom. But her arrival was met with indifference, even mockery, as the emperor disregarded her entirely. Despite her undeniable beauty - with her striking pink hair, luminous eyes, and flawless complexion - she was relegated to a position lower than even the palace maids. Subjected to the cruelty and manipulation of her fellow concubines, Leonora met her demise. However, fate grants her a second chance, and Leonora is determined to seize it with vengeance in her heart. This time, she aims not only to settle the score with those who wronged her but also to rise to the pinnacle of power: the imperial throne itself. As she embarks on her quest for retribution and ultimate glory, Leonora will stop at nothing to rewrite her destiny and claim her rightful place in the annals of history. Will Leonora's thirst for vengeance lead her to triumph, or will she become just another pawn in the game of thrones?

10001a · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Calculated Encounter

In this day, a line of maids stood before Leonora, each awaiting her inspection. They were a diverse group, each offering their own skills and talents. Leonora studied them carefully, assessing their demeanor and bearing.

"I will choose my personal maid now," she announced, her voice calm and authoritative. "Present yourselves."

Five maids stepped forward, but it was clear from their expressions that not all of them were eager for the position. Some had likely heard the rumors about Leonora's lack of favor with the emperor and the dangers that came with serving someone who held such a precarious position.

The first maid, a young woman with sharp features and a nervous demeanor, curtsied stiffly. She kept her gaze averted, clearly hoping not to be chosen.

"And what is your name?" Leonora asked.

"I am Eliza, my lady," the maid replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Leonora nodded, noting Eliza's apprehension. "Thank you, Eliza. You may step back."

Next was a girl with a haughty expression, her posture rigid. She looked Leonora up and down with thinly veiled disdain.

"Your name?" Leonora inquired, her voice steady.

"Beatrice, my lady," she said, her tone clipped.

Leonora could sense Beatrice's reluctance. She was clearly not thrilled at the prospect of serving someone considered an outcast within the palace. "Thank you, Beatrice. You may step back."

Finally, her gaze settled on a familiar face, one she had been waiting to see. A young woman with kind eyes and a calm presence stepped forward.

"And you?" Leonora asked, her interest piqued.

"I am Amelia, my lady," the maid replied, her voice soft but steady.

Leonora nodded, committing the name to memory. Amelia had served her faithfully in her past life, and there was no doubt in her mind of the maid's loyalty and hardworking nature. "Thank you, Amelia. You may step back."

One by one, she questioned each maid, weighing their responses and observing their reactions. In the end, it was the familiar face of Amelia that caught her attention.

"Amelia," Leonora said, her voice decisive. "You will be my personal maid."

The chosen maid, Amelia, dipped into a graceful curtsy. "Thank you, my lady. I shall serve you to the best of my abilities."

Leonora nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. She had chosen wisely. With Amelia at her side, Leonora made her way through the palace, the soft rustle of silk accompanying their steps.


The following morning, Leonora ventured into the gardens, her steps deliberate and purposeful. Amelia followed close behind, her presence a silent reassurance. The opulent corridors soon gave way to the sprawling gardens, a lush expanse of vibrant flowers and meticulously trimmed hedges. She breathed in the fresh scent of blooming roses and honeysuckle, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of the emperor.

The garden paths twisted and turned, offering countless secluded spots perfect for quiet contemplation—or a fortuitous encounter. As they walked, Leonora kept a keen eye out for the emperor, but there was no sign of him yet. She continued her stroll, allowing her steps to guide her deeper into the garden's heart.

After some time, they reached a secluded pathway, shaded by ancient oak trees. The dappled sunlight created a serene, almost magical atmosphere. It was here that Leonora noticed a figure lying on a stone bench, half-hidden by the shadows of the overhanging branches.

She approached cautiously, her curiosity piqued. As she drew nearer, she realized it was a young man, seemingly asleep. His clothes were finely made, though slightly disheveled, and his face bore the marks of someone lost in a deep, restful slumber.

"Amelia, stay here," Leonora whispered, motioning for the maid to keep her distance. She stepped closer to the sleeping figure, her eyes narrowing as she took in his features.

The man stirred slightly, a soft groan escaping his lips as he shifted position. Leonora's breath caught in her throat. Could this be...?

She leaned in closer, her shadow falling over his face. His eyes fluttered open, revealing a striking shade of deep blue. For a moment, their gazes locked, and Leonora saw a flicker of surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice rough with sleep.

Leonora straightened, her composure unbroken. "I am Leonora Von Ebonwood," she replied, her tone calm and measured. "And you are...?"

The man sat up, rubbing his eyes as he regarded her with a mix of amusement and intrigue. "Thomas," he said, his voice gaining strength. "Just Thomas."

Leonora's mind raced. She had anticipated encountering someone of importance, but this young man seemed entirely out of place. "And what do you do here, Thomas?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

Thomas stretched, yawning widely. "I'm a knight, or at least that's what they tell me. Most of the time, I'm just trying to avoid trouble."

Leonora raised an eyebrow. "A knight? You hardly seem the type."

He laughed, a carefree sound that seemed at odds with the disciplined life of a knight. "I suppose I'm not. I prefer a good nap to a swordfight any day."

Leonora's mind worked quickly. This man, Thomas, was clearly a slacker, but she saw something in him—a potential that even he might not recognize. "Do you enjoy being a knight?" she asked, her tone probing.

Thomas shrugged. "It's a job. It pays the bills. But honestly, I'm not cut out for the heroics and all that."

Leonora nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps you've simply not found the right motivation."

He looked at her, curious. "And what would that be?"

Leonora smiled, a calculated expression. "Sometimes, all one needs is a purpose. A reason to rise above the ordinary."

Thomas chuckled. "You make it sound so easy. But I doubt I'll find that kind of purpose lounging around the garden."

Leonora leaned in slightly, her eyes intent. "Purpose can find you in the most unexpected places, Thomas. Sometimes, it's about being in the right place at the right time."

He looked at her, a spark of interest in his eyes. "And what about you, Lady Leonora? What's your purpose?"

Leonora's smile widened. "To survive. And to thrive."

Thomas nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "Survival I can understand. Thriving... that's a bit more complicated."

"Not if you know what you want," Leonora replied, her voice firm. "And I know exactly what I want."

They fell into a comfortable silence, the sounds of the garden surrounding them. Leonora's mind was already working, considering how best to use this unexpected meeting to her advantage. She needed allies, and Thomas, despite his current state, had the potential to be one.

"Perhaps you'll find your purpose sooner than you think, Thomas," she said finally. "The palace is full of opportunities."

Thomas looked at her, a small smile playing on his lips. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I will."