
This Concubine Will Ascend

In her previous life, Leonora Von Ebonwood was merely a concubine, a pawn sent as a gift to Emperor Nathaniel Aurelius from her own kingdom. But her arrival was met with indifference, even mockery, as the emperor disregarded her entirely. Despite her undeniable beauty - with her striking pink hair, luminous eyes, and flawless complexion - she was relegated to a position lower than even the palace maids. Subjected to the cruelty and manipulation of her fellow concubines, Leonora met her demise. However, fate grants her a second chance, and Leonora is determined to seize it with vengeance in her heart. This time, she aims not only to settle the score with those who wronged her but also to rise to the pinnacle of power: the imperial throne itself. As she embarks on her quest for retribution and ultimate glory, Leonora will stop at nothing to rewrite her destiny and claim her rightful place in the annals of history. Will Leonora's thirst for vengeance lead her to triumph, or will she become just another pawn in the game of thrones?

10001a · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Calculated Encounter 2

Thomas was a knight unlike any other in the emperor's service. With his tousled dark hair and striking blue eyes, he had a roguish charm that made him popular among the palace staff and noblewomen alike. His athletic build and broad shoulders spoke of rigorous training, yet his perpetually disheveled appearance and carefree demeanor suggested a man who preferred naps to swordfights. Despite his seeming indifference, there was an undeniable charisma about him, and those who knew him well understood that beneath his playful exterior lay a sharp mind and a capable warrior.

Thomas had never been one to chase glory. Born into a noble family, he had joined the knights more out of obligation than ambition. His talent with a sword and his innate leadership qualities had not gone unnoticed, but his lack of motivation kept him from rising through the ranks. He was content to drift through his duties, doing just enough to avoid trouble while spending his free time lounging in the gardens or flirting with the maids.

On this particular morning, Thomas was enjoying a peaceful nap in a secluded corner of the palace gardens when he was awakened by a shadow falling across his face. Blinking against the sunlight, he found himself looking up into the intense gaze of a young woman with lovely pink hair and bright eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice rough with sleep.

The woman straightened, her composure unbroken. "I am Leonora Von Ebonwood," she replied, her tone calm and measured. "And you are...?"

Thomas sat up, rubbing his eyes as he regarded her with a mix of amusement and intrigue. "Thomas," he said, his voice gaining strength. "Just Thomas."

"And what do you do here, Thomas?" Leonora asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

Thomas stretched, yawning widely. "I'm a knight, or at least that's what they tell me. Most of the time, I'm just trying to avoid trouble."

Leonora raised an eyebrow. "A knight? You hardly seem the type."

He laughed, a carefree sound that seemed at odds with the disciplined life of a knight. "I suppose I'm not. I prefer a good nap to a swordfight any day."

Leonora smiled, a calculated expression. "Perhaps you've simply not found the right motivation."

He looked at her, curious. "And what would that be?"

"Sometimes, all one needs is a purpose. A reason to rise above the ordinary," she replied.

Thomas chuckled. "You make it sound so easy. But I doubt I'll find that kind of purpose lounging around the garden."

"Purpose can find you in the most unexpected places, Thomas. Sometimes, it's about being in the right place at the right time," she said, her eyes intent.

He looked at her, a spark of interest in his eyes. "And what about you, Lady Leonora? What's your purpose?"

"To survive. And to thrive," she replied without hesitation.

Thomas nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "Survival I can understand. Thriving... that's a bit more complicated."

"Not if you know what you want," Leonora said firmly. "And I know exactly what I want."