
This Brave Girl Loves You: A Story of Love and Revenge

*** " It's okay, you will be fine, I'm here now", He said cautiously as he tried to calm her down. Sophia was still in a daze as he embraced her, His words kept repeating in her head and she suddenly clutched the knife in her hands tightly. "l-let go, let me go", she yelled as she forcefully pulled herself from his embrace and pointed the knife at him. Kieran who hadn't been expecting her sudden actions was stunned to see her like that. His gaze immediately flashed with a cold light but soon disappeared like it was never there. "You? You did this right?", Sophia asked in a trembling voice. Kieran's brows furrowed at her question as he wondered how stupid she was to blame him. "I didn't, just give me the knife and let's get out of here, I promise I will find them for you and make them pay", Kieran said calmly as he stretched his hand out to receive the knife from her. "I don't believe you, you are a bad person", Sophia cried out miserably as her shaky hands tried to keep a firm grip on the handle of the knife. Kieran was once again stunned by her behavior, He then tried to take a step towards her... "Stay back, don't... don't come any closer, I'm not afraid to use it on you ", Sophia said in a choked voice. Kieran stared at her coldly as he paused in his steps, this time around his patience with her had run out. ... *** "Please help me, I will marry you, I will do what you want, just don't let him kill my mother". Kieran stared at the trembling girl in his arms, she seemed fond of hugging him whenever she ran into trouble. The cover is designed by Lesha, +2349076963864, Thanks a lot dear.

Lisannelay_Denisse · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 7_"Fight with all she's got"!

Clicking his tongue like he was considering what she said, he then stopped and looked like he was going to change his mind and then said... "No!". Sophia felt her heart constrict tightly, feeling frustrated she sighed and got up. Meeting Mr. Norman's eyes she said, "Thank you, I will be on my way now". "You can't be serious?", Mr. Norman said in a slow and sarcastic tone. "I am the biggest producer you can ever work with and you dare turn me down. Who do you think you are? Do you know how many people would give anything just to work with me? He stated, his voice rising sharply. "I know you know that you are a very beautiful woman?, If not me you will give it to someone else, Why not go for the best then? "." And stop being a baby!". He finished as he looked at her up and down with slight irritation. "I appreciate Mr. Norman but I really can't bring myself to do this. So please I would take my leave now". "The hell, she just wanted to get out of this place. Her mother's life was on the line and time wasn't on her side. "I'm disappointed with you. You have insulted me, let's just see how far you make it then. If you succeed in this industry then I am not "Diego Norman"!, He said beating his chest proudly. "Mm", Sophia said as she bowed her head. Tears had already gathered in her eyes and were threatening to fall but she wouldn't let this man see her tears anymore. She immediately turned around and left. He probably thought she would come back begging but he thought wrong. There had to be some other way to save her mother. As soon as she stepped out of the hotel, Sophia finally let go of the tears she had been holding in. Just now as she had been walking out of the hotel, she felt so numb and hopeless. She just wanted to scream out all her frustrations to the entire world. She regretted even wasting her time on that man. She blamed herself for not listening to her gut feelings. They had always been right when it came to telling her if she would succeed in something or not. She shouldn't have gone, now that man's actions had left her shattered once again. She slowly wipes her face and shuddered heavily. Raising her head she stared at the world around her, feeling so detached, and walked aimlessly. Reflecting on what her life had been like, she wanted to give up. Only God knew how much she had struggled through school and to support her family. She had realized that her life till now had always been about juggling everything together. Just then her cell phone rang again. This time around she didn't feel the need to pick it up and just kept on walking. It rang three more times again before she finally settled on a wooden chair at a park. For about two minutes she just watched the children playing and their parents keeping a watchful eye on them. How did she wish that was her? A child with no cares or worries in the world. And then it struck her again. Her mom was in the hospital fighting for her life. She had promised her mom that she will save her. The list had miraculously moved faster and now her mom would be getting treatment. Maybe everything wasn't picture-perfect. Maybe she still had a lot of debts and bills to pay but the good news was that her mom still wanted to live. That 46-year-old woman had not given up yet. So why should a 22-year-old girl give up? No! She must find a way, Somehow she just had to. Life had always been hard on her but all this time she had survived even from the young age of 17. "Come rain, Come sunshine, she will take it all and fight with all she's got."