
This Brave Girl Loves You: A Story of Love and Revenge

*** " It's okay, you will be fine, I'm here now", He said cautiously as he tried to calm her down. Sophia was still in a daze as he embraced her, His words kept repeating in her head and she suddenly clutched the knife in her hands tightly. "l-let go, let me go", she yelled as she forcefully pulled herself from his embrace and pointed the knife at him. Kieran who hadn't been expecting her sudden actions was stunned to see her like that. His gaze immediately flashed with a cold light but soon disappeared like it was never there. "You? You did this right?", Sophia asked in a trembling voice. Kieran's brows furrowed at her question as he wondered how stupid she was to blame him. "I didn't, just give me the knife and let's get out of here, I promise I will find them for you and make them pay", Kieran said calmly as he stretched his hand out to receive the knife from her. "I don't believe you, you are a bad person", Sophia cried out miserably as her shaky hands tried to keep a firm grip on the handle of the knife. Kieran was once again stunned by her behavior, He then tried to take a step towards her... "Stay back, don't... don't come any closer, I'm not afraid to use it on you ", Sophia said in a choked voice. Kieran stared at her coldly as he paused in his steps, this time around his patience with her had run out. ... *** "Please help me, I will marry you, I will do what you want, just don't let him kill my mother". Kieran stared at the trembling girl in his arms, she seemed fond of hugging him whenever she ran into trouble. The cover is designed by Lesha, +2349076963864, Thanks a lot dear.

Lisannelay_Denisse · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11_"Change of Plans"

The drive to the hotel was filled with fear and anticipation. Well if it were just easy to turn around and not go through with this. Steeling her resolve she looked at the time on her phone, It was ten minutes past seven. Perhaps if the whole deal could take only three hours, her mother's surgery could be done in the early hours of the morning. The thought that the Doctor might be getting very impatient was making her restless. Come to think of it, she hadn't checked up on her mother or brother yet. She then proceeded to call them. She first called her brother who said he was already home and was just coming back from the hospital. He said their mom's condition was getting worse but there was still hope. He also told her that at the time he left, the Nurse in charge of her was already taking care of her. "Sophie, the Doctor was asking about you, He seemed angry, What's going on? I know you are having a hard time with mom's surgery, I wished there was something I could do", Steven stated worriedly, He liked calling his sister *Sophie*. Sophia took in a deep breath and exhaled gently, "You don't have to worry ok, Mom will receive treatment, I will handle this Just trust me and be a good kid". "Kid?, Steven scoffed, I will soon turn twenty okay, and besides how are you going to come up with the money?". "Don't ask too many questions, trust me, I won't do anything illegal, I'm already on it and I don't have time to explain everything to you", Sophia tried to sound as convincing as possible. She bit her lips nervously as she waited for his response. He had always been very smart and calm about things which made him very unpredictable. She had no idea how she would explain herself to him when she gets back but she will think of something. "Ok I understand, just promise me that you will take care of yourself", He said calmly after some time but there was a trace of sadness in his voice. Perhaps he suspected something. Sophia's heart accelerated at his comment, "Yes I will, later", She said and cut the call. He probably didn't believe her story. "Oh bummer!", She exclaimed as she slapped her forehead lightly and leaned back on the chair with closed eyes. Just then her cell phone rang again, She thought it was her brother and quickly answered it. "Do you need something Steve?", She asked as soon as she picked the call. There was a long silence on the other end of the phone followed by a deep chuckle. It was calm and soothing, definitely a man's voice. This wasn't her brother, she checked her screen and saw an unknown number. Just when she was about to think the worse a man's clear and charming voice was heard on the line. "Miss Sophia I believe my name is Calvin and not Steve. Perhaps you didn't take the time to memorize this or were you expecting someone else?", The voice replied, It left no room for lies. "Deg!", Sophia's heart missed a beat, Damnit it was Calvin Walker. "Ok now damage control", She said to herself and answered politely. "No you have misunderstood me, Mr. Walker, I was just on the phone with my younger brother and I have not forgotten you". "That's good to hear", He replied smoothly. The man had smirked when she had addressed him as *Mr. Walker*, It seems she held him in high regard. There were voices in the background of men maybe women too but he seemed to not be in a hotel room, This was what Sophia was thinking as she waited for his response. The discovery made her frown unconsciously. "I called to let you know that there have been some changes in plans. I will be the one to take you to the hotel. I'm sorry but I am currently in a business gathering and I might take some time though it won't belong. You just meet me at Corner's bar, room 53 and we can go from there", He finished with a smooth voice. From the way he spoke she could tell that he was a charmer and was very good with words. "Ok Mr. Walker, I will meet you there", She replied calmly. "Yes and please don't call me Mr. Walker, I'm not an old man, Calvin is much better", He said with a tinge of amusement in his voice, The vibration of his voice caused her to be on her toes immediately, he was just too much". "Y_yes sir I_l mean Calvin", she stuttered nervously. "Okay Miss Sophia, see you soon", He said with a slight chuckle and cut the call. Sophia was mentally and emotionally exhausted after the call. "Oh good grief!", she exclaimed and directed the driver towards Corner's bar. It was the most expensive bar in the city, It was said that only rich and influential people frequented it which made it even more idolized. "Well then thanks to CALVIN she would be enjoying this privilege, she said in her mind stressing his name.