
Chapter 4 - Loguetown Pt 2

"Well, this is turning out to be harder than I thought..." I grumbled morosely as I trudged through the town's streets.

"Turns out my job's not so easy, is it now?" Nami asked innocently.

"You're supposed to be able to guide all of us anywhere at anytime, Nami. I think that renders your argument a little invalid," I groused with a roll of my eyes.

"HEY! Don't talk to Nami-swan like that!"

"Ack!" I yelped, jerking one of my headphones off my ear before glaring at the snickering snail on my shoulder. "Volume control, jackass!"

Soundbite chuckled maliciously for a moment before adopting a far prouder expression. "Nice work, Soundbite. Your dinner'll be gourmet tonight!"

"Thank youuu!" The gastropod sang enthusiastically.

"No honor among thieves, huh?" Usopp asked darkly.

"Tell me about it..." I sighed tiredly.

For the past few minutes, Soundbite had managed to locate the majority of our crewmates and connect us all together with sound. Usopp had been more than a little freaked out by the seemingly ghostly voices of the crew, but Nami had swiftly calmed him down... though Soundbite's increase in power had been a visible point of consternation. Soundbite messing around with him via a few really ghostly voices hadn't helped matters either.

"Alright, enough. Cross, still no luck finding Luffy?" Zoro asked gruffly.

Currently, we were all scanning the streets of Logue Town in search of our captain, following Nami informing us all of an impending storm that was fast-approaching the island. Furthermore, she'd also warned us all about the dangers of the local marines, Smoker in particular. I had made an... educated decision to not mention my close run-in with the good Captain. While that had been fun, the mere concept of the wrath of Nami had nowhere near the same allure.

I tsked and shook my head in exasperation. "None. Either he's being as quiet as a churchmouse-"

"HA!" Nami barked.

"- which were my exact thoughts - or, more likely, he's somewhere so loud that he's being drowned out and Soundbite can't pick him out. Still, it's Luffy, so he should be at the execution scaffold's plaza..." I paused for a second before hanging my head with a chuckle. "Though knowing him he'll probably be on the scaffold."


"That'd be just like him."

"I wouldn't be surprised."

There was a moment of silence that gradually became more and more uncomfortable until finally...

"Cross, can Soundbite hear any places loud enough to drown out Luffy?" Nami asked slowly.

I glanced at the snail questioningly and winced as he nodded with a grimace. "EEEYUP!"

"Does that answer your question?"

"And... can you hear what's going on there?"

I promptly tapped the side of my headphones, preparation preventing me from wincing as a wave of sound flooded my skull. I pursed my lips as I tried to parse through the cacophony before grimacing as something stood out. "I don't suppose Luffy's ever had anything to do with a pirate by the name of 'Buggy', has he?" I asked, fully expecting the answer.

A moment of silence. Then...

"Crap." Zoro summarized succinctly.

"Everyone doubletime it to the plaza! Now!" Nami ordered, a tone of panic entering her voice.

"You heard the lady, Usopp! Shake a leg!"

"Alright, alright! But if you really want us to hurry, then maybe you should take the heavier end of this thing!"



Soundbite's very mature response was to blow a multi-tonal raspberry.

"You do realize that he has a point, ri-OW!" I grit my teeth as Soundbite chomped on my ear. "Withdrawn! Withdrawn! Let go already!" I sighed in relief as he finally complied. "Alright, we'll talk about this later, but for now, hold on tight!"

I broke into a fast trot down the street...

Before hastily backpedalling and jogging in place before a vendor's stand. "Pardon me," I inquired as I panted heavily. "But how much does a particularly heavy-duty Log Pose cost?"


"Hey, guys!" I wheezed as I skidded to a stop next to the rest of the crew. We were all gathered on the outermost edges of a massive plaza, a huge crowd assembled directly next to us.

Zoro gave me a flat look as he 'graced' me with a cursory glance. "You need to exercise more."

"I'll- hoo- get right on that..." I groaned, thanking anyone and everyone I could as energy returned to my aching muscles. "Any- huff- luck finding- wheeze- Luffy?"

The swordsman promptly plopped his hand on my head and turned it so that I was following the crowd's line of sight. I blinked at the tall wooden tower that loomed over the mass of people before focusing on the prone and flashy figures at the top of the structure. I immediately dropped my face into a deadpan stare. "Honestly, I really should have seen that coming."

"Yup." Soundbite, Nami and Usopp nodded in solemn agreement.

Sanji sighed as he clicked his lighter and lit a cigarette, eyeing the situation with a wary gaze. "Cross, Nami, Usopp. Take the supplies back to the Merry, Zoro and I will get our captain out of there."

I glanced at the navigator and sniper for a second before shaking my head firmly. "No way. I'm staying here to help."

Nami looked at me in bewilderment. "No offense to you, Cross, but how could you possibly help those two in a fight? I've seen you naked-"

"Don't remind me..." I groused, a blush riding up on my cheeks.

"- and you have just about no muscle mass. You'd be dead in three seconds flat!"

"If I actually fought," I corrected. I glanced at the crowd before pointing out three civilians who were spread apart at random. "Distract."

Soundbite immediately latched his gaze on to the civilians and grinned mischievously before appearing to speak without actually making any noise.

The reactions were... impressive, to say the least. Almost instantly, the civvies leapt close to a foot off the ground, spinning around and looking for the source of whatever had just happened. One of the civilians suddenly turned around and punched another square in the jaw, a furious look on his face, before being tackled by the third. Within seconds, the three were locked in a brawl that threatened to spread to the rest of the crowd.

Internally, I was gaping in unabashed shock at the madness I'd just sparked. Externally, I maintained a neutral gaze before glancing down at the cackling snail on my shoulder. "I said 'distract', not 'let slip the dogs of war'-"

Soundbite's laughter redoubled, though judging by how nobody was looking our way he was keeping it restrained to us.

"- but I think I've proved my point." I looked Sanji and Zoro dead in the eye. "I know I can't fight, but I can provide support. I could possibly help from a distance with Soundbite's range..." I shook my head firmly. "But I don't want that. I am a Straw Hat Pirate, and that-!" I jabbed a finger at the platform. "Is my captain. The future King of the Pirates, about to die where his predecessor did." I allowed a tinge of desperation to entered my expression. "This is my first chance to contribute to the crew. Don't take this from me. Please. Let. Me. Help."

Soundbite glanced at our crewmates for a second before nodding once, firmly and silently.

The rest of the crew were deathly silent as they stared at me in shock before slowly glancing at one another, something unspoken passing between them.

For a heart-stopping moment, I was afraid that they'd tell me to go. I'd do it if they pressed, of course. Logically speaking, I was perfectly aware that my presence here would do absolutely jack shit to change the outcome. Emotionally speaking... I knew that my speech was cheesy, but I'd meant every word of it. One week might not seem like a lot to most, but in all honesty a week with Luffy... I wanted to see this through, needed to, however I could.

Finally, I felt a weight leave my chest as Zoro and Sanji nodded at me.

"Be ready to run," Sanji ordered.

I nodded in understanding before looking up at the platform. "Mind if I offer some advice?"

Zoro shrugged as he undid his bandanna and tied it over his head. "What?"

"Don't charge in right away. We're lucky, that guy looks and sounds like he loves the sound of his own voice. He'll keep monologuing for a while so long as he's not interrupted. Get as close as you can and charge him when it seems like he's winding up for the finale. I'll get Soundbite to start sowing chaos once the fighting starts."

Sanji and Zoro glanced at one another before shrugging and nodding.

"Sounds like a plan," Zoro grunted as he clicked his swords back into their sheathes.

Sanji pointed at Nami and Usopp. "You two are still going back, no debate."

Usopp swallowed heavily as he rebalanced the massive fish he was carrying. "No argument there!"

Nami looked at all of us before hefting her sack as well. "Get him out and then get out. We need to get out to sea before the storm really hits."

I nodded at her firmly. "We will. And don't worry, I'll keep you up to date." I glanced between everyone, absently handing her the bag with the transponder snails. "We all know what to do. Let's grab our captain and get the heck off this rock."

And with that, we separated, Zoro and Sanji slipping into the crowd with some degree of subtlety while Nami and Usopp pelted down the street towards the coast.

As for me, I slowly started to pace back and forth along the outside of the crowd, scanning it slowly as I kept track of the execution platform. Thankfully, my summary had been accurate: Buggy was living up the moment for all it was worth. In all honesty, I really had to wonder about what was going through his head when he came up with this plan. Executing Luffy was par for the course, what with him being a psychotic jackass and all... but doing it where his own captain had died? I couldn't tell if he was tipping his hat to Luffy in some sick, twisted manner or if he had just blinded himself to the reality of his location.

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my musings as a flash of green caught my attention. My eyes zeroed in on the spot and scanned the crowd, searching for that color again. I knew it couldn't have been Zoro, his sense of direction was apoplectic but not that bad, so that only really left one option, but there was no way in hell I was that-

It was at that point that I caught sight of the green-haired person I'd spied, as well as the heavy furred overcoat he was wearing.

Well... shit. This was a development, to be sure. So... what the hell do I do with it? I mean, it wasn't like I could actually do any good at this point... could I? What if I wound up messing things up? What if I changed things irreparably? What...

I blinked as a thought struck me. So what if I changed things? Luffy actually had something of a point in Sabaody: an adventures no good if you know every step of it to come. Might as well throw a few wildcards into the mix.

And so, my mind made up, I walked up to the person and tapped him on the shoulder before pointing up at the execution scaffold. "Hell of a show, huh?"

Bartolomeo glanced at me with a slightly irritated look before, thankfully, shrugging my apparent impudence off in favor of watching the display. "The clown's a bit annoying, but yeah," he grunted with a tone of grudging respect. "Too bad the kid's gonna die. It takes some serious moxie to actually climb the scaffold in broad daylight. I should know, I've gotten locked up for it more than once."

I chuckled somewhat shakily as I glanced at the local mobster. "Oh, I wouldn't bet on him dying just yet. I'm pretty certain that he can get his way out of this somehow."

"Oh yeah?" Bartolomeo grunted, giving me a sidelong look. "You know him?"

I shrugged slightly. "My captain. He's a nice guy, if a bit empty-headed. I haven't been with the crew long, but I've heard enough to know that he's slipped out of some pretty impossible shit before. He'll live."

That prompted Bartolomeo irritated scowl to morph into open surprise. "Captain, huh? So that brat's really a pirate?"

"His blood's as salty as it comes, that's for sure."

"Hmph..." The mobster shrugged and looked up at the display, irritated scowl back in place. "Well, the kid's got some guts, sure, but I really don't see what makes him so-!"


Both Barto and I, not to mention the rest of the crowd, jumped in shock when Luffy's voice suddenly bellowed out.

"I AM THE MAN!" he roared, his voice full of confidence and determination. "WHO WILL BE KING OF THE PIRATES!"

My breath hitched as I felt the exact same wave of certainty, the same sense of fact I'd felt the first time he'd said those words.

"H-holy crap..." Bartolomeo breathed in shock. "D-did he really just say that?! Here, now, in front of the whole freaking world!?"

I chuckled shakily as I nodded slowly in agreement. "Like you said, he's got guts."

Suddenly, I noticed there was some sort of commotion coming from a part of the crowd close to the scaffold. A quick glance at Soundbite showed that he was mouthing a bunch of words and sounds desperately.

Apparently Bartolomeo didn't notice this as he stared up at the top of the platform. "That's... he's not human. Where the hell do you get the sheer balls to say something like that!?"

I allowed a grin to splay across my lips as I glanced at him. "I told you, didn't I? He's got salt in his veins. Those guts of his? They're the guts of a pirate, through and through."

Bartolomeo nodded slowly in agreement before tensing suddenly. "Well those guts are about to go all over the plaza!"

I followed his line of sight and set my spine ramrod straight when I caught sight of Buggy holding his sword high above Luffy's neck.

"No..." I breathed in numb horror. I knew that something or someone would save Luffy, be it Dragon or be it fate or be it pure luck, but... I couldn't help but feel that there was every chance that this was the one time, the one possibility where Luffy... where Luffy...

"Please... Please don't let this be where it ends..." I begged under my breath. "Please..."

"Cross?" Soundbite suddenly put Nami's voice through. "Cross, what's happening? Is Luffy safe?"

I opened my mouth to say something, anything...


I jumped as Luffy roared.


I felt my heart stop as Luffy smiled openly and without remorse, not a care in the world as Buggy's sword came down on his neck.

"Sorry," he grinned. "But... I'm dead."

"NO!" Zoro's voice cried out.

"DON'T TALK CRAZY!" Sanji's voice demanded desperately.

"LUFFY!" I screamed, my own voice mixing in seamlessly with Nami and Usopp's.

Suddenly, with legitimately no warning whatsoever, the sky seemed to split open in a flash of light. Moments later, I was shaken to the core by a crack and a rumble loud enough that I was surprised that the island itself hadn't split open.

When I finally managed to get my wits about me, the platform was burning blue and starting to collapse.

"Cross, what just happened!?"

I jumped as Usopp's voice snapped me out of my awe. I fumbled desperately for a second before managing to answer. "I... ah... A... a bolt of lightning... it... The platform... It hit the platform! Lightning hit the platform!"

There was a moment of shocked silence before Usopp finally spoke. "That's... that's less surprising than it should be..."

"And what about Luffy?!" Nami demanded. "Is he alright!?"

I opened my mouth to respond...

"Hey, I'm alive! That's nice!"

I let a relieved sigh whoosh out of me as Luffy spoke up. "He's alive..." I chuckled, relief flooding my body. "He's alive... he's alive!"

Nami and Usopp breathed sighs of relief.

"Thank god..."

"I knew that idiot wouldn't die that easy... alright, grab him and get to the Merry as fast as you can! Let's get the heck out of Logue Town!"

"I couldn't agree with you more!" I nodded in agreement. "See you soon, over and out!" Once Soundbite ended the connection, I looked over at Bartolomeo. The mobster was staring at where the scaffold had been standing mere moments ago, his jaw dropped as far open as it could go.

"See?" I grinned shakily as I patted him on the shoulder. "Told you he'd get out alive!"

However, before I could say anything further to him, a very familiar trio ran by us.

"SHAKE A LEG, CROSS!" Sanji ordered.

"WOO HOO! THEY'RE PISSED!" Luffy cackled madly.

I laughed at the sheer insanity of the situation before throwing up a salute of farewell at Bartolomeo. "Happy trails, partner!" I laughed. And with that, I proceeded to take off down the road alongside my crewmates, pushing my body to keep up with them.

"Who was that you were talking to?" Zoro asked.

Before I could respond, Soundbite suddenly started crying out Bartolomeo's voice. "Hey! Wait! Guy! Wait up!"

"I can hear you, buddy, my snail wasn't just for show," I reassured him.

"Y-you're with your captain, right? Straw Hat Luffy? C-can I talk to him?"

I blinked in surprise before shrugging and proffering my snail to my captain. "It's for you."

Luffy looked at Soundbite in surprise. "Hello? Who're you?"

"M-m-my name is Bartolomeo! S-Straw Hat Luffy! T-the reason you're so awesome, the reason you were able to smile at death... i-is it because you're a pirate?!"

Luffy stared at the blubbering transponder snail for a moment before grinning widely. "Of course! After all, pirates are the free-est people on the sea! That means being able to go on incredible adventures and keep smiling no matter what happens! We're nothing other than awesome!"

Soundbite sniffed and choked for a second in awe before finally speaking. "S-so... if... if I became a p-p-pirate... c-could I be as awesome as you!?"

Luffy's grin somehow widened even further as he nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely!"

Bartolomeo hesitated for a second, a mere second before crying eagerly. "T-then I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna get a ship! I'm gonna get a crew! I'm going out to the sea! To the Grand Line! I'm gonna become a pirate! One as great and awesome a-a-and incredible as you are! I, BARTOLOMEO OF LOGUE TOWN, AM GONNA BE A PIRATE!"

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed. "Sounds awesome!"

"Don't just half-ass it though, you hear?" I cut in hastily. "Get a real crew, get a real ship! When you go out to sea, you do it with every intention of being the best pirate you can be! You hear me, Bartolomeo?"

"Y-yeah, yeah, I hear you! I'll do it! I'll do it right! Wait for me, alright, Straw Hat Luffy? Wait for me! W-w-we're gonna meet again! We'll meet again... IN THE GRAND LINE!"

"Shishishi! Alright! Looking forward to it! Good luck, Barty!" Luffy chortled animatedly.

"Until we see you again, buddy!" I agreed. And with that, Soundbite cut the connection, his tears disappearing in favor of his usual smirk.

"Hey Luffy, sounds like you have a fan!" Sanji laughed.

"I know, right? That's so awesome!" Luffy snickered in agreement.

"What the heck did you say to him, anyways?" Zoro asked me.

I shrugged helplessly with a grin as I put Soundbite back on my shoulder, flipping my jacket's hood on as I finally noticed the rain pelting down on us. "Hell if I know! I was just confident that Luffy would get out of there! Must have been infectious, huh?"

Sanji tsked as he cast a grin at Luffy. "Yeah, his crazy is a bit infectious, isn't it?"

"Well, we're already lost causes!" I concurred. "Let's get back to the ship before this storm grounds us!"

"ENOUGH TALKING!" Luffy snickered as he somehow increased his pace. "JUST KEEP RUNNING!"

"Aye-aye, captain!" I agreed.

We kept running forwards with little-to-no sense of direction with marines nipping at our heels...

Until we happened to notice a woman standing in the road ahead of us, forcing us to come to a halt.

"Who is this beauty?" Sanji asked eagerly, hearts evident in his eyes.

"Roronoa Zoro..." The woman growled darkly as she glared daggers at us. "You never told me you were a pirate! You lied to me, you bastard!"

Sanji's mood immediately flipped as he snarled at Zoro, seconds away from pounding him. "What the hell did you do to that girl, you moss-headed bastard!?"

"Sounds like somebody was busy during shore-leave!" I snickered. Soundbite laughed as he wolf-whistled in agreement.

Zoro ignored us all as he stepped forwards, staring at Tashigi flatly. "You never asked me what my name was, so I never lied to you. It's as simple as that."

If the sergeant's enraged expression was anything to go by, she didn't even remotely accept that answer, snarling as she drew her sword. "I'm going to take the Wado Ichimonji from you, and make sure it never falls into the hands of a pirate again!" And with that, she leapt forwards at us...

And was met blade-first by Zoro, who stared her down frigidly. "Go on ahead," he grunted.

"Okay!" Luffy nodded as he ran past.

"Good luck!" I waved as I followed the rubber man's lead.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" Soundbite crowed.

"If you hurt one hair on her head I'll kick your ass, mosshead!" Sanji raged as he just barely managed to restrain himself and follow us.

"You think he'll be alright?" I asked Luffy as the sword-wielders fell out of sight.

"Of course!" Luffy grinned. "After all, it's Zoro!"

"Fair enough!" I conceded

And with that, we kept running for all we were worth. The rain was pouring down on us in buckets and the wind was almost like a corporeal wall it was so strong, but either way we kept going. Soon, I felt my heart soar as I caught sight of the harbor's arch. It was a sure thing now: we were going to make it!

Then I felt my gut drop as I caught sight of who was standing beneath the arch. "Ah crap..." I groaned piteously.

"Great, now what!?" Sanji demanded.

"Straw Hat Luffy..." Captain Smoker growled as he glared at the three of us, forcing us to come to a halt. "I already told you you couldn't make it to the Grand Line without beating me, didn't I?"

Luffy blinked in confusion before grinning his usual stupid grin. "Oh yeah, I forgot!" he chuckled.

Smoker narrowed his eyes at us as he took a menacing step forwards. "You're really stupid, you know that?"

I chuckled miserably as I scratched the side of my head. "Tell me about it..."

Luffy's grin darkened with brutal eagerness as he reached up and clutched his hat. "Sanji, Cross, Soundbite. You guys go on ahead. I'll deal with this guy!"

However, before either of us could even think to either protest or agree, Smoker cut in. "What the hell makes you think I'll let any of you get away!?" he demanded, his arms billowing out into pillars of smoke and grabbing Luffy and leaving him struggling in the air before he could react.

"Damn it!" Sanji cursed, dashing forwards and launching a kick at Smoker's face. "Bastard!"

Sadly, the kick whiffed straight through Smoker's head, causing him to glare at the cook imperiously. "I've got no time for small fry." That was all the warning Sanji received before he was pummeled into a building by a fist of smoke. "White Fist!"

"Grk! Sanji!" Luffy howled, ripping an arm free and launching it at Smoker. "Take this! Gum Gum Pistol!"

Smoker dissipated around the blow, coalescing behind Luffy with a hand on his head moments later. "You're worth 30 million beri?" he scoffed. Before Luffy could react, he was slammed face-first into the pavement, with Smoker sitting cross-legged on his back.

"You're barely even worth one," the Captain growled as he started to reach for the jutte on his back. "Your luck's run out, kid."

"Oh, I don't know..."

Smoker froze as I pressed my baton's length against the underside of his throat, casting a shaky grin at him. "He seems like he's still a pretty damn lucky bastard to me."

Smoker turned a murderous glare on me, causing me to almost lose my grip on my weapon. "Do you really think that this will stop me?" he intoned darkly.

I shrugged ever so slightly as I tilted my head at Soundbite. "Depends. Do you think you're fast enough to dodge a blast of pure sound, capable of vaporizing stone?"

Soundbite snickered in agreement, his teeth bared in a menacing smirk.

I was, of course, completely bluffing my ass off, but hey, he didn't know that. Besides, people can dream!

Smoker switched tracks instantly. "You lied to me," he stated. "You said that none of your crew was wanted."

"In my defense, I've never really seen his wanted poster," I retorted, glancing down at Luffy. "You're worth 30 million, captain? That's pretty awesome!"

"Th'nks!" Luffy muttered out around the stone.

"Shut up!" Smoker snarled downwards before glaring at me. "This? This is who you're pinning everything on? You're pinning your hopes and dreams on this... this kid?"

"That 'kid'," I shot back. "As you call him, was just saved by a legitimate miracle. He is incredible and I... I believe in his dream, I believe in it every step of the way. He is going to go on and do awe-inspiring things... and if it means getting to see those things, being able to march with him, step by step, every inch of the way?" I didn't even hesitate as I grinned as widely as I could. "Then yeah. Yeah, I'll bet it all on him. Because I genuinely believe in Monkey D. Luffy becoming King of the Pirates. And nothing you or anyone in the whole wide world says will convince me otherwise."

"Awww, th'nks Cross!" Luffy mumbled out.

"Any time, Captain!" I nodded firmly.

Smoker's response was more terrifying than heartwarming, as he narrowed his eyes and reached up to clutch the handle of his jutte. "You bet wrong, kid. This is the end of the line. For the both of you!"


The world seemed to freeze as a hand came out of nowhere, grabbing the handle as well.

I could literally hear my heartbeat as I stared up at the legitimately massive cloaked figure that hadn't been standing behind Smoker a moment ago, taking in his familiar grin and tattoo with awe. I idly noted the nigh imperceptible 'eeeeeee' noise that Soundbite was making.

"I believe it's only just starting," Monkey D. Dragon stated with all the calm of an impending storm.

"Holy crap..." I breathed.

"Hey! Wh't's going on!?" Luffy struggled under Smoker's grip. "Wh's that!?"

"You..." Smoker growled up at the Revolutionary, his cold sweat mixing in with the rain. "The World Government's after your head..."

Dragon's grin only seemed to widen in response. "The world is still waiting for our answer..."

Before anyone could think to respond, the world seemed to go green and the wind went from howling to roaring, bellowing in rage and fury as it tore at the world around us and sent the world into chaos. I barely managed to identify the screaming I heard as my own a second later.

When it finally died down, I was laying on my ass, in the harbor, my head spinning as I tried to clamber to my feet. "Soundbite...?" I groaned, pushing myself to my feet..

"SPIN cycle SUCKS!" he spat out from inside his shell, which was thankfully still clutching my shoulder.

"Hey, Cross!" Usopp cried as he grabbed my other shoulder and shook me slightly. "You alright?"

I gave the sniper a shaky grin. "Bruised and battered, but I think I'll live." I frowned as a thought struck me. "But where's the Merry?!"

Usopp groaned as he pointed out to sea, where I could see a sail bobbing halfway to the horizon. "Out there. I don't know how we'll reach it now..."

"I do!" Luffy's voice rang out. "Brace yourselves, guys! Gum-Gum!"

I tensed as I remembered where this was undoubtedly going. "This is gonna suck..." I groaned.


I think I might have blacked out for a moment, because the next thing I knew I was laying on the Merry's deck alongside the rest of the male portion of the crew, groaning in pain on account of my body feeling like somebody had taken a baseball bat to it.

"Oooowww..." I whined.

"Well, that was fun..." Zoro concurred wtih a wheeze of pain.

"Hey, Cross..." Sanji managed to bite out. "Did you manage to see what did all this?"

Soundbite and I opened our mouths... then glanced at one another and promptly snapped them shut. "Sanji..." I breathed. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Eeeeeyup!" Soundbite nodded in agreement.

"You're here!" Nami laughed in relief as she helped us up. "Come on, we need to get moving! We've got a tailwind, we need to get out of here before the Marines manage to catch up to us!"

And with that, we scrambled to man the lines, working the whipstaff and sails furiously in order to fight against the elements and force them to work in our favor. It was not a fun time, what with us coming within feet of capsizing and taking a final dip, but we eventually managed to stabilize things.

Finally, Nami called out to us all. "Hey, look! There's a light!"

And indeed there was: a tower of stone with a light flashing on top, defying the darkness of the storm.

"Is that a lighthouse?!" Usopp asked in confusion as he clutched the mast.

Nami grinned and nodded. "Yeah... the guiding light... It's one of the markers... beyond that light... Is the entrance to the Grand Line! So!" She smiled at us all eagerly, seemingly drunk on the moment. "What's it gonna be?"

Usopp whimpered miserably as he held on to the Merry for dear life. "Do we have to do this in the middle of a storm!?"

"Aw, c'mon, Usopp!" I teased, my hands firmly clutching the Merry's rigging. "Where's your sense of adventure!?"

"I think it fell overboard and drowned a mile back!"



Nevertheless, we all smiled eagerly at Nami and nodded, ready to take the next leg on our journey.

"Okay! I say we do something to mark the occasion!" Sanji nodded in determination, lugging a barrel out of the Merry's storeroom and setting it up on deck.

Usopp eyed the skies nervously before swallowing his fear and nodding in agreement. "R-right!"

"I'm in!" Luffy whooped.

"Let's do it!" Nami concurred.

Zoro didn't say anything, but his grin was answer enough.

"Hell yes!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"WOOHOO!" Soundbite hollered.

And so, Sanji raised his leg and placed it on top of the barrel. "I'm going to the Grand Line... to find the All Blue!" He announced.

"I'm going to be King of the Pirates!"

"I'm going to be the world's best swordsman!"

"I'll draw a map of the world!"

"I-I-I'm going to become... A BRAVE WARRIOR OF THE SEAS!"

I hesitated as my turn came up. At this moment... I wondered. Did I truly deserve to be here? In front of all these incredible people, in front of all their incredible dreams, I had to wonder... was I truly worthy? Could I do it?"

In the end... I could only come up with one suitable answer.

Hell yes.

I raised my foot and landed it on the barrel with finality. "I'm going to travel the seas!" I declared firmly. "And I'm going to see everything this cruel, crazy, beautiful world has to offer!"

"DITTO!" Soundbite roared in agreement.

We stared at the barrel for a moment as we took it all in. Six people and one snail, each with our own dreams, our own capabilities... about to take on the world. In a word, it was... awe-inspiring

Finally, Luffy grinned and raised his leg high, prompting us all to follow along. "And now!" he announced. "TO THE GRAND LINE!"

We brought our feet down on the barrel in the middle of a crack of thunder.

And so... our journey well and truly began.