
Thirst For Blood.

Once upon a time, in a world where werewolves and vampires existed, there lived a young woman named Avery. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, but little did she know that her own destiny would soon be intertwined with theirs. Avery had always possessed an unexplainable connection with the supernatural realm. She had vivid dreams that foretold events and showed glimpses of the future. One fateful night, after waking up from a terrifying nightmare, Avery found herself haunted by the memory of golden yellow eyes. The werewolf with those enchanting eyes had appeared in her dream, pledging to protect her from a group of relentless vampires. Together, they unraveled the secrets of their intertwining destinies, discovering ancient prophecies that hinted at a greater purpose for their love. With the support of their loyal friends and allies from both the werewolf and vampire clans, they embarked on a quest to bring peace to their warring worlds. In the realm of werewolves and vampires, their love story became immortalized – forever bound by moonlight.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Unexpected Savior

Avery remembered her parents telling her not to cause any trouble, so she decided to ignore them. Because no one is going through their location, no one can assist her. 

Avery isn't nervous, but she can't stop thinking about what she can do in situations like these. She didn't want to make a mistake she'd come to regret. She should know what she should do next to avoid getting into problems, especially after she told her parents she would. 

She didn't want to face the consequences if she did anything she wasn't supposed to do. The only problem is that she can't come up with a solution to her current predicament and is having trouble deciding.

"Hello, miss! Do you appear to be alone now? Do you wish to accompany us?" A man inquired, his lips smirking as if to warn her that they were delicate and a threat to her life.

"Oh, yes, miss! When we're alone, I'm sure you'll like what we're about to do even more. When you're alone, especially in chilly weather like today, it's depressing. Do you want us to give you a warm welcome?" Another man claimed he was holding a cigarette and had just flung it all over the place.

"That's a great concept, brother! At the party we're heading to, the three of us will undoubtedly have a good time!" 

She takes a step back while the two men chat in front of her. She tried to persuade her to come along and party with them, but she was adamantly opposed. 

She didn't want to go with them since she suspected they were planning something awful for her, especially since she was still a lady. She didn't know the two men, and she was worried that because of them, she wouldn't be able to keep her promise to her parents. 

She didn't want to make a mistake, especially since she was holding on to a promise. She wants to complete her study and avoid being imprisoned by her father, so she will do everything she can to keep her pledge.

She ran fast, until she bolted and hid in the big tree. The two young men continued to call her while they searched for her. Like a wild animal, they have cravings and fun in their gaze, while she is like a prey that hides and tries to escape being captured.

"What I'm gonna do now? I don't want to be imprisoned! Why would I be pursued by trouble? How can I maintain my word if this is my current situation? Because no one is travelling through this area, no one will be able to assist me!" That was Avery's thought as she devised a plan to elude the two men pursuing her. She wanted to go home and lie down in her bed, but she couldn't since she was being pursued.

"Where have you been, my princess?" he inquires. A man yells for her to respond, and they rush to find her so they can carry out their plan on her. Avery cringed at the man's obnoxious voice.

"Do you want to play with us, beauty? That appears to be a lot of fun! Play hide-and-seek! You'll be with us when we reach you!" Another man, who was still chasing and hunting for her, burst out laughing.

She resists being enraged because she does not want to harm others. She also didn't want to betray her vow to her parents, so she focused intently and took a long breath to relax. She can manage her rage at the two men with sinister intentions who are still seeking for her until she has calmed down. 

She smelled something unusual as she breathed in the air, and she knew it wasn't the fragrance of a human or a vampire like her. She couldn't put her finger on what she smelled right now. 

It didn't smell like anything else she'd ever smelled. She couldn't help but wonder if her vision was off or if she was simply imagining the smell. She didn't want to admit it, but she was intrigued by the smell. It piqued her interest, particularly her want to figure out where that came from.

After a few more minutes, she was still unsure what it was, but she finally realized it was probably just wild creatures, so she tried to escape again, but she was unexpectedly struck by a falling branch and fell. 


She had not anticipated such a circumstance, and she was aware that she could be overrun by two men pursuing her. She was at a loss for what to do and had no plan in place. She wished she could stand up immediately, but she couldn't.

Her legs were damaged, and her screams were heard by those pursuing her men. She didn't want to disobey, but she realized she didn't have an option except to go with the flow of fate. She feels that her nightmare will come to an end, and she will be able to return home safely. She is free to return home without jeopardizing her vow to her parents.

They dashed over to her and discovered her lying on the grass. The two men saw an opportunity to injure Avery, so they seized her by both arms right away. That was their true motive: to rape the woman and feel the warmth of her body. 

They yearned for a taste of that lovely lady. They were instantly hardened by the woman's lovely features and sexy figure when they first saw her. They wanted to poke and prod her in every nook and cranny.

"Help! Please... help me!" Avery yelled for help. 

She hoped that someone would hear her and better yet, that someone would pass by their house. She wanted to confront the two guys who were pressuring her, but she remembered everything her parents had said to her, particularly the vow she had made.

In front of her, a man began to remove his uniform. 

"Please no! Let me go! Please...don't touch me!"

Avery begged and pleaded for assistance, but they laughed at her because no one else was around. 

The naked man in front of her was ready to touch her.

But before the man in front of her kissed her, a sudden heavy blow to his face fell, and he immediately fell to the ground.

What Avery witnessed, particularly in the expression of the man who had been assaulted, startled her. He fights the man and makes a power blow in his face and his body.

She had no idea how powerful the man who helped her was.

The man's bloodied snout, which was now lying on the ground, stunned a male friend who was holding her both arms. Even the man who was with her was taken aback by what had happened.

The naked guy quickly lost consciousness, maybe as a result of the blow's overwhelming force. 

In addition to the scent she had earlier detected, she sensed a powerful aura surrounding her.

Avery wanted to meet her rescuer, but another man unexpectedly charged at him and was about to punch him, but he dodged the blow. When he was able to escape the attack, he struck the man with a powerful blow, knocking him to the ground. 

He struck him once more until he passed out. 

Avery can recognize the man's likeness even in the dark, and she will concede that the man who saved her from the two men is incredibly gorgeous, even if she can't exactly see him. She had hoped to see the man's entire face, but she was unable to do so due to another issue.

The man who had previously lost consciousness rose up and rushed over to the man in front of her. He fought back and attempted to attack the man who had saved him with a piece of wood from a tree, but he simply avoided it and kicked the man hard. 

He was taken aback as he flew a few meters away and rested against a giant tree till he passed out. 

Avery couldn't explain how she felt because the man who had rescued her was weird in several ways. As a result, she opted to keep away from the man in order to avoid being hurt. He may have saved her, but she had no idea who he was, despite her curiosity about his goodness and unusual scent.

While Avery was forcing herself to sit down, the man slowly approached her. She desired to return home because she was aware that her parents were concerned about her well-being. 

She also wished to stay away from the man, despite the fact that he had already saved her. She could smell the man's peculiar stench and couldn't help but keep a close eye on him. 

She admits that the man who assisted her was attractive, handsome, muscular, and had lovely eyes. Eyes that seem to transport you to another world and communicate with you honestly.

The man came up to her and asked, "Are you all right? Do you want to be carried by me?" 

She could sense the man's sensitivity in his voice, but the thought crossed her mind that he might have a nasty plan for her or what he would demand in exchange for her assistance.

Avery, on the other hand, chastised him and shouted, "Keep your distance from me! I can take care of myself! You're free to leave!" She was well aware that being disrespectful to the man who helped her was inappropriate, but she couldn't help herself.

Maybe she's in a terrible mood because she's being so disrespectful right now! 

Avery's determination to put distance between herself and the man was palpable, a physical force propelling her forward. Her foot caught the edge of an unseen obstacle, a treacherous fault line on the smooth terrain of her escape. With a startled gasp that ripped through the tense air, her body lurched awkwardly, gravity seizing its due.

"Careful," his voice was a low murmur, as if reluctant to shatter the moment's fragility.

His hands were swift and sure, breaking her fall with an ease that belied the suddenness of the action. Avery found herself momentarily suspended in his steady grasp, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her rib-cage. The texture of his coat beneath her palms was the only real thing in a world suddenly off-kilter.

"Thank you," she breathed out, attempting to regain composure.

Their eyes met, and it was as though the universe paused, holding its breath along with Avery. His irises were a stormy sea into which she felt herself drowning, drawn by an inexplicable current. There was an electricity, a silent communication that defied words, sparking at the periphery of her consciousness.