
Thirst For Blood.

Once upon a time, in a world where werewolves and vampires existed, there lived a young woman named Avery. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, but little did she know that her own destiny would soon be intertwined with theirs. Avery had always possessed an unexplainable connection with the supernatural realm. She had vivid dreams that foretold events and showed glimpses of the future. One fateful night, after waking up from a terrifying nightmare, Avery found herself haunted by the memory of golden yellow eyes. The werewolf with those enchanting eyes had appeared in her dream, pledging to protect her from a group of relentless vampires. Together, they unraveled the secrets of their intertwining destinies, discovering ancient prophecies that hinted at a greater purpose for their love. With the support of their loyal friends and allies from both the werewolf and vampire clans, they embarked on a quest to bring peace to their warring worlds. In the realm of werewolves and vampires, their love story became immortalized – forever bound by moonlight.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Fantasy
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8 Chs

First Day of School

Avery is a unique kind of vampire, one who craves a life among humans in the old city. Unlike her bloodthirsty counterparts, she chooses to consume animal blood and prepares her meals with creativity. Despite the challenges that come with living among humans, Avery is determined to live a normal life as a teenager, rather than as a vampire's daughter.

The city is bustling with activity, but Avery must be cautious in her interactions with humans. She knows the do's and don't s of living among them and follows them diligently. She has made some human friends who are unaware of her true identity.

Avery woke up early in the morning, since she was looking forward to her first day of class. She is now in her fourth year of high school and looking forward to making new friends. You can see the joy and excitement in her eyes as she wears her uniform on the first day of school.

Avery is a 17-year-old vampire with a strong desire to live among humans and experience a normal teenage life. She is slim and has pale skin, deep blue eyes, and long, dark hair. She was wearing her school uniform with a maroon blazer and checkered skirt, which she paired with black shoes.

She inhaled deeply and reached for her black bag. She went downstairs to eat breakfast and saw her mom in the kitchen.

Elena, her mother, was busy preparing breakfast while her father, Athan, read the newspaper. She can't believe it's been a couple of years since they've been together and her parents are still in love.

Even if they are older than her, you will not realize because they still look young.

"Hello dear, here's our most lovely and cherished child!" Her mom said as she kissed her daughter a good morning kiss on her cheek.

"Alright, please take a seat so we can eat together. I want you to be as healthy as possible all of the time. So, eat to keep your energy levels up in class!" Her mother had invited her to breakfast first, so she sat down with her parents to eat.

Her father finished reading the newspaper and began eating (blood). It would have been quiet, but she knew her parents' mouths wouldn't remain silent. She has grown accustomed to their home being quite talkative and rowdy since she was a child.

Since she was half-human and half-vampire, she can eat food and blood too. Unlike her dad, he only eats blood and doesn't eat food. While her mother also can eat food, because she was also a human before. She only became a vampire when her mother was in the middle of labor. Her father decided to transform her into a vampire to survive the pain.

Elena was dying from giving birth to Avery because her body could not take the trauma of the baby being ripped from her body. This is why Athan stood by ready to inject Elena's heart with his own venom and why immediately bit her in as many places as he could, to keep her from dying.

One, two, three ... Avery's count in her mind.

"Eat a lot and don't get tired there, baby! Always look after yourself because we aren't there to protect you and conceal your genuine identity. You already know why we need to do that, especially while we're outside. They are unable to discover our family's secret. Is it truly necessary for you to study there? I'm concerned about you! Is it possible for you to just come here and finish your homework? Isn't that a brilliant idea? I won't be concerned about you, and you won't be isolated from the rest of us." Her mother spoke to her for a long time while she looked at her.

Every time her mother said something, she shook her head. She knows she can't stay silent, especially because the school she'll be attending is far away and not the proper fit for someone like her.

"Mommy, I can take care of myself because I'm big enough to take care of things, so I'll be alright in my class. I don't want to attend home school because, as you know, I want to live and learn in the real world. I don't want to be oblivious to all that is going on in the world. Don't worry, I'll look after myself and then return home after my classes. I'm not leaving our house; instead, I'll study." She explains everything to her mother so that she doesn't have to be concerned about her.

"Honey, our daughter has matured and she is capable of handling herself. I have faith in her and believe she can defend herself against terrible individuals." Her father expressed his thoughts.

"However, honey-" Elena was about to say something when her husband interrupted her.

"Don't be concerned! Everything will be alright if we trust our daughter." Athan gives his wife reassurance. She nodded and returned her gaze to Avery.

"Just stay out of the muck and don't get into any fights! I'm going to put a stop to your studying, especially so that people don't make fun of you. I understand that the smell of people is enticing, but we don't consider that we eat people. They might find out about us and kill you if they find out!" Her mother panicked, so she took a deep breath.

"Mommy! What exactly are you referring to? I'm not a meat eater! I'm not going to eat my classmates, especially my professors! That's revolting! What you're saying disgusts me!" She screamed and shuddered as she stared at her mother.

It's unusual for her mother to worry about such things in particular. She couldn't tell if her mother was insane or if she was simply like that.

Her father guffawed at her outburst and said, "Your mother is simply reminding you that you have the potential to devour people. Perhaps you can't stop yourself from drinking all of their blood."

Avery was particularly taken aback by what her father stated.

"Could you just put a stop to that? It's no longer amusing! What you're saying is horrible! Is it possible for us to just stop talking?" That brought relief to the pair.

They just kept eating, but after a time, her mother spoke up again, reminding her that there were many more. Despite her dissatisfaction with her mother's orders, she continued to follow them because she believed in the adage that "mother knows best," even if her mother occasionally uttered nonsense and had a childlike mind-set.

They had finished eating and she was about to go when her mother called her, prompting her to turn around and see her parents approaching.

"Your father will drive you to school, and who knows what will happen. You will always remember everything I ordered! When you have spare time, you call me right away, especially if you require assistance or have an emergency. You're going to join us right away and -" Elena was about to say anything when her husband, who was thrown over her shoulder, stopped her.

"Calm down, honey! Trust our child; I'm confident she already understands the dos and don'ts." Elena inhaled deeply and nodded.

Her mother hugged her and said goodbye before getting in the car.

She jumped out of their car as soon as they arrived at the school. She said her goodbyes to her father, who warned her.

"Don't create a mess because if you do, I'll lock you up and you won't be allowed to go to school again."

"I swear, I won't do anything that will hurt you or cause you to lose trust in me." Avery made a pledge to her father, who kissed her on the cheek.

A student in the distance was stunned when she saw Athan, and when Avery came by, she asked the girl. "Hi! Is it possible that you're new to the academy because I just noticed you?"

Avery said, "Yes, I'm new here," and the girl giggled.

"Do you want to be friends? I'm Tanya." She said as she wanted to shake hands with her.

"Of course! I'm Avery." She stated that with a big smile on her face and shook hands with Tanya.

"Who was the previous man you were with, by the way? He's quite attractive! Isn't it

possible that he is your boyfriend?" As they walked together, her buddy inquired.

Avery was amused by her new friend's query. She came to a halt, and her companion soon followed.

"You claim my father is the handsome one." Avery's friend couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"What? Your father? Maybe you're just playing a joke on me?" Her friend was taken aback.

Avery responded, "He's my father," and her companion softly smacked her on the arm while stomping her feet.

"Well, he looks like a seventeen or nineteen years old!" Tanya said.

"Oh, yeah, they said my father looked young, but he is actually 45 years old now." Avery smiled.

"Oh, okay! Common, let's go to our class!" Tanya excitedly said to her.

They went to their class and sat beside each other and waited for their teacher to come in.


Their all-day session was complete, and she decided to go for a walk since it was getting late and her Daddy hadn't arrived yet. She isn't frightened to walk home by herself because her true nature is far scarier. 

She was unaware of the sudden appearance of two male pupils at the school she was attending as she walked through the trees to their residence. She was drawn to them since they were dressed in the same uniform that they dressed to school. She thinks what the two of them are planning is a poor idea. 

Even though the two men were larger than she was, she knew she was stronger than them. 

Because she was a woman, they may have assumed she was weak and had nothing against the two of them. They have no idea who they are up against. They thought they were in luck with what they observed because of her lovely features.

"What exactly do these two require of me?" That was Yvonne's thought as she watched the two men appear out of nowhere. When she noticed the smiles on their lips, her brow wrinkled. She considers what she can accomplish and how she can stay out of danger.

It appears that the two men are plotting something nefarious against her. When she looked around, she noticed that no one or vehicle was going by.

These men were strangers, their intentions cloaked in civility yet reeking of danger. She couldn't trust them; their eyes had held a predatory gleam that belied their courteous words. And if they were to lay hands on her, to take her away from this place, she would fail those who mattered most.

'I can't let them take me,' Avery thought, her mind racing. 'Mother, Father, I promised I'd come back. I must find a way.'