
Third Rebirth

#WPC303 Selene as the Matriarch of one of the biggest Nosferatus clan in the world had it all, but due to a ill-fated love, she lost everything, including her life. But to her surprise, when she thought she was going to dissipate, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the past. Unfortunately, although she changed herself, her ending was still tragic. Opening her eyes once again in the past, Selene discarded her love and her heart was filled with hate. She desperately wanted to destroy everything that threatened her, but she still ended up in a miserable state. This is the third time she went back to the past. This time was much earlier than the previous times and no scum or major event has happened yet. Is this enough for Selene change her fate? And why is she coming back to the past? Selene doesn’t know, but regardless of everything, this time around she will protect everything and everyone she holds dear. Even if she has to burn the whole world

TravelGod · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Problems already arise

As Selene walked downstairs, her curvy figure was highlighted by her purple dress and black laced corset. With her unusual hair and eye color complimenting her looks, even among the blood kin, she was considered a top beauty.

Her stunning beauty made the guest's eyes shine with appreciation, even though they often see each other.

Baron Castel extended his hand to help her descend the last few steps and kissed the back of her hand in greeting.

"Milady, as always, it's a pleasure" he smiled charmingly at Selene.

Selene looked at the man in front of her and shook her head in her thoughts. 'As always with the irreverent attitude. Well, I guess that the "me" at this time did nothing much to earn his respect, though'

Castel Morvent was one of the many roaming Nosferatu associated to the Tremere clan. With the Viscount rank, he quickly climbed and managed to be responsible for the supply of food to the clan. With his flirty attitude he usually passes the image of unreliable, but Selene knew she could count on him in serious times, just like she did in the past two times.

"Same here" she answered with a smile, not a bit bothered by his demeanor.

Remembering something, she sneakily looked at her butler. Just as she thought, Noelle had his brow tightly frowned. Because of their opposite nature, every time they encountered each other, Noelle and Castel would bicker endlessly.

Remembering their funny interaction, her smile got even more sincere.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Oh Milady, as much as I wanted to come to only appreciate your magnificent appearance, unfortunately I'm afraid I came for business"

Castel took a book and showed to Selene.

"Milady, you see, our reservoir of food is become lower in an alarming rate, if things persist this way we won't have enough to feed the entire clan by the dark moon"

Selene tapped her finger in the arm of the chair. She vaguely remembers this problem.

Because she trusted her elders a lot around this time, in her previous lives she sent her uncle to take care of it. The solution he came up was to start to hunt humans in a nearby village and mask his slaughter as a donation.

He hunted enough to not only supply the clan but also to sell privately, gaining enough money to build his own power.

This incident was also the first sparkle of the war with humans. And although it was good, she was back in time to stop it, she had no idea how to solve it.

"What is your suggestion?"

She looked at Castel with expectations. If they could kill this sparks, maybe, just perhaps, the imminent war won't happen.

Castel paused for a bit and looked at his toes.

"… We could expand our range of donors to other provinces. I'm sure enough humans will foolishly volunteer in exchange for their immortality dream. Meanwhile, we gather them, we could buy from the other clans"

Selene nodded. Although it would be hard to negotiate with most of the clans, she still remembers a secret or two that she can count as leverage to deal with them.

"Go to our researches. Tell them to begin a new research based on a substitute for blood too"

Castel was a bit surprised. Selene was known to be very conservative in her way of living and would always be against any novelty that opposes their traditions.

"Is there a problem?"

Castel shook his head.

"I'll do as you say"

Selene nodded and took the cup of tea served by Noelle. Tasting the sweet and floral taste of the familiar tea, her thoughts became clearer.

"Right, why did the expenditure of food got up?"

Castel froze a bit and rubbed his hands nervously.



Selene asked with a slightly threatening tone.

"Bryn expenditure has been getting higher as the time passes"

Under Selene pressure, Castel quickly sold his friend while mentally apologizing and sending a prayer to the future dead man.

Hearing the not so unexpected name, Selene massaged the crease between her eyebrows.

"How much?"


"I'm asking how much that stupid brother of mine consumes"

"How much you say… before anything, I want to emphasize how I can't really deny his request. You know too, right. Rank suppression and all. Plus Bryn said he had your approval Mistress, so I-"

Looking at how her face was darkening the more he said, Castel quickly stopped his rambling and directly said the number.

"Per month… 200 bags"

The armrest in Selene's chair was decimated under the sheer force of her clenching hand.

"Isn't this more than five times higher, what someone from his status should receive?"

She asked through gritted teeth.

Castel gulped looking at the armrest that was made of the strongest metal easily destroyer by her hand and answered honestly.

"It's eight times larger"

"… Eight. So, he should receive 25, right? Great. For this, month forth, he shall receive ten as a form of punishment. You can redirect him to me if he has any complaints"

Castel nodded obediently. Even if she didn't say so, there was no way he would take his friend's anger for putting an end to his party supply.

"What about the rest?"

"There were some suspect movements here and there from multiple people, but nothing serious. Mistress, do you want to see the book?"

He asked, taking the records book from his briefcase and gave to Noelle, who briefly examined and gave to his Mistress.

Opening the book, Selene could see numbers changing and the graphic altering.

The book of records was a magical book created by the merchant witches that helped them in administrating their stock. Because of its high utility, it was quickly implemented by all the other races in their specific requirements. It tracked how much the stock had and has, how much it was taken and who took, and also the type of products in stock. Overall, it was practical equipment that made Selene sincere admire the witches' ingenuity.

Selene could see that the higher ranks, although not often, would take more than their quote, which would lead to a decrease in the lower ranks supply.

Looking at the names with a high number of supplies than average, she chuckled coldly. Although some of them used it for recreational use like his brother, some old fogeys used it to their private (secret) forces.

She didn't condone their cultivation of private forces, after all the inside fighting was not uncommon, so they had the right to defend themselves. But since it was something that was not used to the benefit of the clan, why should the clan pay for it?

Castel saw her shaking her head and opening a mischievous smile which made him have a bad feeling as if her next words would make him go to hell and back. And sure enough, the news she gave him made him question himself about his decision of letting her deal with it.

"Say, my dear and lovely Cass, wouldn't be delightful if we restrict all those who take extra supplies and gave them a little punishment?"