
Third Rebirth

#WPC303 Selene as the Matriarch of one of the biggest Nosferatus clan in the world had it all, but due to a ill-fated love, she lost everything, including her life. But to her surprise, when she thought she was going to dissipate, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the past. Unfortunately, although she changed herself, her ending was still tragic. Opening her eyes once again in the past, Selene discarded her love and her heart was filled with hate. She desperately wanted to destroy everything that threatened her, but she still ended up in a miserable state. This is the third time she went back to the past. This time was much earlier than the previous times and no scum or major event has happened yet. Is this enough for Selene change her fate? And why is she coming back to the past? Selene doesn’t know, but regardless of everything, this time around she will protect everything and everyone she holds dear. Even if she has to burn the whole world

TravelGod · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Back once more

In the middle of the day in a room dark as night, a woman laid in a large bed. Her frown and constant movements made clear that she was in the middle of a nightmare. After tossing herself from left to right over and over, she finally stood still and tear after another dripped from her long eyelashes.

As time passed her irregular breath became stable but her eyes neither opened nor stopped the tears that now wetted her blue ivy hair.

It was not until the sun was replaced by the moon that the woman opened her eyes.

An amethyst pupil appeared and shone even in the dark environment, as if it had light itself.

The woman extended her hands in front of herself and suddenly laughed.

The big smile and the childlike laughter revealed the ecstasy she was feeling.

She couldn't believe.

She got one more chance.

She laughed loudly, but the tears that escaped and the despair in her eyes made you doubt what her true feelings were.

"… the third time"

She murmured to herself.

This was the third time she went back in time.

For the first time she, who was known as arrogant and enchanting, passed to be described as harmless and cute. Blinded by love, she, passed from the queen of the night to a harmless bunny just to please the one whom she loved.

And she did get what she wanted for some time. By suppressing her true charcuterie and mimicking what he liked, she managed to marry the man of her dreams, and they were happy for many years.

But how could something that was not true stick forever? As the days passed she would unknowingly let her true character and ideas surface and eventually the man found out about her deceit. Furiously, he dumped and cursed her, throwing her away in the territory of their enemies while they escaped an ambush.

Hurt physically, and emotionally, she was captured and was toyed by those filthy beasts and killed by decapitation when they finally stopped toying with her body.

While she was being used, as a form to break down her will, her enemies told her about how 'her' man became in love with the human woman she loathed and how the humans, due to a misunderstanding, got together with the witches and lycans to destroy the Nosferatu.

She couldn't believe that after all she did for the man, he still followed the path of the last life without any hesitation.

The day of her beheading was also the day the enemy would march to destroy her kin.

The second time, she went back…

She covered her face. Her breath got quicker again, and she felt like there was something crawling under her skin.

The panic made her sharp nails and canines grew, while her eyes turned from the beautiful amethyst to a deadly ruby. Her fear was so immense that she couldn't manage to summon her strength.

She entrapped herself in the last memories she had. She could feel the taste of blood in her mouth. What was once sweet now it only made her nauseous. And the smell…

She would rather not remember. It was just too painful.

It was not until a knock came from the door, breaking the silent that she woke up from her state.

"Mistress, Viscount Castel is here to see you. He seems to be rushing"

The woman looked dully to the door, making sure she heard the voice right.


The woman rapidly got off the bed and opened the door, flinging herself to the man who called her.


She hugged him tightly.

Yes, she is back now. Those things didn't happen, and they were all alive now, Noelle, Misha, Sana and…

Thinking of all those she lost, she hugged the man in her arms tighter.

"Have you had a nightmare Mistress?"

Noelle asked with an impeccable smile, without caring that the force his mistress was hugging him was almost breaking his ribs.

"Wouldn't be awesome if I was the only Nosferatu that dreamed?"

She jokingly answered, covering her unstable mood.

The Mistress opened a smile and looked at Noelle's pale yellow eyes that only had her in them. How much she missed these pale gold, the last time she saw was when he covered her and then…

Noelle nodded.

"Yes. Not only awesome but you would also get the stamp of approval of our researchers"

Noelle knocked her head and pushed her inside the dark room.

"Now go quickly change and see what that distasteful man wants"

The woman entered the room without a resistance and began to take her clothes while Noelle searched for an appropriate dress.

"You know, you shouldn't talk like this about someone of the kin"

She smiled in full nude, while Noelle presented to her the options that he saw fitted.

None of them felt embarrassed or aroused by the situation. After a few centuries, this type of stimulation was nothing for them, that's why the woman felt puzzling how her ex-lover behaved liked a prude human and felt disgust at the usual kin openness.

Thinking of his incomprehensible behavior, she snorted.

'Disgusting piece of s*it'

"Don't you like this red one? What about this purple and black one?"

Noelle suggested mistaking his Mistress reaction. Not that she corrected him anyway. Thinking once about that man was enough, and there was no need to dirty Noelle's ears with the name of the scum.

"Wherever you choose. Did he say his purpose?"

"Something about food reserves being low and the need of new blood-servants"

The woman nodded. It appears that she went back earlier than the first or second time.

'At least I won't need to suffer with those two disgusting love for a few years'

Fixing her appearance enough to see the man in the lobby, she exited her room with Noelle behind her.

"Let's go and grant him the audience with Duchess Selene Vin Tremere"