
Third Rebirth

#WPC303 Selene as the Matriarch of one of the biggest Nosferatus clan in the world had it all, but due to a ill-fated love, she lost everything, including her life. But to her surprise, when she thought she was going to dissipate, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the past. Unfortunately, although she changed herself, her ending was still tragic. Opening her eyes once again in the past, Selene discarded her love and her heart was filled with hate. She desperately wanted to destroy everything that threatened her, but she still ended up in a miserable state. This is the third time she went back to the past. This time was much earlier than the previous times and no scum or major event has happened yet. Is this enough for Selene change her fate? And why is she coming back to the past? Selene doesn’t know, but regardless of everything, this time around she will protect everything and everyone she holds dear. Even if she has to burn the whole world

TravelGod · Fantasy
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11 Chs


'Humans do something useful every now and then, although not as good or nutritious as the real deal, it doesn't give me a repulsive feeling'

Selene thought as she savored the blood-substitute and tried to ignored the beautiful couple in front of her.

Unfortunately the hysterical screams of the woman and her identity posed a problem in Selene's attempt.

Putting the wine glass down, Selene finally couldn't take anymore and finally looked at the lady who didn't stopped complaining since she came.

"Mother stop. Sit down and speak in a tone that the servants outside the mansion can't hear please"

"How can you talk to me like this! Darling!"

The woman who Selene called mother looked at the man by her side in complaint.

"Selene, where are you manners?"

The man properly supported his wife which made her look proud at her daughter.

"I won't argue with you. You can say what you want to me in a civilized way or we can go back to me ignoring you until you get tired"

The woman was furious and took deep breaths but still sat down and did as Selene said.

"What are you doing to your brother?"

The woman asked in gritted teeth.

"The correct thing"

"You! Do you think you would be sit down in this position if your brother wanted this seat? Is just a little blood, why are you being so vicious for?"

Selene raises an eyebrow to her mother's outburst and looked at her father.

"That's what you said to her? That he could have the position if he wanted?"

Her father stayed silent but averted his eyes.

"Dear Father, do you also think that I was too harsh on Bryn?"

Seeing his silence persist, Selene chuckled. She took the book that Castel left and showed to her father.

"Check the book. If you can still say so after seeing this, you can leave the mansion right away"

The man took the book and the more he looked the more ugly his face became, finally he closed the book and sighed.

"I understand, Elle we should go home"

Elle saw her only ally turned against herself and became even more agitated.

"No! I will only leave when I see my son in front of me! As for you, Filip, you're sleeping at the study"

The man looked helplessly at his daughter, but Selene completely ignored him.

"Mother do you know how much little blood it is on your mouth?"

Selene asked sharply and continued without giving a chance for her Mother to answer.

"200 bags. Do you know what he does with it? He calls the scum of the clan to bath in his pool filled with blood. Meanwhile our servants, guards and those who secure OUR safety have their supplies reduced because your dear son decided a new way to impress his dog friends"

Elle paled with the number.

"I-I'm sure it's wrong, your brother, he-"

"Are you saying that the book of records is wrong or that I'm lying to you? Mother please, you and I both know Bryn's temperament and we know how capable of doing it. Plus, Mother, are you also aware that although your lovely son, who is a Marquess, couldn't beat Noelle who is an earl? Forget an earl, he couldn't even beat the dark patrols who were barons"

Selene said sarcastically.

'With this measle strength still want to be the head of the clan. Please, do dream when you're at sleep' Selene spit in her thoughts.

"W-well, your brother is just a bit spoiled, I'm sure just a good scolding can do the job, there is no need for him be imprisonments right?"

Selene looked skeptically at her father. Just how much did this man spoiled and protected his wife?

"Mother how do you honestly view the clan?"

"We are one of the strongest out of the 8 of course. Different from the most clans we don't have any internal power struggle and-"

Before she could finish Selene's loud laughter interrupted her proud speech.

"Hahaha! Oh my! No internal struggle she says! Hahaha. This was probably the best joke of the year!"


Her father said harshly releasing the pressure of a prince, but Selene brushed it easily. For her who even met the Ancestor in one of her lifetimes, this pressure was just like a tickle.

"Father stay silent for a bit"

Selene said while she release her own pressure, making her father astonished. How come he failed to perceive his daughter was in the same rank as him? No... she was even a bit higher than him!

"Mother do you know why father gave up the seat for me when he could still stay? Do you remember the blood moon banquet which was the last Father attended as the Lord? That night, Uncle Darius tried to make me his bride forcefully. Fortunately father discover in time. To my safety and because I was better qualified than the other option, Father gave me the seat"

She paused and looked directly at her mother who was paralyzed because of her rank suppression.

"Of course this wasn't enough reason since he could solve in many other ways. You see mother, the state that the we let other see it's not the same as the real one. Relatives, elders and some random members are always vying for this position. You, mom, is what we call liability. There was no way father could keep the seat if he wanted to protect your current fantasy of peace. So for your sake he gave up the seat for me. What Bryn has done a long the years coupled with your slips are always a way for my and father's opponents to take advantage"

"Selene I didn't know I-"

Selene raised her hand to stop her mother and sighed stopping the pressure on her parents.

"I know you didn't know. Father chose to protect you and Bryn with ignorance and I complied with it. But sorry I'm tired. Both of you are always adding to trouble because of your ignorance and after this incident I finally figure out. You should at least be aware of danger so at least you can avoid some dangers"

She stopped and look at the moon that brightly shone outside.

"Bryn is weak in mind and body, what do you think will happen when the enemy gets to him? In the case of me being unable to protect him he will die, don't mistake yourself. I did what I did not because of envy or hate, I did this to him because I love him. I don't care if he hates me after this, hell, if the hate he feels propels him to become stronger it will actually make me happy"

The room became silent, but neither of the three wanted to broke this thin stalemate. Selene just didn't want to argue anymore with her unreasonable parents, and her parents were both filled with guilt and embarrassment.

Fortunately Noelle knocked the door not long after.

"Mistress, Elder Declan and Elder Shayla are here to discuss with you some issues, should I ask them to join you here?"

Selene shook her head.

"No, take them to my study, I'll be right there"

"As you command"

Noelle bowed and exited the room.

"As you see I'm a little busy right now and can't continue to accompany you further. Are you passing the night here?"

"... can we?"

Her mother asked timidly.

"Of course, we are family after all. I'll be telling Shelly to organize your room. If you excuse me, I'll be seeing you later"

She nodded to her parents and left the room.

Closing the door she released a tired sigh.

Her many time travels made her aware of her family weaknesses and also made her aware what to expect from them. If in the pass she still wished for her parents affection, now she understood clearly that from the family of four she had the least priority for them.

Although it didn't mean she stopped loving them, it did make her more indifferent to them in general.

Selene shook her head. She would try to help the three a bit, but if they refuse her help that is nothing she could do.

Opening the door of her study, she stilled herself for another round of wits.