
Third Rebirth

#WPC303 Selene as the Matriarch of one of the biggest Nosferatus clan in the world had it all, but due to a ill-fated love, she lost everything, including her life. But to her surprise, when she thought she was going to dissipate, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the past. Unfortunately, although she changed herself, her ending was still tragic. Opening her eyes once again in the past, Selene discarded her love and her heart was filled with hate. She desperately wanted to destroy everything that threatened her, but she still ended up in a miserable state. This is the third time she went back to the past. This time was much earlier than the previous times and no scum or major event has happened yet. Is this enough for Selene change her fate? And why is she coming back to the past? Selene doesn’t know, but regardless of everything, this time around she will protect everything and everyone she holds dear. Even if she has to burn the whole world

TravelGod · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"Elder Declan and Elder Shayla, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Selene asked as she sat down in front of them.

"Little Sel, what are you so stiff for? Didn't you used to call us Uncle and Auntie?"

Declan said with amiable smile.

"Oh my! How rude of me! I thought we are going to discuss official business, to think you both came here to an informal meeting! Please, I'll entertain you in a less stiff place"

Selene said with an impeccable smile.

'Want to play the family card? No way. I learned too much to be swept in your paces'

Seeing their strategy of trying to soft her attitude failed both elders had their expression turn a bit ugly. When did this stupid girl turn so gutsy?

Just when Declan was contemplating using rank suppression to remember the stupid girl of her place, he felt a sudden pressure on him.

"Is your father at home?"

"I'm so sorry! I just advanced and couldn't control properly yet. I'm at least glad it was the both of you who are close to me, it would be bad if were people with lower ranks"

Selene said with a genuine sorry face ignoring Shayla question about her father.

The elders looked at each other and could both see the displeasure and wariness reflected in each other's eyes.

"Cough. Yes, you should be more careful Clan Leader, the younger ones are too fragile"

Shayla nodded to Declan's words and added.

"Yes, my little Misha is weak and would certainly be crushed by your pressure Selene"

Selene was amused by the couple in front of her. Just like her parents, they didn't seemed bothered by the fact that their son was weak, instead they came here probably to help him out somehow. And sure enough Elder Declan next words proved her hunch right.

"I always thought you would protect the weak ones like your brother alas..."

"Since when did I said otherwise? Clan members will always be protected by the clan"

"Didn't I told you dear? Little Selene wouldn't do anything bad for the young ones. Come Sel, tell auntie who was the bad guy who made you say that bunch of nonsense? I'll properly beat him up"

Selene almost laughed at the woman in front of her trying to coax her like a kid.

"There was not such a person, that was my own idea. Elders, your son and my brother got their ranks artificially with resources provided by their parents. Because of this, although they are weak they can suppress the majority of the kin who is below them in ranks. However, there's always an exception to the rule. Let's not talk about the rare exceptions within the clan, but what if one day our enemy infiltrated the clan and hurt them because they are not even able to fight? What if one day in one of their little outings they encounter lycans?"

'They would die in either situations' Selene thought in her heart suppressing the terrifying memories which threatened to emerge.

"Because I realized that I couldn't always be present in every situation for every member, I will encourage them to be stronger. I'm not asking them to become elite nosferatus, I just hope that at least they have enough strength to protect themselves while help arrives. I'm sure as parents you will agree with me"

Both elders found themselves agreeing with her. Selene was right, although they can protect their son most of the times, there's always something that could happen out of their expectative, if their son could at least know the basics, he could protect himself enough until their help arrived. And the Clan Leader also said their provisions wouldn't change, if their Misha really needed they could gave theirs to him.

Plus, this indeed was not a bad measure to the clan which had their strength stagnant for a long time.

The two looked at each other and saw the same hope in the other's eyes.

"You're right Clan Leader. We are too short-sighted for a moment. I hope you can forgive this foolish parents thoughts"

Selene shook her head with a smile. She was actually surprised that they accepted that easily. 'I guess that I'm not the only one that hopes for changes around here'

"I'm sure that like you many others will reach out to me. I just hope everyone understands my kind thoughts"

And just like she said in the next few days many concerned parents came to her. Some were genuine, some had a purpose, but they all came and left without achieving their goal.

A week passed since the announcement. Selene parents were still staying in the main house and were trying to get closer to her every day, specially her mother.

That night, after the elders left, her parents got into a fight, well, to be more precise, it was a unilateral scolding to her father. In the following days, her mother started to be attentive and caring, but instead of feel happy, Selene just felt tired. She knew that this new found compassion wouldn't last long.

Her mother's nature was gentle and innocent. She would feel compassion for the smallest of things but she would also fight to the death for a justice without proves. Selene could bet that when Bryn got free and did the pitiful act he is so good, her mother would once again turn sides.

That was why Selene didn't get too excited and decided to release her brother sooner than planned.

Elle and Filip entered the dining room and sat side-by-side waiting for their daughter. Even though they were once masters of this house, they were extremely uncomfortable now living in it.

The attitudes of all the servants, although not disrespectful, were distant and polite. Both could tell how disliked their visit was.

It was not until their old butler came to visit that they understood the truth. Servants were beings that co-existed with the mansion, it was only natural for them to understand its conditions as well as its owner.

The difficulties Selene encountered and the injustice she suffered through these years are all in the eyes of the servants. Plus Selene was a just and caring Master, different from them who were usually either uncaring or unreasonable.

They also realized how difficult was Selene's life after they moved out after the old butler shared some of his small knowledge.

The fact that she not once complained or asked for their help ached in their hearts. That's why they passed the week trying to get closer to her, trying to compensate the decades they weren't as present as they should, but unfortunately it was to no avail.

"Father, Mother. I hope I didn't made you wait for long"

Selene entered their dining room sitting in the main seat.

"No, no we just got here"

Her mother said with a warming smile that was ignored by Selene.

"Noelle, ask them to serve the meal"

Enduring the smell coming from her parents meal, Selene announced the news about Bryn.

"Right. I thought better, I will be releasing Bryn earlier"


Her mother asked pleasant surprised, to which Selene nodded hiding the sting pain in her heart because of her mother most brilliant smile since she came here.

"Yes, in fact he is most likely close by now"

"Oh my! Why didn't you said earlier? I could have his room ready and shouldn't we wait for him to eat then?"

Selene finish drinking her meal and cleaned the edges of her mouth.

"I'm deeply sorry but I can't delay my meals further. Plus Bryn will not be staying here, otherwise the punishment that I passed would be useless no?"

Elle was about to open her mouth to refute but her husband clasped her hand and shook his head.

"I would be reassured if you supervised him for a few weeks. Just to make sure he doesn't do anything insane"

"Now, if you excuse me"

Selene said without really paying attention to her parents and left the room.

"I- just now- it was not..."

Elle tried to explain to her husband but it all ended in sobbing.

"Am I a bad mother?"

She asked in Filip's arms holding back her tears.

For the first time since they met, Filip didn't tried to coax her.

Was she a good mother? It doesn't seem like it. Their daughter was not close and their lustful and prodigal son was like a parasite. But this also reflected on how bad of a dad he was to let his family get where they were now.

In silence he held his wife and sighed.

The best they can do now is to support their daughter with whatever they can.