
Third Rate Book

Thirdrateauthor · Fantasy
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2 Chs



I've walked for quite some time, and all I've found is dead skeletons, although they are quite short, dwarfs perhaps?

Luckily I have encountered a contraption of sorts that could help me descend.

I step onto the wooden platform.

'There's a lever in the middle'

I of course pulled it


The wooden platform started shaking

I grab onto the lever for support as the platform started rapidly descending

"Aha ha!"

I never would have thought this would be fun

"Ougf" The platform stopped abruptly and I fell smack down onto the floor


'Where am I now?'

I slowly got up

This place barely had any sunlight, the only source of light was from the sun rays from above.

I look around and I see two ways I could maybe go through, one is a giant door and the other is a ladder leading to an opening right beside the door

I took the latter option.


"I'm getting claustrophobic, the spiderwebs everywhere isn't helping either"

Soon I reached an opening, it led to a corridor.


'What was that?'

I reach down to my sword.


'That doesn't sound good'

As I slowly walk towards it I finally got to witness

A slime?

The slime slowly turned around.

Why does it have a face?

Why does it look angry??

'This is very bad'

I take out my sword and as soon as I do so the slime pounces on me!

"Hup!" I slice downwards and I managed to cut the slime and stop it from jumping on me

But it didn't die, the separated parts of the slime merged back.

From the novels i've read the core of the slime should be it's weakness!

I dash towards the slime intending to get the first slice.

That was until it made a pleading face. I can't kill, it's too cute!

"I'll show you the way to the treasury, don't kill me!" the slime pleaded

'It can.. Speak?'

"Alright, show me the way!"

The slime looked surprised. "You can understand me?"

I said looking at the slime "Yeah, why?"

The slime bounced "Humans aren't supposed to speak the language of slimes!"

"Why'd you even try and speak with me? Nevermind"

I picked up the slime "and why is that?"

The slime looked sad "It's because we don't speak we communicate through vibrations."

"Can you put me down now?"


"Well this is great! I can speak to slimes and maybe other organisms."

"Why do you say it like that" the slime looked at me suspiciously

"Nonya business, now tell me where to go" I smacked the slime.


After a while of walking I reached the treasury

So this place is a castle but underground.

"And here we are human" the slime bounced

"My name's Arden"

The slime looked at me "Arden, this is the treasury, Arden."

I smacked the slime


I pushed the door open and there I saw.

"What? There isn't that much in here."

I picked up a dark crimson sword from the pedestal

The slime bounced to the top of my head

"Human! That's a magic sword, if you aren't powerful enough you won't be able to bring out it's true power and you are definitely lacking in that area."

"You better shut it slime before your remaining time in this world shows up as insufficient funds"

I threw my old sword to the side and I took the crimson sword.

"It should still work as a normal sword right? Slime?"

"It's sharper and sturdier" Said the slime

"Human, the book shelf may have some things you may want to check out"

I responded "Such as?"

The slime bounced "A skill book!"

I picked up one of the 5 books left on the bookshelf

"It reads here... The world after the end? What kind of book is this?" I frowned

I tossed it to the side and picked out another book

"This one is interesting... Blazing steps?"

Surprisingly a blue panel popped up in front of my face

I waved my hand around but the panel was still there "What the hell is this?!"

"Human, that's the World system, everyone has one even us monsters, but yours looks.. different."

The panel suddenly spoke.?

"Federation unit 88 has been successfully registered"