
Think Before You Wish.

[Gender-Bender and Yuri Warning - If you don't like gender bender stuff, please do not read this.] [Author Notice - This is just for fun I started this writing in the long boring quarantine we're in, please don't be offended by anything like (not limited to) Grammar or Slurs.] Two Lolis rule supreme. They might grant some random otakus wishes, its suggested to not offend the two Lolis to live a good life. They might f*ck up some people's life. They might even fix some people's life. It all depends on their mood. (Anime, Movies, Cartoon, Novel and etc. stuff from them or them themselves don't belong to me beside the two original character or the original world I may have written.] [The Main Characters are the two Lolis.]

BalloonPops · Others
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30 Chs

6. Victim Number Uno~

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

<Boom> - Sound - (<TSSSK>, <BOOOM>)

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

<Character: Message> - Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - Sorry Excuse of a Void.]

(Pov End Reality)

I look around the sorry excuse of a 'void' I see a button there was something written on it, "Summon Random Otaku."

I tell Origin and she replies, "It seems this button is invisible for people who don't have high enough soul power and the formation seems to summon a random 'otaku' from a random earth in this reality."

"So this is how that old guy summoned people to this sorry excuse of a void." I say.

"Yeah seems so, I mean it makes things easier for us I guess." Origin says.

"True." I answer.

"BTW, try using Telepathic Communication with me, so mortal 'otakus' don't hear out conversations. You can also read turn on mind reading mode if you want." Says Origin.

[End Reality -> Origin Reality: Test~ Test~ Can you hear me?]

[Origin Reality -> End Reality: Yes honey~ I can hear you!]

"Whoa~ I just did it without knowing how to do it." I exclaim out loud.

"Yeah~ good to be beyond omnipotent, you can do anything without knowing how." Responds Origin.

"Super cool!" I reply.

"Wanna try the button now?" Asks Origin,

"Sure but let me do this first!" I answer.

I summon two really large golden throne and I sit on one and I ask Origin to sit on the Other. We need to show how cool we are to the otaku ya'know. I teleport to the button because it's hard to move in a dress and I press the 'Otaku Summoning' button it then sit back on the throne.

(Rei Pov)

I had died. I died by a coin falling from the Freedom tower in New York city. The pain was really painful, I had hoped to die faster, it hurt like hell.

As I opened my eyes I only saw darkness and two lolis sitting on two majestic golden throne. I felt no pain like I did when I was dying. I seem to have no body, I could see right through my hand. It was transparent. I think I'm a soul and in a void thing from those fan-fictions.

'Is this the Isekai Cliche? Are those two going to grant my wishes?' I ask myself in my head a little excited.

"Where am I?" I ask the two figures sitting on the throne, trying to make sure if I'm dead or not. They both look identical, I assume they are sister, one has white hair and sky blue eyes while the other had black hair and ruby red eyes.

"You're dead, that's all you need to know. You have two wishes, use them wisely." said the black haired loli.

'Tssk, Stingy, only two wishes!' I thought as both of them frowned. I think they can read my mind.

"Why me? Do you have some kind of job for me to complete for the wishes?" I ask a little concerned if they have a job for me to do like kill the demon king or something.

"You were picked randomly. You have nothing else to do, we won't force you to do anything." answered the black haired loli in monotone.

"Okay then. Can you let me think for a bit?" I ask.

"Sure, only 5 minutes. Remember you can wish for almost anything I deem okay, if its not something I deem okay, I'll send you to boku no pico as pico and make you remember everything when you have your first penetration as pico." says the black haired loli.

I shudder as I remember that h*ntai, I was tricked into watching it because of my friends. (A/N might need new friends.)

Hmm, let's think, I had always wanted a harem... maybe this is my chance? I'll think for a bit...

[Time-Skip - 5 minutes]

"Your had your time to think, now wish." said the white haired loli, I shudder as her voice was really cold void of any emotions, first time I heard her speak.

"My first wish is to be really attractive and all the opposite gender will always fall in love with me in first sight" I say. The black haired loli smirked and the white haired loli made a small but visible evil smile, I had a bad feeling about this after seeing their evil smirk and a smile. (A/N he done messed up. (Also they were reading his thoughts.))

"Your first wish will be granted. Speak of your second wish." Said black haired loli.

"My second wish is for me to be born into a really rich family and can you make sure the world I'm in supports polygamy." I ask, I need a harem after all, being rich and attractive will be helpful.

"Sure, your second wish will be granted. What kind of world would you like to go to... Name the world, it can be any, Anime, Novel, etc. Name the timeline if you're going to an Anime world otherwise I'll put it as random." replied the black haired loli.

"Uhh, I would like to go to the anime world of High-School DxD, I want to be born the same time as Rias." I answered as there were a lot of beauties there, I personally didn't like Issei.

"Would you like to keep your memories? Or no" the black haired loli questioned.

"Yes!" I almost forgot about this, thankfully she asked me. The black haired loli smiled 'warmly' (A/N It was an evil smile.)

"Okei then! Bye!" as the black haired loli said that and snapped, I black out.

(Pov End Reality)

"Hey Origin you thinking what I'm thinking?" I say to Origin with a playful smirk.

"Yeah, I guess that would be really funny, I honestly don't like people who like harem, it's disgusting and not reasonable for their partners. The partner will most likely feel pressure from the person as they like the person and don't want them to think of them as a bad and leave them." Answers Origin.

"I agree! Let's do this" I say.

I then make him a body, 'hmm he said he wanted all opposite gender to be attracted with him, so let's add that first. Let's make him born a Gremory, twin sister of Rias, as he said to born the same time of Rias and be born to a rich family. Hmm, okay, let's make how he looks when he grows up, basically like Rias, a little rounder boobs, a little bigger pair of boobs, a rounder and bigger butt, and silkier and smoother hair.'

"Do you like the setup I'm going with?" I ask Origin.

"Heheheh~ That's very evil of you~ Even his (her) father, brother, uncle, and everyone that is male will be attracted because of his (her) 'wish'" Origin says playfully.

"Well he (she) did say, 'ALL'" I say with a smirk.

"Let's watch how this goes and we can summon another otaku or do something you'd like after this, Honey~" Origin says with slight close-lipped smile.

I snap and everything he (she) wished for and his (her) new body integrates with his (her) soul.

"Okay, honey~" I say as I blush a little, I felt really comfortable with me calling Origin honey, we're married anyway its not that big of a deal.

I then make a movie theater like place and me and Origin watch 'Rei,' no, I guess now, 'Ria.'

This theater is able to block anything r-18, I don't want me or Origin to see that kind of stuff of others!

(Pov Origin Reality)

I blushed. She called me honey. I love her. She is really cute when she tries to hide her embarrassment. She is mine and only mine. I'm hers and only hers. My beloved, End.

Without me, the origin, her, the end, together, there would be no completion. Perfection needs completion.

We are the perfection and the completion of everything. (A/N sounds cheesy?)

(A/N Find out what happens in the next episode of- F in the chat for this poor soul.)

Hey, hey what's this a chapter?

~~ Please, point out my mistakes ~~

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Next chapter today or tmrw. Idk.

BalloonPopscreators' thoughts