
Things We Do For Love

One Night A person bang in a apartment when a lady was sitting with her baby in her arms. Then he point a gun on the lady's head and asked her " water please" and then he collapsed. The lady remember the man, she remember him from news reports she saw on television. ********* Tom Fredrick, a common man who work for a multi national company and he is married to a beautiful woman named Erica Fredrick. This is what people can say about him a few days earlier but now he is a criminal and murder 3 people very brutally. ********* Find out what happened to him that he become a criminal.

Daoistpja1xP · Action
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2 Chs

Part Two

A man was running with a gun in his hand and a police officer was just behind him trying to catch him but the man turns and reviled his face. He was Tom Fredrick and then he said while pointing gun at him " Don't follow me just return if you want to be alive ".

Policeman stopped in his track. He was nervous because he never faced a situation like this before but he finally said " You don't have to run, we know what happened to you and her. We will help you." He can see Tom's eyes but he showed no emotions in it.

Tom was fearless due to the murders he did in last few days while he was thinking a way to get out of there the police officer attempt to grab the gun but failed and Tom punch him on his face and he fell down. "You all will never understand what happened to me. I came to all of you when she was missing but you all do nothing. So, now stay out of my way. " Tom said in an angry tone after saying this he runs into a dark valley.

The policeman was laying there and his senior Andrew Johnson came to him in rush and asked " Where is he?" Andrew was frustrated because he attempt many time to catch Tom but he failed every single time. So now he was very angry.

In last few days the city of New York was in alert because several murders was done and the murderer was not catch by police. There was a lot of pressure on police and Andrew knows that if he didn't arrest Tom the consequence will not be in his favor.

Several police cars was reached the spot and Andrew command everyone to find Tom by any means of source and Andrew's wife, Jessica reached him he said " It will not be good if I don't find him." She was also a police officer. " How can you find him " she asked while looking at Andrew's face.

Andrew was lost in his thoughts but then he remember someone and said " There is a way " Jessica was confused by his words but he continues " You remember Sofia his friend, I think she knew where he is or maybe he is with her at her home." Andrew was behaving as usual and she noticed it. She just nodded and both of them with some other officer goes to find Sofia. Jessica was very confused by Andrew but she didn't say anything.

The night was clear and stars were shining in the sky. People were roaming around and Tom stopped at a place when he see no one is following him. Blood was coming out from his left ribs because he was hit by a bullet there. He was standing beside a club and his back was facing clubs wall. His face shows how exhausted he was. He was just thinking about his wife and her last words was echoing in his ears and that was " Tom just... just... remember I love you only you."

This was the last words from his wife whom he loved the most and she died in his arms. He blamed himself because he can't save the one who loved him the most. At this time some nearby passing people noticed him and they all can see Tom's blood but no one come to him due to the gun which was in his hand.

Tom was exhausted and covered with his own blood. He noticed that people were watching him so he try to stand but failed miserably. He knows that if he didn't leave the place than police will catch him. He tried again to stand up and this time got up and start walking along with the road. It was night so there were not many car. Tom was getting difficulty in walking because blood was continues to come out and his face expirations show how painful it was.

At the same time, Sofia was sitting interrogation room, there was a table and two chairs on its both side. Sofia was sitting on right chair face the mirror and on her left side the door of the room opened and Andrew as well as Jessica entered the room. Andrew take a seat in front of Sofia and asked her in a soft tone " Sofia listen just tell us where is Tom." She was frustrated by the same question again and again and she said in fury " How many time I told you guys I don't know and if I know somehow I wouldn't tell."

" We want to help you and Tom " Jessica said while standing along with the door. Sofia turned and she looked at her and a small smile form on her lips. " Okey then tell me where were you when he asked for your help, when Erica was missing. Tell me huh." Sofia asked to both of them.

Andrew was just setting there and said " You love him " Sofia immediately look at him and her eyes starting to wet with tears but she refused to cry. Bot, Andrew and Jessica noticed this. " Okey, we believe you but tell us atlest something you know about him, he killed 3 people and we don't know why. So, if you help us, we will help him. I promise." Jessica said.

Sofia really didn't know about Tom but both of them was asking her to tell them about him. She knows she love Tom from a very long time and if she want to save him she have to tell police something about him. " I don't know where he is but you can ask his family probably they know where is he and as far as I know they are coming to New York Tomorrow."

Andrew was disappoint when he heard the first line but after that his face showed he can do something in order to get him. Jessica was very confused by his behaviors from the beginning, she can tell that somehow Andrew was related to all this but she refused to believe it. After this both of them leave the interrogation room.

At this point, Sofia was alone in that room, she was talking to herself what had happened with Tom in the past few days and he killed 3 people with no mercy. Everyone want to know why he did that but Sofia knows he did this for his wife, Erica.

In the city, Tom reached a dark area of the city and he can see a single house with light. Tom was exhausted because he walk miles while blood was continues to come out of his ribs, he can't do anything to stop it. Because of this he decided to go inside the house.

In the house a young woman named Sarah, around 22 of age was sitting on the chair while carrying a girl child in her arms in the hall. It was around 11:30 pm at night, the kid was crying that's why she was sitting there and breast feeding her.

At the same time, Tom kick the door and it open with a bang and the woman was in shock. While Tom came inside the house and point the gun at her. Then Tom asked her " Can you give me water please" and immediately after that he collapsed.

Sarah saw Tom's face and she remembered it because she saw it before on the news channel. She knew that he was a criminal and she was very afraid of him.