
Things We Do For Love

One Night A person bang in a apartment when a lady was sitting with her baby in her arms. Then he point a gun on the lady's head and asked her " water please" and then he collapsed. The lady remember the man, she remember him from news reports she saw on television. ********* Tom Fredrick, a common man who work for a multi national company and he is married to a beautiful woman named Erica Fredrick. This is what people can say about him a few days earlier but now he is a criminal and murder 3 people very brutally. ********* Find out what happened to him that he become a criminal.

Daoistpja1xP · Action
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2 Chs

Part One

In the city of New York many people live there but no one care about anyone. Tom Fredrick a common man was sitting on chair in Police station. Many police officer were roaming around.

Tom asked a woman police officer "what you guys are doing it's been two months since my wife disappeared and you are saying you can't find her."

She become angry because Tom came to police station everyday and ask the same to questions to her.

Then she replied in a angry tone "how many times we told you that she ran away with her boyfriend "

"This is not true" Tom replied in anger and bang his right hand on table.

"Then you tell us what is truth" at this time a man wearing police uniform look straight in Tom's eyes

His name was Andrew Johnson and hew was the lieutenant.

" Oh Mr Johnson, I will find her with you or without you guys." Tom was very angry at this moment and he left the police station.

In this two months Tom did everything he could to find Erica, his wife but he failed every single time.

He went to police but they always say that Erica ran away with her boyfriend but Tom refused to believe it.

Tom also went to a lot of news channel but as always he did not get any help from them.

Tom was trying his best to find Erica but he didn't get any news related to his wife.

Next day he went to his office when he reached there he met his colleagues Sofia who was also his friends.

Tom was very frustrated and stressed because he didn't sleep well for weeks. She noticed it and tried to talk with Tom but he wasn't in the mood.

Finally Sofia gather the courage and said

" You should get a break and stop finding for her. Look at you, you don't even eat properly. I think police is right and Erica just.... just.... run away from you."

In the lobby area they were alone and by listening to this Tom was sitting on a desk and he become more frustrated. He was feeling that he will never find his love and everyone was saying the same thing to him police, his colleagues, media, his friends every single one but he never stop finding Erica.

At this time there boss come to them by seeing this both of them become aware and stop talking. His eyes was filled with sympathy when he look at Tom and say " Tom I know what is going on with you and I trust you that you will find her but it is difficult for us to keep up with you so?"

Tom nodded and his facial expressions didn't change after this he look at Sofia and said " I don't care what everyone is saying but I will find her."

After this Tom kept his ID on the desk and left the place.

At home Tom shut the door behind him and slide downward and sit on the floor.

After this he broke down and tears start streaming down his cheeks.

He remember what doctor said to him two days ago that when Erica disappeared she was pregnant and his neighbor said that child wasn't Tom's and that's why she left him and ran away with someone.

Tom wasn't believer it but some where in his heart he started admitting that what his neighbor say was true.

He spend his whole night crying because he started feeling that he will never meet with Erica again.

Some where in New York in a small street at night a woman was running she was nearly half naked her hair was messy and she was very scared.

Yes she was Erica Fredrick, Tom's wife. Her face shows that she was beaten brutally and she was just running away from someone and she did it whole night.

Next morning Tom was awake because he did not sleep last night and then he went to bathroom for a bath, inside the bathroom he was standing below the shower thinking what to do next, continue finding Erica or not.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not listen the door bell of the house. When he finally listen it he quickly wear his clothes, a navy blue shirt and black jeans.

He came out from the bathroom and unlock the door to reveal Sofia standing at the door.

Tom was surprised on seeing Sofia at his door and then he asked rudely "what you are doing here."

Sofia was taken a back because she never expected that Tom will be that rude but she finally said " I am here for you."

"I don't need you, okay " he replied but Sofia was not in the mood of arguing with Tom, she pushed him back and enter his house whick was on the end of 16 Basin Street New York.

"Listen I am very frustrated, please leave."

" I am not, you are just making your life hell for her who leave you, how many time I tell you that she will not come to you again even police says that she run away."

" I don't believe this shit and just get out of my house."

Sofia was just get enough of this and she want to tell Tom about what she feel about him.

" You know what you never cared about me even in the college you consider me as your friend but I love you from that time."

Listening to this Tom was shocked because he always look at Sofia as a friend nothing else but now she confessed her feeling in front of him and he didn't know what to do.

At this time Sofia's eyes were filled with tears and she continues " You always looked a girl who love you but you forgot me but I remained as a friend with you even after you were in relationship with Erica you know why due to my love."

Tom was very furious but after this he remains silent. His best friend was crying in front of him because he never saw her love for him. Tom was lost in his thoughts at this moment he felt two arms around his neck.

It was Sofia who hugged him and said while crying " I love you Tom, I will never leave you like Erica. I just want to be with you please Tom please."

Sofia was crying and Tom was stood there as a statue. He don't know what to do next. But as soon as he got out of his train of thought he pushed Sofia back and said " Hey look you are my best friend, okay and about me....." He was cut in the middle of the sentence by the door bell.

Tom help Sofia to set on a chair she was crying and after this he go to open the door.