
Dear Diary, I've been cancelled on again.

Dear Diary,

I hate her. She cancelled again. She always does this,even when she makes the plan. Why do I care anymore? All it does is hurt me.

I hate her.

I hate her.

I hate her.

Why can't it all just go away? Nobody wants anything to do with me anyway so why can't they just leave me alone? Please.


This time she even asked if her other friend could also come, that probably means that she cancelled to go hangout with the other friend. Why the fuck can't I be anyone's priority? I know it's selfish to think but even my parents value each other more than me.

I hate them all.

I originally started this with the idea of making a diary that everyone can see but then I changed my mind halfway through the first chapter and it turned into smth about a different girl!:)

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