
Dear Diary, I want to be loved.

Dear Diary,

Today I was thinking about my life and realized how lonely I am, like I've literally had 7 "crushes" in the last 3 months. The worst part is, I know that I don't actually like them, because I always like them right after they show some sort of affection towards me.

I just want to be loved.

But no one wants to love me, I have too many problems. Like: I'm needy,I'm clingy, I'm SUPER self conscious, I am touchy, I am jealous, and I move too fast but slow at the same time.

I need someone to love me for that.

And I get that it will come to me eventually but it's really fucking hard to deal with having no -one. I'm tired of waiting for someone to find me I will take anyome at this point.

I will fucking take anyone.


ALittleBitObsessedcreators' thoughts