
Things have changed

If you unexpectedly came back to life after passing away and had no knowledge of your previous existence, a lot of things would alter. You'd try to remember a lot of things and miss out on a lot of opportunities, but when you meet someone who will go above and beyond for you, you realise. Why do that when you may make fresh memories instead. Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Elisia_Evans https://ficbook.net/readfic/5934477

Charlottess · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The danger is coming

The next day.

Gelda, Orlondi and Ellaira were walking towards the castle and telling different stories from their lives, and Orlondi was describing what happened to them when they got free. They reached there, and there Meliodas was waiting for them.

- Where are the others? - Gelda asked.

- Sleeping, it's still only six o'clock. Do you like to get up so early? - Meliodas asked.

- We're early birds," said Gelda with a grin.

- Why aren't you up then? - Ella asked.

- I can't sleep. And, in fact, I always get up like this, maybe sometimes later, but mainly at this time, - Mel answered.

- Right. Shit, I forgot to pick something up.

- But you didn't-" Orlondi didn't finish, Orlondi said as Gelda shut him up.

- We'll be quick, bye," Gelda said and ran round the corner. Our couple looked in surprise at the fleeing Gelda.

- Let's go for a walk. - Meliodas suggested.

- I wouldn't mind. Especially since it's a nice day," Ella said.

- Come on then, I know a great place near Camelot," Meliodas said with a smile.

- Come on then,' said Ella, and they walked towards the kingdom's exit. - Meliodas, this is obviously a personal question for you, but why do I feel a strong aura from you?

- Maybe because I'm strong?

- No, not in that sense.

- 'I don't know,' Meliodas said, shrugging his shoulders, but he was hiding an essential truth from her and everyone else. He didn't want to be feared, especially by Ella.

Meliodas' POV

I have kept this secret for many years, hiding it from everyone. Afraid of falling in love with someone but still giving in to the feelings. Liz, Elizabeth. How I loved them. But Elizabeth's betrayal broke my black heart.

- "I'm sorry, Lord Meliodas, but I don't love you. I love someone else and I'm going to live with him."

After everything I've done to her, it's like a knife in the back and a significant scar on my heart. I never thought she could do that. And then, a month later, here it is again. It's like fate repeating itself. Bringing her back together after all those years of wandering pointlessly around Britain. The exact meeting, the same ridiculous conversation.

- "I'll never give up on someone like you!", "You're good, not bad", "Meliodas! You've come!", "Meliodas?!", "Meliodas..."

These words echo in my memory. That meeting turned my whole life upside down and made it meaningful. I'd been choking on my love for Elizabeth just to forget her loss. And then you reappear in my life, but without a memory.

It was raining. The corpses of slain soldiers, both allied and enemy, lay all around, but the battle continued. The scraping of metal and the death cries of warriors could be heard everywhere, but it was as if I didn't listen to it and saw nothing but her. I couldn't protect her. If I had gone with her then, this wouldn't be happening now. It's a sin I can't atone for in front of her. I bowed my head to her and paid no attention to anything. Not even my own wounds.

- "Meliodas, promise me that one day we will definitely meet again, that you will wait for my return," Ella said, lying in my arms with a massive wound in her chest but looking up at me with a smile.

- "I promise I will wait for you. Just come back to me," I said, trying to smile somehow, but it was not working well with the accumulated anger, pain and bitterness of future loss.

- "Then we shall surely meet again, my beloved Meliodas," she said, touching my cheek. I squeezed her hand and cried for so many years of insensibility. - "Don't cry, I'll come back. I promise you," she said with a smile, and I felt her hand loosen.

- "No, please don't leave me. I'm nothing without you," I said as I pulled her breathless body against me. But is it possible to get anything in return from the dead? No. I was consumed by anger. - Huh?!

That day, I lost everything: my beloved girl, the meaning of life, and even the emotions she gave me. All I could do was cradle her dead body in my arms and cry my heart out for her loss. I won't survive if you leave me again. I will protect you and help you remember everything from years ago. I won't let you disappear from my life again.

End of Meliodas' POV

They were in a forest clearing with a large lake until lunchtime. Meliodas told how they had suddenly become outlaws, and Ella listened intently. Ellaira grabbed herself at the thought that she was enjoying being in Meliodas' company more than with the other guys she had dated.

Ellaira's POV

I listened to his fascinating story about the past when they were considered criminals and how they became heroes. But I catch myself thinking that I really like being around him. I've dated many guys, but none have ever given me that feeling of comfort and security. He makes me feel weak and helpless. I've always been able to take a punch in the face or between the legs when I've dated guys. But with him, it's like I've forgotten all the ills of the world that happened to me. How could Elizabeth leave him? He's free now, though, so he should try. No, it's not worth it. He still loves her, and I don't want to make him love me. Then, at least be friends.

- You're not interested? - Meliodas asked. I would like to know.

- What? Oh, no, I'm interested. I'm just thinking about something. By the way, haven't the others lost us? - I asked.

- Um, I think so. It's lunchtime, I guess," Meliodas said. He stood up and gave me a hand. I accepted his help and stood up, too. We walked back to the inn.

-When are you going to look for Escanor? - I asked a question. No, seriously, I'm curious.

- So I'm thinking now. And besides, you're coming with us, so I don't see the problem, ni-shi-shi," he laughed, putting his hands behind his head.

- Yeah, I agree," I decided, looking ahead.

- By the way, shouldn't you and Gelda go shopping for clothes? We can only wear the same clothes sometimes.

- If you hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten," I said, looking at him with a smile.

- You're welcome," he said with a smile. Ten minutes later, we reached the inn. I was immediately jumped on by Gelda and Diana.

- Where have you been for so long? - Gelda asked.

- Was that idiot hitting on you? - Diana asked.

- Guys, stop!" I stopped them loudly, and they stopped talking.

- We were in a clearing in the woods near Camelot. And no, he wasn't hitting on me. And, Gelda, we're going shopping. Diana, are you coming with us?

- Yes!

- Wait,' Meliodas said and quickly dashed into the inn and just as quickly back out again. - 'Here, that'll do. Diana's not on you. You've got one.

- Captain, you're a cheapskate! - said Diana with offence.

- 'Come on, Diana,' said Gelda, taking her by the hand and dragging her into the kingdom's centre, with me by their side.

- 'I've been deprived,' said Diana.

- 'No one has spoilt you Diana, it's just that we still have the money Arthur gave us,' I said, showing the bag of money and playing with my eyebrows.

- Great," Diana said.

- Come on, girls, let's get fancy," said Gelda.

- "Oh, yeah," we said, giving each other high fives.

We went shopping for a long time, and I couldn't find the fitting pyjamas. One was too big, the other looked like a bag, and I must mention the third.

- I think we'll be lucky here," said Gelda.

- I think so, too," said Diana.

They dragged me in there and started picking me out.

- Ella, it's all the same, isn't it? Blue, white, grey and other bright colours? - Gelda asked.

- Yeah," I said, looking at the pyjamas.

- Oh, I found some! Try them on! - Diana said, and before I knew it, I was in the fitting room. All right. I quickly changed and showed myself to the girls. The pyjamas fit me like they were made for me. - Perfect! We'll take it! Change! - She pushed me into the fitting room again. She'll never change with that attitude. I quickly changed and gave my pyjamas to the salesman. The girls and I walked back and started talking.

- So you're travelling with us now. I'm finally not alone.

- But then there's Merlin," Gelda said.

- She's always in the lab.

- It must be tedious, living like this, huh? - I asked.

- You wouldn't believe how boring. By the way, Ella, what did you say to Meliodas to make him so cheerful? - Diana asked.

- What do you mean?

- Literally. After Elizabeth left him, he was depressed, though he was very good at hiding it. He was like that even when we arrived in Camelot, and now it's as if he's come round again. What did you say to him? - Diana explained and asked.

- I don't know what you mean. I didn't tell him anything," I said, and then I felt a strong aura coming from the east. This ominous aura, what could it be? The earthquake started suddenly and then stopped just as abruptly.

- What does it mean? - Gelda asked.

- I don't know," I answered. Hmm. It was as if I'd felt this kind of force before, but when...? Half an hour later, there was another jolt.

- What is it this time? - Gelda said. Another jolt, but this time stronger.

- Girls, we have a problem," I said, looking in the direction I felt the force coming from.

- What is it? That ominous aura..." said Diana.

- Quickly run to the inn! - I said, and we ran towards the inn. There was another jolt so strong that we even fell down. - What the hell is that? - What can it be? I turned my head. - Lord, have mercy," I said as I saw a considerable stone creature at least fifty metres high.

- What is it? - Gelda asked.

- I don't know," I said, and then it growled, and I thought it looked at us. - Girls, let's go! - I said and stood up quickly, and so did they. We ran away from him. But then I saw him start swinging in our direction. - Run!