
I like you

So what if he's gone! Infact I'm at peace now and how dare him call me bossy after all he's the school's bad boy! And there's nothing wrong with me being bossy right?

Everything is wrong with that girl!

Elma got distracted by her friend from her internal conflict.

Lady when did you get here she asked adjusting the couple of books in her arms.

Well when my bossy friend started wondering why she's so bossy out of the blue.

Lady do you really think I'm bossy?

Yah of course everyone knows that.

Elma cringed a bit to look at her only friend who stood a step behind her a foot shorter and she was sure she was telling the truth but what hurt her was that her only friend also thought she was bossy.

If you think I'm so bossy why be my friend then why don't you go ahead and mingle with the people who aren't so bossy after all they aren't gonna boss you around like you claim I am.! she snapped.

You know why I'm still here with you?Cause I know my best friend and I know that beneath the strong facade you're a kind and a soft hearted girl who's just afraid if getting bullied by the world. So if you ask me why I'm still your friend the answer will only be because I'll never have a friend as loving as you if I let you go....and.....

Before she could continue Elma was already hugging her as though she was the heart she was supposed to keep.

I like you too no need to say much.

Ok ...ok...you can release me now l ...

can't.... breathe.

Sorry sorry she was so overwhelmed she didn't realize how tight she was holding on.

So now tell me who told my friend she's bossy huh let me see which parts of her limps I can break or is he a guy cause if so I'll to destroy a special place today.

Her friend her best friend she though of again and wondered why she'll worry about some someone who doesn't give a darm about who she really is while she had such a wonderful friend.

... that person doesn't know you? I mean we're just in our second year and someone thinks she knows you so much to judge you? Come on we've been friends since ages yet I never mentioned about your disturbing façade. Tell me who that fool is huh...

Elma was distructed as to why she kept thinking about that jerk till she got nudged by the person beside her.

Huh.... what were you saying.....

she asked not really following what she was saying.

Lady looked at her with a blank expression and she knew if this girl started talking she would end up in the school's health care being checked on how distracted she's been.

So instead she drew her attention to the cafeteria where the students had already gathered.

What would you like to eat she asked her friend.

Won't you tell me who said that nonsense to you?

It's not important after all the bill is in me!


Yes really?

And of course that did the trick they both totally ignored the fact that they almost fought to separation cause of some petty matter well who could blame them they've always been like that since childhood and this was nothing new.

The cheesy and bossy friends sat and eat their food and from there they both walked home together.