

This book is about two werewolves in love, who need to face other packs while getting lost on a trip together. Find out what happens to the two teenagers now!

Anshi_Khurana · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Austin's POV-

Andrea looked back at me, smiling as we stepped off of the plane. I smiled back, taking her hand and leading her to our car.

"Wow. That was pretty cool." She breathed out. I laughed. "Pretty cool? That's a weird choice of language." I said. She glared at me. "Don't challenge me, my vocabulary is 10 times bigger than yours." She huffed.

"Where are we heading to now?" She asked. I put my arm around her, and we both sat down in our car. "Where I wanted to take you. The spa, obviously." I said. She nodded, seeming lost in thought. I looked ahead, remembering what happened on our jet. I couldn't understand why someone from another pack would want to kill Andrea. Me? I get that. They have tried to kill me before, but all werewolves want to remain hidden. Technically, Andrea is a human, so I didn't get why they were trying to kill her because there was a risk of her finding out that we exist.

But what if they knew that she is my mate? Is that why they are targeting her, to hit my weakness? That makes more sense, since us wolves know other wolves weaknesses. The only thing is that they would have to find out who is my mate... and I never told anyone that Andrea was my mate. No one. Except for Hayden and my dad...

"Austin? Are you okay?" Andrea asked, placing her hand on my arm. I looked back at her and stared into her emerald green eyes. She was so beautiful. "Yeah." I whispered. She smiled. "You looked sad earlier, so I was just checking."

I looked sad? "Me?" I asked. "Pfft. Never." I chuckled. Andrea looked at me, no humor in her eyes. "That wasn't even funny." She said, playfully rolling her eyes. I smiled, wrapping my arm around her.

Andrea looked at me. "I know that this is weird, but I feel like... I have a connection with you. Like I can talk to you and that I was meant to find you. Whenever I meet new people it takes me a while to open up to them, but with you I wasn't afraid to be myself at all. I don't know why."

I nodded. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment." I said. She smiled up at me. I knew the real reason she felt like that. She was my mate. Even though she was human, she would still be able to feel a connection.

"Come on. Let's go. We're here. I'll take you to our room. Oh... by the way, there was no room available that had two beds, so I had to get one with one bed only. You're gonna have to sleep with me." I said, winking.

"There was a room available with two beds, but you didn't want it, right?"

"How'd you know?"

"Don't lie to me." Andrea said, scoffing.

I laughed. This was the most fun I had in ages. Sure, my friends were great, but they weren't the same.

"So, did you find out who sabotaged the plane?" Andrea casually asked, but I could see the slight fear in her eyes.

I shook my head, but little did she know that I knew exactly who it was. Or, more importantly, what it was.


The plane started to shake, and I froze. Something was happening, and it wasn't just turbulence. I dashed to the room right next to the bathroom, checking the window. Sure enough, there was something there. I picked up the note, scanning what it said.

Dear Texas,

Hold on tight.

Love from the Jax.

The Jax. Oh, my god. The Jax was the name of the mysterious Alpha of the pack of death. Everyone in the pack lived for hundreds of years, and the Alpha was immortal. The alpha referred to himself as the Jax, but no one knew his real name. The last time anyone ever was contacted by him was thousands of years ago, and all of those wolves died.

Long ago, Jax and his pack would go and kill packs. Randomly. All of the packs lived in constant fear. He would come randomly to anyone's house, and if you saw him, you would be dead in the next second. He was the most dangerous alpha to ever exist in all of the packs. He is still feared to this day. Tales are told of him, but he hasn't made an appearance in years.

What did he mean by Hold on Tight? Did he-

My thoughts were cut off by the plane shaking vigorously. I heard Andrea scream and immediately turned my attention to her. Damn. One of Jaxon's men must have sabotaged the plane!

*End of Flashback*

I couldn't tell Andrea who it was. I couldn't tell Andrea that I am a werewolf just yet, otherwise she might do something reckless. I didn't want to hurt her, and I needed to make sure that she knew that.

"I wish I knew who it was, but I don't. I'm so sorry." I said. Andrea looked at me, confused. "Why are you sorry? It wasn't your fault. You shouldn't feel responsible for me, you know." She said, smiling. "Now come on. Where's our room?" Andrea asked, cocking her head to the side.

"On the top floor. I wanted to get us the best view of the hotel." I said. "Come on. I'll show you the best view of this place." I said. We both turned around the corner, and Andrea gasped at the sight in front of her.

The hotel was pretty, but the decorating was beautiful. In front of the hotel, there was a fountain made of pure gold and flowers all around it. "It's so beautiful!" She said. She was right.

I was never a person to take in the scenery, but now that Andrea was here, I found myself doing that. The sun reflected on the golden fountain, making it look even more angelic.

"Honestly, how rich are you?" Andrea asked. I laughed. "Just enough to get this. It's my dad's. He owns a lot of these things, so he gets a lot of profit for it.

Little did she know that the spa was also where our pack was. Once you walked inside, there was a secret room, and once a werewolf walks in, it transports you to the home of my pack. Hopefully, I would be able to drag my father out so that he could meet my mate. "Come on, maybe my dad's there. You can meet him." I said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What? I'm not meeting your parents! What if they hate me? And I barely know you!"

"Parent," I corrected, "my mom's dead." I said. Andrea's face softened. "I'm sorry." She whispered. Then her face hardened. "I'm still not meeting your dad." She said.

"Why? Are you scared?"


"Then come on." I said. We both walked in, and Andrea scanned around for anyone. "There's no one here except for the clerk. Promise." I whispered in her ear. She nodded. I walked up to the clerk. "Room 143. I'm his son." I said. The clerk nodded, giving us our key. Andrea and I got in the elevator and made our way up.

"How many rooms are there?" Andrea asked. I frowned. "Um, I think around 150? This is one of his smaller hotels." I said. Andrea stared at me as if I was crazy. I laughed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Only 150? Wow. You and I are so different. The biggest hotel I went to had 10 rooms. I doubt it was even a hotel." She said. I chuckled. The elevator and I took her hand, taking her to our room.

We stood in front of the door, and I picked her up bridal style. "Austin! What are you doing?" She shrieked. "Welcome, my lady, to my humble home. It's for good luck." I laughed. She rolled her eyes. "You're an idiot, you know that?" She asked. I nodded and we both walked inside.

"Wow." She whispered. Andrea walked over to the window, gazing at the view through the window. Below, you could see the hotel's entire garden. It was full of tulips, roses, lilies, and sunflowers. "The flowers are so pretty. And so is the view." She whispered.

"You know what's even prettier than those flowers?" I asked,



She rolled her eyes. "That was so cheesy," she said, a slight smile on her face. She shook her head, laughing, "Since when did you become so cheesy?" She asked.

"Since forever, babe." I said. She scowled, while I stood there smirking. I looked closer at her face, but then I realized that she was blushing. "Awww... you're blushing babe!" I said. She laughed and buried her head in my chest, embarrassed.

"I'm not blushing," she murmured, "you need to get your eyes checked." She said, laughing. "You need glasses. Imagine yourself with glasses!" She said, looking back up at me, her eyes shining.

"Look." I said, pointing. Andrea gave me a curious look. "What?" She asked. "See that building? That's where I got my first job. I worked in a store for glasses, sweetie. I know how to tell if I need them.

"You worked in a store like that? The rich and famous Austin was a salesman? She teased. "What was the store called?" She asked. "Stephens. Isn't that weird? It's your last name!" I said, laughing. Suddenly, Andrea's face morphed into a sad expression. "Stephens?" She whispered. "Was there, by any chance... a man owning it named Mark Stephens?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes. I nodded, alarmed. "He was the one who hired me. I think he died recently. I didn't get to go to his funeral. Andrea, why are you crying?" I whispered.

"That was my dad. Austin, you knew my dad. I-" She said. "I'm so sorry." I said, taking her in my arms. "It's okay to talk about it you know." I said. "Only if you want to. No pressure."

"No, I want to. Someone killed him. My mom, my dad, and I were sleeping at night, and we heard a crash. It sounded like glass breaking. I was only 6. It was horrible. My mom and dad got up and then checked where it came from, and told me to stay calm, but I had never seen them look that afraid in my life. My dad got out the gun and went to the window, and I followed them. I saw a man. He was huge. It kind of looked like he had fur... but that could have just been a trick of the light. Anyway, he threated my dad. At least, I think he did. He spoke in a different language, and my dad said no to him. The next thing I knew, the man started sniffing around and then shrunk when he saw me. His eyes were the coldest blue I had ever seen. He said, 'Well aren't you a cute thing? Come here, sweetie.' I didn't want to go, but I knew he would hurt my dad if I didn't go to him. I walked over to him, never once glancing at my father. I was afraid that if I did, I would crumble right there and then. I still remember what he said. 'If you come with me, I won't hurt your dad. I'll let you grow up and then make you have my pups.' I don't even know what pups mean. My dad started to scream at him, and he said no. The next thing I knew, the man took my dads gun and shot my dad in the heart. Then he disappeared into the night, turning back at me, saying that he would come back for me one day." She said, sobbing while clinging to my arm.

Pups. Oh, no. Fur. He had to have been a wolf. Was there a chance...

"Andrea. Did this man tell you his name?" I asked. Andrea looked at me with red, watery eyes.

"Yes. He told me to call him...Jax."
