

This book is about two werewolves in love, who need to face other packs while getting lost on a trip together. Find out what happens to the two teenagers now!

Anshi_Khurana · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Unknown's POV-

The stranger sat down, checking his watch. His pack mate was late. The stranger... that's what this man went by to his packmate. The stranger fingered the gun, aching to shoot something.

"Sir? I'm sorry I'm late I was running late-" His pack mate sat down. The stranger held up a hand, signaling his pack mate to stop. "I know," The stranger's deep voice rumbled. "You have met your mate. I understand. I know the connection. Don't be late next time." The stranger looked at his pack mate. "Today, you will tell me your name, and I will tell you mine. Or at least what I go by." The stranger growled. His packmate nodded.

"Give me what I wanted first. I need the information." The stranger said. His packmate nodded. He handed the stranger the papers of information. The stranger looked down. "Sir? This girl you're looking for, she found her mate. You said you want her... but I'm afraid that now she's taken."

The stranger didn't even look up. "Kill him." He said, still scanning the papers. "It's Austin. His wolf name is Alex." The stranger's head shot up. "Alex? Even more fun. Kill him." Said the stranger.

"I already tried to. The girl... Andrea and Austin went on a plane. I sabotaged the plane. It didn't work. They jumped out. I'm going to-"

"You sabotaged the plane? Was the girl on there when you did?" The stranger asked furiously. "Yes, but I didn't think about that." His packmate said, clearly afraid of what The stranger would do to him. The stranger growled. "You should be glad that I need you, otherwise I would have killed you."

"Did they suspect you?" The stranger asked. His packmate scoffed. "Of course not. They trust me." His packmate said.

"Good. You can go now. Before you go, let me fulfill my part of the deal. My name is Jax." Jax (the stranger) said.

"Jax," said his packmate. "I don't want you to call me your packmate anymore. Call me by my real human name. Hayden. Austin's beta. Or that's what they think." Said Hayden.

"Leave now. Goodbye, Hayden." Said Jax

Hayden walked out of the room, thinking of how good it felt to betray Austin. And once Hayden and Jax killed Austin, Hayden would finally be free.

Austin's POV-


Jax wanted her. But he couldn't take her from me. I needed to tell her. I needed to tell her that she is my mate and that I am a werewolf.

"Andrea. Can you come with me? This is seriously. From what you just told me... your dad's killer... I know who he is." I said.

Andrea's head shot up. "You know who he is? Okay. I'll come." She said, nodding. I picked up her small body and carried her. "Just... don't freak out. Okay?" I said. She looked up at me and nodded, her eyes still red.

I needed to shift into a werewolf in front of her. I took her down to the garden, still carrying her. I set her down on a flowerbed. She smiled, feeling the flowers. I stood in front of her.

"You know when I asked you about werewolves?" I asked. Andrea nodded, looking confused. "Watch this. Please don't freak out." I whispered

"Alright buddy," I whispered to Alex, my wolf, "it's time for us to shift."

Alex nodded and took over.

I could feel every single bone in my body cracking. I winced, almost used to the pain. Andrea's eyes widened when she saw fur growing on me. Soon enough, I had fully shifted. I was a huge black wolf with piercing green eyes, exactly how an alpha should look.

Andrea's eyes were wide. "Austin?" She whispered, confusion in her eyes. I nodded. "You can understand me? You're a werewolf? Oh, my god. That is so cool!" She said, excitement in her eyes. "My best friend is a werewolf! I wish I was one!" Andrea exclaimed. I purred, snuggling into her. She giggled and petted my fur, snuggling with me. "Your fur looks really cool. You look kinda scary but in a cool way. I didn't know that werewolves actually existed!" I purred, almost making it sounds like a laugh.

"Are you gonna turn human again?" Andrea asked. I nodded. I shifted back, right in front of her.

"Oh, my god! Austin! You're naked!" Andrea yelled. Oh, right. When wolves shifted back, we were always naked. I smirked, walking over to her, picking up my boxers along the way. "You liked it, didn't you?" I whispered in her ear, after pulling on my boxers. She blushed. "Of course not!" She said.

"So. What do you think?" I asked, but Andrea was too busy to respond. She stared at my abs and then made eye contact with me. "How do you have the motivation to work out?" She asked. I laughed. "When you're the leader, or Alpha of the pack, you have to." I said. She looked at me with wide eyes. "You're the alpha?" She asked. "Wow."

"Oh, so you do know a bit about us wolves." I said. She chuckled and shook her head. "Not a lot. I only know that. What's it like?" She asked

"Well, let me first explain a little bit about us wolves first, since you said that you don't know a lot about us wolves. We can shift whenever we want, as you just saw. There are different ranks. The most important ones are the Alpha and Beta. I am the Alpha, and my best friend Hayden is the Beta. The Beta is the second in command. Other than that, you don't need to worry about anything. Us werewolves also have something called mates. A mate is someone that you are destined to be with. When you are born, the Moon Goddess decides who your mate is. A mate is your soulmate. When a wolf turns 18, they are able to smell their mate. Mates then fall in love and have a life together. The Alpha's mate is called a luna. And I would do anything for my luna." I whispered.

Andrea looked at me, some sadness in her eyes. "And who is your luna? Jessica?" She asked bitterly.

I shook my head, looking deeper into her eyes. "Andrea. It's you."

Her eyes shot up to mine. "What?" She asked. "You are my mate. And I get it if you don't like me yet. I won't pressure you to do anything. I promise. Okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "Thank you. Also, did you mean it when you said that you would do anything for me?" She asked. "Yes. I would. That's why I was so afraid when the plane started shaking. I didn't want to lose you. That's why I'm a... nicer person with you. You are my mate, and mates love each other from the beginning."

Andrea's eyes softened and she smiled. "You really are a softie, aren't you?" She asked. "Definitely." I said, laughing. "What else is there?" Andrea asked. "This hotel. This is where you can reach our pack from. There is a room, and if a werewolf walks in, they get transported to where our pack lives. I can take you. Even though you aren't a wolf, I can still take you there. As long as there is a wolf in there, anyone can get in there." I said

"One more question. I thought that wolves have other wolves as mates. I'm a human- or at least I think I am. I never really knew my dad. How can I be your mate if I'm human?" She asked.

"Sometimes us wolves get lucky, like I did with you," She blushed as I kept on talking, "and we get human mates. It's rare, but it happens. To think about it, since you're my mate, when you become the luna in the future, you're going to be the first human luna in our pack." I said.

She smiled. "So. What now? I'm pretty sure that you're not done yet. And what does this whole thing have to do with my dad?" Andrea asked.

"That person you talked about, Jax. He is a werewolf. Well, technically he is an alpha of the Death Pack. The Death Pack used to reign ages ago. Everyone feared them, and there are still tales of them. Everyone assumed that he was gone, but apparently he's back. Also... he left a note to me. Remember when our plane got sabotaged? I found a note in one of the rooms. Here, it's in my pockets. I didn't want to tell you until you knew that I am a wolf." I said, handing her the note.

"Hold on tight. What does that mean?" She asked. "I don't know. That's why I am taking you to my pack, so that you can meet everyone as the future luna. When we go there, we can go to my family, and we can figure everything out. Hold on, I have to text Hayden." I said, taking out my phone.

Austin: Hey can you come home to our pack or are you busy with Sophia?

I was about to put my phone back in my pocket when I heard a buzz.

Hayden: Not right now, I'm kinda busy.

I put my phone away. "You'll be able to see everyone except for Hayden. He's busy, but other than that, we can welcome you to my pack." I said, smiling at Andrea. I offered her my hand, and she took it, walking with me. She looked so beautiful in the sunlight. It made her look angelic. She must have noticed that I was looking at her, because she started to blush. I pulled her close to me, and entered the room. I walked in, and the room took us to my home.

"Whoa." Andrea said. We were standing in my home, in the woods. She looked around. "Is this really where you live?" She asked. I laughed. Did she really think I lived in a bush? "No. It's near here. Come on, I'll walk you there." I said, and she nodded.

We walked hand in hand, and ended up in the wolves training area. This was the most advanced training area, because it had the hardest obstacles and equipment. "Where are we?" Andrea asked. "We are in the most advanced training area. It's made for the strongest wolves, so obviously, I train here." I said, and she laughed. "So full of yourself, aren't you?" Andrea shook her head. I nodded, agreeing with her.

"Let's go, I'll take you to my pack." I said. I sent out a mind-link to everyone in the pack to meet in the main room, and I could hear wolves and people running to the main room, also known as the meeting room.

I walked Andrea to the meeting room, but stopped her before we got in. "Don't be scared. I'll protect you. That's my job." I said, holding her close. She nodded. "I trust you." She said. I smiled and took her up to the pedestal.

"Wolves! Something wonderful has happened," I thundered out. Everyone had been wanting me to find my luna, and now I found my love, "After years of searching, I have found our beautiful future Luna," I said, turning back to Andrea and running a finger down her cheek. She smiled and I continued, "This beautiful woman, named Andrea Stephens is your future Luna!" I exclaimed. People started cheering, happy that I had found the love of my life. "But! She is a human. And even though she is a human, you will still treat her the very same, otherwise you will have to deal with me. Do I make myself clear?" I shouted. Everyone cheered yes in response.

"I want to say something," I heard Andrea say. Everyone was shocked. Usually Luna's wouldn't speak, "Thank you. I will do my best to fit in, and be with Austin." Said Andrea.

Andrea came up to me, and kissed me right on the lips, smiling. The entire crowd cheered in delight and Andrea pulled me closer, clutching my leather jacket. I had been waiting for this moment for years, to finally hold my beautiful mate in my hands, and kiss her.

We broke apart and Andrea laughed, staring at me, breathless, and for the first time I experienced something. Love. I had never felt this before. No one had ever cared about me. People wanted me for my power, but Andrea didn't. She loved me for who I was. I could see it in her eyes that she loves me too.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend." I said, smiling. "Girlfriend? Okay, I'll take that." She said, chuckling. I turned to the crowd. "Meet my girlfriend!" I roared. The cheering got louder. I scanned the crowd, and finally saw my dad, sitting and watching. He had the biggest smile on his face, and it lit up when I made eye contact with him. I turned back to Andrea, kissing her again.

"Alright!" My dad yelled. "We should stop before these two go too far. Go back to your tasks. We'll plan a party for everyone to celebrate our Luna! This meeting is over now, and feel free to say hi to our luna, if she's comfortable with it." He said, asking Andrea. Andrea nodded. "Of course, sir. I would be glad to meet everyone." She said, looking at me with glowing eyes. My dad nodded in approval. I knew he would love Andrea.

"Come, let's go to the entrance. We can greet everyone there." I said. She nodded. "Austin... thank you. For everything. It's nice to finally find someone who cares about me and accepts me for who I am." She said. "I'm glad that I'm with you."

"The feeling's mutual." I said, spinning her around to face everyone who was coming to meet her. She nodded, greeting everyone. We stood, and once everyone was done gushing over us, my dad came up to me and Andrea.

"Nice to meet you, luna. I am Austin's dad." He said, reaching out his hands, "But you can call me Martin." He said. Andrea took his hand and shook it. "Please, call me Andrea. And it's great to meet you too." She said.

"I have a feeling that you are going to be a great Luna, Andrea." My dad said, and Andrea smiled at him.

"Dad. We have some questions. Can we go to your office and call everyone?" I asked. I needed to ask him about Andrea's dad, and tell him about Jax.

"Of course. We can bring Andrea too. Come daughter, let's go." Said my dad. Andrea's face lit up. "Did you see that? He called me his daughter! Cause I'm going to marry you and I'll become his daughter!" She whispered, as my dad and I took her to the Alpha's room, where everyone was going to meet. "I know, he really seems to like you babe." I said. She laughed lightly. "I'm gonna have to get used to this babe thing." She said, squeezing my hand.

Andrea and I walked hand in hand, ready to get some answers.