
These Odd-jobs are out of This World

Yoga, an ordinary boy from a nowhere town in Borneo, accidentally became a part-time Keeper when job hunting. Now he along with the heiress of the Emiya family, self-proclaimed harem seeker, and Remnant's first synthetic girl; must defend the worlds from multidimensional threats, one odd job at a time! A fanfic inspired by Annihilation Maker DXD by Soul_Caliber. New Chapters every Thursday.

Bondowoso · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Yoga's gift.

—a few minutes earlier…

While Issei and Rio jumped into the battle, Yoga and Penny quickly took action and get the injured heroes to safety. Their getup and the situation helped them convince the heroes tending the wounded. It took them multiple trips to get all the heroes to the nearby hospital. Unfortunately, due to his small frame, Yoga could only carry one person at a time, making the evacuation a bit slower. Seeing that their wounded friends were brought to safety, the heroes immediately returned to the fight.

Yoga and Penny were carrying the last of the wounded. Weaving through the dark streets, their quick steps echoed through the strangely still night. Yoga and Penny noticed this strangeness, but neither had the time to wonder with the patients in their arms.

Yoga glanced around, one of his eyes glowed softly as they roamed the darkened buildings. He was on guard. They hadn't seen the hair nor hide of the enemy Apostle. He was very tense right now, never in his life had he felt this threatened by something he hadn't even seen. Not even when the tribes back home fought. Maybe it was because his life was actually on the line here.

They arrived at the hospital and it was as hectic as the moment they left. The doctors and staff were shocked by the injured heroes they brought, but luckily they quickly calmed down and treated the heroes. The teens then learned that there was no news of a villain attack on the tv or emergency radio. That piece of information confirmed something for the teens.

There was some kind of barrier that kept sounds and radio signals from getting out.

So, with this fact in mind, they raised their level of caution with Penny focused on her radar and even increased its radius. But the perpetrator has proven to be elusive. It was as if they were searching for a wraith. He hadn't shown himself or taken action against the teens.

Until now, that was…

Deafening popping sounds echoed from the hospital's entrance. With the speed of a superhuman, Penny reacted. Placing herself in front of Yoga, she caught a pair of bullets aimed at the boy's head. She lowered her hand. The flattened bullets fell on the ceramic floor. the clinks they made were drowned by the panic of the civilians. Yoga turned around to face the shooter.

Standing by the glass doors was a lanky man with pale skin and deep crimson eyes. His old-looking jacket and pants were stained with splotches of dark brown which the two assumed were old blood stains. He swept his dirty white hair aside with the smoking gun in his hand.

"My, my what a cool, heroic sight. It gives me the shiver~!" he spoke with a nasal voice, showing his surprisingly clean teeth as he grinned.

Yoga quickly down in a crude brawler stance while Penny's stance was like a cowboy preparing for a showdown. She had her hands over her hips and legs slightly open. Penny produced a faint whirring sound before speaking.

"Ken Kurusu. Put your gun down. Resistance is futile." The innocence and curiosity in her voice had been replaced by a cold and monotone one.

One might often forget, even though she looked human, Penny was still related to Atlesian Knights and Paladins. They share the same cores, engines, and systems. The only differences were Penny possessed lighter frames, Aura core, and Personality core.

"So you know me? I'm touched. But I don't know you two, heroine-chan. Why don't you two introduce yourselves? Isn't that the basis of all manners? Surely even Gaijin like you guys taught as much!"

Unbeknownst to the teens, the moment he laid his eyes on them, Ken immediately knew of their names, levels, and stats. He mentally snorts at their levels. A five and a one? Even if the girl's stats are good for her level It's nothing to worry about…

Ken smirked when his enemy tensed. He liked it when his prey squirmed like that, "Who's you two anyway? Exchange student or somethin'? Never see your mug on the Hero Regis—"

His words were cut off. Literally.

A sword fades into existence beside Penny in a wisp of 1s and 0s. It suddenly spun at high speed before launching itself at Ken. The gap between its appearance and launch was quick. Any normal person wouldn't survive such an attack.


Unfortunately, Ken wasn't exactly a normal person.

"My, such precision." Ken remarked as he knocked the sword aside with his gun, "If I was your regular thug, I might've lost my head. Aren't you a bit hasty?"

"You are a threat to those around you." Penny answered cooly, "Any resistance will be met with force."

Of course, Penny hadn't planned to outright decapitate Ken. despite how deadly that spin attack looked. It was a highly calculated move that would only result in mild injury to the Apostle. After all, the sword was in her control even now.

"A hero that's not all show," Ken smirked. He wasn't threatened by Penny's words. On the contrary, he was spirited, "I like you, Penny-chan. Sadly, you're in my way."

Ken trained his gun on the teens and began shooting.

Penny materialized the rest of her swords around her and made them spin in an orbit. The swords went so fast that it was barely a blur. The bullets ricocheted seemingly against the air to the rest of the lobby, littering them with holes and breaking every glass.

"Interesting Quirk. Too bad it's not enough."

The apostle took out his own weapon, an ordinary-looking scimitar. Then again, anything possessed by an apostle was anything but ordinary. This fact was proven when the scimitar easily deflected the onslaught of swords from Penny.

The android girl was quick to act upon seeing her attacks repelled.

"Teammate Yoga, evacuate the civilians!"

She did not wait for an answer and charged forward. She caught a lazy swing to her neck and pushed the apostle out with a strength unbefitting of her frame. They were soon locked in a battle just outside the hospital.


I was stunned for a bit before regaining my composure.

Not gonna lie. Seeing Penny, Issei, and Rio go to fight our enemy made me feel kinda useless, but sadly there was nothing I could do about it other than man up and do my part. As they say, it is what it is. My gift wasn't the strongest, but I was sure it would be helpful in some way.

So I shoved the feeling and ran around the hospital's first floor, evacuating civilians.

It took about 10 minutes to get all the remaining patients up to the second floor. Unfortunately, after some deliberation, I decided to not let them run outside. One, because the emergency exit points straight to the fight between Penny and the apostle. And two, we don't know what nasty surprise waiting for us outside. Ken might be in the middle of a fight, but if those stories I read about people with System were true, then he got something wretched just around the corner.

And my gut feeling was right on the money.

It was when I was double-checking the first floor that I found that nasty surprise. I just came out from a room in the west wing when a door was thrown at me. With agility that I never possessed, I dodged the mangled door albeit barely. It managed to scratch my cheek. Wiping the blood off my face, I turned to where it came from.

Standing in a mangled doorway was, for a lack of better word, a shadowy figure. His form was nothing but a silhouette of a man wearing a tuxedo. He growled as it locked its nonexistent gaze on me. My thoughts went to a villain with a similar look before noticing the differences. It then clicked. Shadow Servant…

Shadow Servant, A phantom of a legend that was unable to completely turn into a proper servant. They were basically what happens if someone tries to summon a figure from urban legends. They were weaker than proper servants.

But even then, with my zero training in throwing punches…

I put up a stance as the phantom lumbered towards me.

Yeah, this going to hurt…


Penny dodged a thrust, stepping to the side as she threw a hand up. Her swords suddenly flew from the ground straight toward the apostle. Ken, who became familiar with the trick, backed off and parried them with his scimitar. Penny's swords clattered on the ground for a moment before they gathered around their master like the ring of Saturn.

The two didn't move for some moment, silently gauging their opponents.

Then as if on cue, the two charged forward and battled again.

As they fight, Penny could tell that Ken was not trained at all. His movement was wild, footwork unrefined. One could say that the apostle was just swinging a sharp stick around. It was a contrast to her who still showed some skill and grace despite her quite limited movement. Her capability, after all, came from her imprints of knowledge. All of her techniques came directly from the minds of Atlas' top huntsmen.

Ken's saving grace was his strength and reflex. They were as strong as an Aura-enhanced seasoned huntsman. There were moments when he got the upper hand in the fight, in which then Penny forced him back by hurling her swords.

In any other scenario, Penny would rather engage from afar by using her string-controlled swords than direct swordplay. Her movements were still stiff and disjointed. Often times her movement had an unnatural jerk that created an opening or two.

It was an expected bug. Her body was a prototype, after all.

Originally, Penny was sent to work with Miss Satin so her father, Professor Pietro Polendina, could monitor and later fix any kinks and bugs in her movement. Slowly making them as smooth as human movements. Miss Satin was her father's colleague and one of few that knew of her real 'condition.'

But it seems he got more than he planned for…

Ken dodged a rain of blades as he closed in on Penny, who after a brief calculation, made a crossing motion. The swords returned to their owner before snapping into each other and changing into a giant segmented greatsword.

The apostle was taken aback for a moment before stopping. Penny used this brief lapse and sent her new weapon forward. Ken blocked the greatsword, but it took a lot from him so he jumped back.

Penny narrowed her eyes, her targeting system locked on the retreating apostle. She made a swinging motion as her Central Core gave a command to her mecha-shift weapon, Floating Array Proto, to give chase. The command was sent from her core straight to the sword through fine threads on her fingertips. The weapon received its task in nanoseconds and promptly gave chase.

Knowing he couldn't block or parry, Ken opted to run around and dodged. The greatsword tore through asphalt and whatever infrastructure that came in the way, creating destruction wherever it goes.

Yet, even with rampant destruction and tremors, the surrounding neighborhood was as still as a ghost town. Even with the shattering windows and deafening sounds, there was no soul that went to peek at their fight. Curious, Penny expanded her radar and took a peek. It was the same radar used in Atlesian Knights and Paladins to search for survivors in a disaster. Needless to say, it was very sensitive.

The result came after a few moments. It indicates that the civilians were sleeping soundly as if nothing happened. Another barrier with different effects?

With this info, it was clear to her that Ken Kurusu was trying to keep the witnesses at the minimum. And coupled with the information she got about the heroes of this world, the apostle was obviously avoiding the heavy hitters.

With this, the goal for her was clear: to defeat the apostle, the source of the barriers.

With a mental command, the greatsword suddenly flew faster. It passed a surprised Ken before breaking into multiple swords, pointing at the apostle.

Penny made a closing motion and like a puppet to a puppeteer the swords obeyed. They zoomed in as one, trying to skewer the apostle from all directions.

Unfortunately, they were thwarted by two words…

"[Shinra Tensei!]"


Ken created a barrier of force that blocked the attacks, throwing the swords away in the process. Penny regathered her swords around her, just in time as Ken pulled out a pair of handguns.

"Tch! Do you think an AoE attack can hurt me?! me, who will be at the top of the food chain!? Think again!!"

The apostle trained his guns at Penny and began shooting, but instead of lead bullets what came out of the guns were red energy bullets instead.

Penny blocked two of the shot before quickly evading after seeing the damage the bullets caused. Two of her swords were now all but molten slag on the ground. Ken smirked when he saw this.

"Dance for me, Barbie girl! Bwahahahahaha!" the apostle laughed maniacally as he rained energy bullets on Penny who dodged.

Inwardly, Penny calculated her options. One of them was to activate her Aura. but her Semblance core, the one responsible to distribute the aura around her body, was still buggy. Activating it had a 60% chance for it to short circuit. It would hinder her greatly in battle. Penny discarded the idea immediately.

Seeing no other option, Penny continues to dodge as she calculates…



I cursed as I sprinted down the hallway with the shadow servant hot on my heel.


The bastard howled and I quickly ducked. An IV stand soared above me like a javelin. It struck through a door, leaving a huge hole. Once again I thanked God and the suit. If I wasn't wearing this uniform, I'd already be a pincushion on the wall…

I glanced behind me and promptly hugged the wall, avoiding a flying bed.

"Level 1 my ass!" I cursed as I continue to run.

You might be asking; Yoga, didn't you plan to throw hands with the phantom?

Yeah, I did. I got my ass kicked.

In my misplaced confidence, I forgot one thing; A Shadow Servant is still a Servant. No matter if it was a phantom or not. How could I, a guy who only got into a fight once and worked up only when it was PE, could fight a Berserker?

Yeah. this fucking bastard was a Berserker class. I got the notification as it kicked my ass. definitely going to file a complaint.

"▂▃▅▅!" my pursuer roared and I took it as a cue to dodge.

Luckily, I was at the end of the hallway and promptly took a sharp turn, dodging a hail of syringes and a whole steel cart.

A sign in the corner of my vision caught my attention. East wing… if I remember right, the emergency exit is somewhere near here… but where…

As I looked around, I shoved whatever objects I passed in the way of the shadow Berserker. It worked. Both ways. The Berserker slowed down, in return he got ammunition to throw at me. While I was busy dodging a hail of furniture, I spotted what I was looking for. Tucked in a corner was the door to the ER hallway, and just a couple meters away from it, the Emergency Exit.

A plan quickly came to my mind. It was a risky plan and I would get hurt in the process, but I think it might just work. It was a gamble, but it was much preferable to running in circles before eventually getting caught.

So, with plans in mind, I took the shadow Berserker to a few rounds around the first floor.


12 minutes and two laps later, I was ready. Actually, it was 6 minutes. I spent another 6 to convince myself to get hurt. But I was ready now god damn it!

I took another turn to the east wing. The Shadow Servant was still on my heel, chasing me like a man possessed. With my goal nearing, I picked up speed. As I ran, I grabbed a wheelchair and spun around. I clutched the wheelchair in front of me and threw myself at the Berserker. In the air, I curled into myself, trying to hide my body behind the wheelchair fully.

During my run, I noticed that this guy acted fully on instinct. It had so many chances to ambush me, but all it did was react to me throwing stuff at him. It made me a bit confident in this plan of mine.

And if my calculation was correct, by hiding myself behind the wheelchair…


…he will punch the wheelchair instead of catching it.


I held back a bile as he punched the air out of my system. It was painful, oh very much so that I almost lost consciousness right then and there. But I persevered, and I got what I wanted.

The punch throws me away into the air. Clutching my stomach, I spun around to face my target. My gaze instantly locked on the steel door of the E.R. hall, and I channeled the meager amount of mana I gained recently. If someone saw me right now, they would notice green circuitry spread from my left eye.

"SWIIIIIITCH!!!" I roared as I flew towards the doors.

In a split second, right before my impact, the steel doors were replaced by a glass pane.

I curled into myself as I burst through the glass. I felt the glass shards trickling upon my skin before I hit the ground.

"SWITCH!" I cast again as I spun towards my pursuer.

The glass shards disappeared from the ground and the steel doors reappeared as if nothing happened. I then threw one of my shoes to the door. It turned into the reception desk, blocking the door.

The Berserker roared as it banged the door. Every impact denting it bit by bit.

Not wanting to find out, I spun around and sprinted towards the emergency exit.

You might be wondering what just happened. All this switcheroo happened thanks to my new power; Mystic Eye of Displacement. Essentially, it allows me to [Mark] things and [Switch] them around.

It might not be as strong as Issei's [Mera-Mera no Mi,] but it has its uses. I just have to be creative with it.


I stumbled on the scene of an intense battle.

Penny was dodging around barrages of red orbs like she was a Touhou player. She was almost a blur, dancing and running around the rain of energy bullets. The scene almost made me forget about the dark, tall, and terrifying chasing me.


As if on cue, the bastard broke out of the emergency exit. Hearing its arrival, I picked up speed, ran towards a bench, and hopped off it. Using my enhanced strength and agility, I performed a black flip midflight. As my view rolled around, I [Marked] both Penny and the Shadow Servant. I switched them as I fall.

I landed perfectly in a seating position on Penny's shoulders, grunting as I held back the pain from my nuts hitting a hard surface. I saw her hands reach to me and quickly speak.

"Sorry for the wait!" upon hearing my voice, her hands stopped and she looked up.

"Teammate Yoga? Are you okay? Any injuries?"

"Just pain here and there, but I'm fine overall. How's our guy?"

"Formidable. He has the strength of an experienced huntsman that covers his lack of training. There are also strange abilities he possessed."

"Shit. of course he has Cheats!" I cursed as I locked my eyes on the apostle.

The man finally realized that he was turning his Servant into Swiss cheese and not Penny. He stopped shooting and he blankly watched as his Shadow Servant faded away.

"...of course he got his ass handed to him," he said with a voice filled with disdain, "should've guessed this shadow thingy worth jackshit!."

The Apostle sighed, "Well, doesn't matter. I still have that berserker guy, and I can call him whenever I want." with a sneer he showed off his Command Seal on the back of his hand. I narrowed my eyes on it.

It already has been used once with only two marks remaining. That means…

He already powered up his Servant once…

We need to defeat this guy here and now, unless he powers the servant again or god forbid pulls him here.

I dropped down from Penny's shoulders and asked her. "Any plan?"

The android shook her head, "not at the moment. So much of him is still unknown, I can't calculate an optimal plan without seeing his full capability." Yeah, unknown factor's a bitch.

"Anything he got other than laser bullets?"

"A force field he called [Shinra Tensei]. Do you know something about it?" she must've noticed the look on my face.

"A bit. It has the capability to flatten a small town, but seeing the mark on the road…"

"Either he's holding back or cannot draw its full power," Penny concluded.

Seeing the guy didn't have [Rinnegan], it seems he got the skill separately. Good thing we didn't have to deal with the eye's other bullshit.

An [Analysis] skill would be hella helpful at the moment. All we got was level and name, it didn't tell us much other than how inferior we were.

While we were whispering to each other, the apostle shouted, "Hey, what are you guys whispering about? Stop ignoring me. it's rude you know?!"

He then started chuckling, "Don't tell me… are you guys planning something? Bahahaha! you think you have a chance? Against me? You heroes wanna be… wake up and stop daydreaming already! You're just a wiggling worm on the ground. your plans are useless against my skills!"

And of course, he's an edgelord on an ego trip…


Ken laughed at the tense expression his prey was having. For him, Penny was too boring, it was like he was fighting a doll. Yoga on the other hand was expressive, he loves expressive prey.

It tickled his psychopathic bones in the right places.

A few days ago, Ken had a strange dream. He could barely recall it now, but he still remembered the tentacles that the being in his dream had. One of its tentacles touched his head and he woke up with this RPG-like power that gave him a new ability every time he leveled up.

He planned to make Kita Ward his territory by using the Berserkers he got from a recent level-up.

But his ambition won't end there, because he planned to make Japan bend to him.

The idea of seeing top Heroes like All Might and Endeavor defeated under his heel boosted his already good mood.

Soon… Soon Japan would know and fear Kurusu Ken!

He absolutely couldn't wait for the day he reached All Might level.

Imagining the despair on their faces almost makes me drool hehe! Ken mused with a malevolent smirk.

He then saw Yoga whispering to Penny. He frowned.

One of these days I need to boost my hearing. The faces they'll make when I reveal I heard them talk would be priceless!

"Whatever you're planning, it's useless. Just roll over and die!"

Once again Ken released a barrage of psionic bullets onto his prey. He laughed when Yoga clung to Penny's back instead of dodging.

He continued to laugh as he watched the teens jumping around, they were like maggots to his eyes. While he showered them with projectiles, Ken mindfully eyed his [Mana] bar which was decreasing at a steady rate.

Psionic bullets ate so much of his [Mana], coupled with the fact there was no way for him to train his magical energy in this world, his reserve was moderate at best. Not to mention his [Mana Regeneration] was quite bad at the moment.

Ken stopped shooting when his [Mana] reached 40%, it was enough for a [Shinra Tensei] or two. He stored his gun and summoned back his sword. He lunged at the teens with a grin.

Yoga suddenly threw a rock at Ken.

Ken's grin turned mocking now. He planned on using a [Shinra Tensei], thinking that a show of immense strength would—

Suddenly a notification blared in his mind's eye.

[Gained Debuff: [Marked]]



—suddenly he found himself on the receiving end of Penny's fist.

The damage and pain were mitigated by his skills [Gamer's Body] and [Pain Resistance Lv. 2]. Thanks to them, he was conscious enough to back off and gain some distance.

But he suddenly found himself in the same position again.

Penny threw another punch to Ken's gut which was then followed by a dropkick to his chest courtesy of Yoga who screamed "UUURRYYYYAAAAH!!!" as he did.

The attacks sent him rolling on the ground away from the two, raising clouds of dust as he went. Penny's attack would have broken his bones if he hadn't been blessed with his system.

When he came to a stop, he understood what happened.

So this is what happened to that thing! He [Marked] him and the girl then switched them around. I need to remove this debuff, quick!

While Ken was recovering and cleaning himself with a spell. Penny panicked when she heard Yoga scream. She all but screamed her question.

"Teammate Yoga, are you okay?!"

"Huh? Yes, I'm okay!" Yoga said as he dusted himself.

"Then why are you screaming?"

Understanding dawned in the boy and he answered, "Oh that! I screamed to put an oomph to my kick, giving it more strength. You should try it!"

"...is that so? Hmm, I get it... I think! Hm, I will try to do the same!" Penny nodded with enthusiasm to try a new thing.

Seeing the two ignore his existence, Ken gritted his teeth as anger coursed through his veins.

He decided to stop playing around.

Ken took out his guns again and channeled all of his [Mana} into it while using [Concentration Lv. 2]. The combination of these would result in a devastating psionic beam that chases its target. He had used this ability once against some group of no-names Villains.

With psychotic glee, he pressed the trigger, aiming at the talking teenagers.

It was then he noticed something off.

Instead of an undodgeable death beam, it was barely a laser beam. The teenagers of course easily evaded the attack.

The beam did nothing but leave a small scorch mark on a wall in the distance.


He was dumbfounded by this and immediately pulled up his User Interface.

What greeted him was numerous [ERROR] messages flooding his notification. His normally translucent green screen had turned solid red.

What the hell is happening?!

Unbeknownst to him and later the teens learned, it was because of the Keeper's uniform they were wearing. It was designed to interfere with an Apostle's system by feeding them Anti-System coding encrypted in the suits' enchantment. All they needed was to physically interact with an Apostle.

The newer the Apostle, the less time it needed.

Ken didn't get to read the messages because he heard his enemies fastly approaching. He got rid of his UI and summoned his sword.

But it seems whatever affected his system affected his sword to…

The weapon appeared without issue, but when it clashed with Penny's Floating Array Proto twice, it immediately snapped. The sword had turned brittle, originally it could cleave cars like butter. His jaw fell to the ground as he watched his trusty sword reduced into bits.

Ken was so shocked that he forgot another person to worry about.

Yoga appeared in front of him and attacked.



Yoga kicked his nuts, hard.

Pain, no, agony coursing through his body from between his legs. With his [Gamer's Body] and [Pain Resistance] disturbed, nothing could stop the tidal wave of torment that came from an enhanced kick to his family jewel. It was a miracle that they didn't break.

…But the teens' attack hadn't stopped.

"DORRYAAAAH!!!!" Penny screamed, delivering a spinning kick to his side and sending him spiraling into the air.

He lost consciousness when his head hit a road sign with a loud 'THUNK!!!'


"You are right, teammate Yoga. my kick possessed a bit of 'oomph' just like you said!" Penny said cheerfully.

"Told ya!"

I watched the apostle's body drop to the ground after his head hit a bent stop sign, denting it even further. I breathed a sigh of relief.

As if on cue, whatever dampening field he set up was gone upon his defeat, now we could hear the skirmish at the park very clearly. The sleeping citizens must've been startled by it because the windows around the buildings suddenly lit up one by one. Curious citizens opened the window and were shocked by the state on the street and their homes. "What the hell happened?!" "How can I sleep through this!?" were the few reactions I heard from them.

I wanted to drop on my ass or just black out while standing, but there was still a powered-up berserker running loose we need to take care of…

I approached the unconscious villain and kneeled beside him.

My eyes were instantly drawn to the command seal on the back of his hand. A frown graced my lips.

"What is that tattoo, friend Yoga?" Penny asked beside me.

"Command Seal. It's a magic tattoo that acts as an anchor to a Servant. It can also give them power up or enforce an order they can't ignore," I surmised to the best of my knowledge.

"Enforce an order?"

"Yeah, he could tell whatever he wants to the Berserker and he can't do anything but comply, even as far as telling them to kill themself. The more seals used the stronger the mental compulsion. Fortunately, this guy didn't use all three seals to power Toxiclaw."

Penny hummed in thought, "This tattoo is an anchor, yes? How do we deal with the Servant now that his Master is out of commission. How do we remove its influence?" huh, I didn't expect her to figure out that Master tidbit!

"Well, the easiest option was to cut off his hand." Penny frowned, her brows furrowed. "Or, we can transfer them to another person… buuuuuut he needs to be conscious to transfer his seal. Unless we want to steal it from his severed hand, that is…"

None of us were magi, and according to my knowledge, that was all options we got…

…Or is it?

An idea popped into my head but I didn't know if it would work or not.

Penny was also thinking of something. She then asked, "Is there nothing we can do to persuade him from using the command seal? We already defeated him, I prefer to not resort to more violence unless necessary."

I smiled at her words. Penny, no matter how mechanical her insides were, has a soft heart. The fact that she didn't want to resort to the easiest and most logical answer speaks volumes about her character.

"...there's something I'd like to try first," I said to her, causing her to stop. She turned to me and I continued, "My left eye allows me to switch things around. I want to try if I can switch something with the command seal."

"...you want to command Berserker to kill himself?" Penny quickly deduced my plan. I nodded at her answer before turning my attention back to the seals.

"Yeah, you okay with that?"

Penny thought for a bit before saying, "I am… somewhat troubled in all honesty. Hmh… It sounds cruel but he's too dangerous to let loose. There's also the fact that technically Toxiclaw is already dead. Hmm, I think I will be neutral on the matter…"

I nodded to her before I started working.

First, I tried to mark my left hand where a faint scar was located, but, instead of marking the scar, it marked my whole body. Good to know that I can use my ability on myself but not the thing I needed right now.

I also tried to mark a scratch on Penny's silicon skin, it also marked her as a whole instead. I was able to switch the seal with a blob of paint on a tree, but when the tree suddenly shriveled and the leaves turned brown. I switched them back immediately.

I can let it stick on the tree and wait for it to shrivel and die, but the Berserker might feel it and start rampaging around the block instead and cause civilian casualties. I don't want to take any chances.

Fortunately, the brief switcheroo gave me an idea.

"Penny, can you get me a marker?" I asked her and she stole one from a bookstore nearby.

I smirked as I drew a bold dick on my right hand and marked it. My smirk turned triumphant when it was marked separately from myself.

Yeah, It was childish. Sue me.

Finally, I switched my dick tattoo with the command seal. I felt a tingling on my right hand as my bracelet let out a single beep. When I checked, it was a notification of a new skill [Command Seal: 2].

I threw away the stolen marker and stood up. I said to Penny, "It's finished. Let's help our teammates." Penny nodded firmly and smiled. I smiled back and got on Penny's shoulders.

We (Penny) dashed across the rooftops towards the battle as I think of a dramatic way to finish our first mission.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

please consider leaving a comment if you guys have a suggestion or question.

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