
Breaking In

Dreamer: Johnson Garrwick

Johnson's Notes:

This isn't a dream... more like a series of them. When I was a kid this was a recurring dream I had for a bit.

Dream One:

I woke up, I wanted to call my parents for something I wasn't sure why. However as I walked out into our living room I noticed something was amiss immediately. The right side of our couch was usually up against the wall. However it was moved away, a nightstand touched its corner. Leaving a strange space between the sides of the nightstand and couch.

When I noticed this I began to hear our front door's doorknob turning. A clicking sound as each turn was stopped short by the lock. I was immediately terrified and tried calling for my parents. However no sounds came from my throat.

So I went to their room, only to find myself in the living room again. My vision turned to one similar to night vision, a strange black and white with a tint of green. However as I think back on it, I am sure it was actually from a light somewhere.

The door was slammed open, a tall figure walked in and spotted me. I screamed with all my might, yet barely any sound came out. The figure immediately chased for me. In only a short moment I found myself running around the couch to get away from the stranger. Screaming for my parents. Yet my voice did not work.

I ran for so long, hopping over that strange corner of my couch, running for so long. I screamed so much...

It was when I fell and saw the figure reaching for me did I wake up. I could barely sleep that night.

-End of dream one.


Do you remember any particular qualities of the strange man?


It might be my imagination now that I am older... but I think I remember them wearing a butcher apron. Other than that there wasn't anything particular that stands out to me.


You mentioned something about a series of dreams?


Ah yes, may I continue?

Dream Two:

Similar to the first, I once again found myself in the living room. However this time I had knowledge. A strange shift happened and I found myself on the opposite side of the couch from the figure. It didn't take long before the chasing began.

Instead of screaming this time, I tried simply yelling moderately. However my voice still did not work.

The figure seemed to grow tired of chasing and shoved the couch towards me. I tripped and fell onto it, seeing the figure coming for me I immediately shut my eyes extremely tight. When I opened them I was awake, this was a trick I developed myself.

-End of dream two


Was there anything different compared to these two dreams? Besides the obvious of course.


Ah that one is tough, I think the couch placement again? Or was it the house? I still had to hop over the right arm, but I can't remember if the nightstand was still there.


Is this the last dream?


No, there is one more...

Final Dream:

I can skip over the beginning of this one, since it would be a repeat of the first two. What really irked me was what happened after I tried my trick to wake up.

I woke up, back in my bed and all. But I was still dreaming. I couldn't tell immediately, but I should have noticed the small changes in my room. I remember getting off my bed to wake my parents about the bad dream, but when I did my door was slammed open. The figure was right there already reaching for me.

I did my trick again subconsciously, and woke up. Yet I still remained in my dream. I remember being cautious, and watching my door carefully. When the door slammed open again, I immediately did my trick again.

Again, I failed to truly wake up. I noticed this immediately and repeated my trick. Yet try as I might, I couldn't truly wake myself.

At the end of this repeat of not truly waking up, when I opened my eyes something caught my attention. It was a small TV in front of my bed. It played my dreams that I tried to wake up from, I froze up in terror. Watching my door get kicked down several times in that TV. When it shut down, my own door was kicked open...

I truly woke up then, I could feel it. I was so scared I refused to move, I watched my door like crazy. I don't know how long time went past until I fell asleep again, but I know it was the last time I ever had that dream.

-End of final dream.


Did you ever tell your parents?


Oh definitely, I was adamant to sleep in their bedroom the next night. They claimed it was silly, but eventually they caved in.


Any final thoughts?


Just one, why couldn't I wake up? And... have I?

Interviewer notes:

After the interview with Johnson I ask his parents a few things. One major thing I noticed was that they whispered to each other about a strange car that stayed out front around the same time. When I questioned them about this they claimed it was probably nobody, but they contacted the police to be safe.

One true thing that stands out to me was the TV part. Did Johnson see the future? Did he somehow jump through parallel dimensions to find a peaceful ending? The power of the human race remains unknown and strange.

However I still might be looking into this too much...