

wattssmya · Others
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As I saw it just standing there with it's shiny black eyes I wondered if I was still asleep if if this was real and it was standing there and would be able to kill me.

Death has always been on my mind maybe this is how it would end sometimes I want to end life and maybe this it could do it for me "make it quick and painful if you do" I said to it but it just stood there still quietly like a silence it's self but then I wondered if it was just me and my imagination

I stared at it for what felt like hours until it disappeared into fine air like when you breath when it cold and it just fades that's what it did but slowly so I could see through him but I was not happy it was gone I felt normal I felt nothing at all

Maybe it took my feeling and sadness and pain away but I could still feel it still just deep deep down like the earth beneath us the core is deep down like my feelings but I could not feel them.