

When your life is slowing deteriorating for the second time due to the second diagnosis of Lymphoma you start to lose sight of the good things in life, or so that’s what Delilah St Claire thought, she never thought that a 6ft something curly blonde hair quite famous influencer going by the name of Vincent Hammersmith would change that. Vincent the trouble making Influencer who takes life for granted comes across Delilah when he visits the hospital she is staying at and both get off to a bad start not taking a liking to each other, but as life events push them closer physically, mentally they start showing each other there is more to life than what they think they know about it. Sometimes the weaker ones are the ones that make sure someone else is never in pain. 

INDWritez · Urban
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20 Chs


They say I am getting worse and Miles got suspended for the day because he should have been more careful with me. So, I feel a little guilty for causing such a scene at College and making him become the bad guy, but he did text me saying that he wasn't too bothered because he could get his criminology homework done before me.

I entered the hospital on a stretcher and the first thing I heard was "and she's back" I looked over and there was Helena tucked up in a bed that was somehow next to my bed "Oi! why are you in here?" I asked as she pointed at the back board of her section "you know just dying even more then before" she added as I nodded and cracked a smile, her humour never failed to amuse me in the slightest, but I think it was better to know that I was going to be bunked next to her for I guess until we both died, which looking at our track records hopefully was in a few years, then we will get a proper night's sleep.

Helena and I had been talking and just you know doing what normal people do, we were allowed our phones and gadgets of obviously had our separate visits with very worried parents but that all ended and the tears were shed and gone from now on, I literally told my mum that why should she cry about round two when round one was the worst, but she is also very emotional so we had two ladies, my mum and Helena's mum crying at the same time, it was tiring to say the least.

After the crying and the talks we both took a power nap and we are now here talking about Mr Vincent who is again on the TV, well not on the TV but on our phones and iPad's in the latest and breaking news, "Vincent Ricci to visit California Medway Hospice in the next coming month to give back to his fans who cannot be physically supporting" The news announcer said as Helena and I looked at each other and laughed "imagine the audacity of this man, as if people can't support him from their bed, I am sorry we can't watch you skate around outside of restaurants and cause havoc but come on! leave us alone" I said as my phone started pinging with messages from the one and only Libby.


me - Typical! use your dying friend as a way to get to a celebrity, I don't even like the boy

Libs - As I said, for me not for you, just think of me while you ask him

me - or you could come down when he does

Libs - he is doing it randomly and nobody will know

me - well I think they are gonna know, he is papped everywhere he goes

Libby left me hanging after that, I mean is it too hard to understand that I am not his biggest fan and don't particularly want to talk to a guy who is going to treat us like we are deaf, dumb and blind.

"What's the chances he treats us like we are 2 years old, or have a mind of a goldfish?" Helena spoke up as she typed away on her phone, I chuckled a little and rolled my eyes "the boy is going to act like we are so beneath him and try and sweet talk us into being happy he is around us" I said as she nodded and put her phone on her tray "he wouldn't know what cancer was like if he had it" I added as she shrugged "Well I say we make his life a living hell" Helena said as she swung her legs around and they dangled from the bed as I smirked and mirrored her actions "What's the plan batman?"


It had been a month since we came up with the plan of all plans to give Vincent Ricci the fright of his life while teaching him that we can cause as much trouble and make a scene as he can.

"Okay so I was thinking seen as neither of us are getting better why don't we just sleep until he comes and then like one of us never wake up" I said as I didn't even want to look at his face at this point, like why would I want to? yes he is somewhat attractive but his stank personality really just ruins the whole attractiveness of his face and body, "no you can't back out of the plan now" Helena said as we were both crossed legged facing each other on our beds, "Glad to see you girls are up and looking fresh" Dr Wheeler walked into our ward and gave us a warm smile as we nodded and smiled back "we just had to make sure we look amazing for Vincent we wouldn't want to set a bad rep for the hospice" I said as I was trying not to sound too sarcastic and give away the sheer fact that we were going to scare everyone, "That's good to hear and you two better be on your best behaviour no funny business because you hate him, you guys still have to take into consideration that you are actually ill" he said as we looked at each other smiled then both looked at Dr Wheeler "Of course" we both said together as he nodded and left the room.

Vincent was going to be arriving in 20 minutes and to say Helena and I were excited was and understatement, we were over the moon and buzzing with adrenaline just wanting to see his face and the doctors faces to our little sick plan.

"This way" I heard from the bathroom that was in the corridor as the atmosphere that was outside changed and I could feel it from the small cubicle, Helena's job was to make it out that she was a big fan and that the flowers he would give her caused her to have a reaction but not until I walk out which was going to be my first show of a lifetime.

I heard a few chit chatters and then Helena screamed with laughter which was my indication to enter the ward "excuse me sorry" I spoke brokenly to the camera team and whoever else was there "Helena! you don't look right" I said as I looked over at her and she looked at me with a confused face as I winked at her and she started hyperventilating "oh my...gosh, what was in tho-those flow-flowers" she started taking slower breaths then the whole room started panicking and calling the doctors "oh my days" I screamed as I then fainted and just laid on the floor pretending to be lifeless, the funniest thing about watching this play out was hearing everyone nag at each other for the flowers and then boom I was picked up by Dr Wheeler and placed on my bed.

Helena has this sick thing where she can hold her breath until her heart slows dangerously down, which is super scary but at the same time super cool, whereas I am pretty good at acting in general so fainting and lying were in my blood.

"Gotcha" Helena and I screamed as we started laughing and adjusting ourselves so we were sitting up in our beds, Helena swatting the nurses and doctors off of her as I smiled innocently and widely at Dr Wheeler "you told us to make sure Vincent over here had a nice welcome" I added as Dr Wheeler's eyebrows were still very much knitted together and his arms were crossed "Girls! this is no joke stop thinking this is funny I am very disappointed in both of you" Dr Wheeler didn't waste any time and walked out ushering a super frightened and mortified Vincent and all his crew out with him.

"That was hilarious" Helena said as I nodded and we went back to being on our phones, "I mean if it wasn't for that he would of thought that we were just going to listen to him say that he was sorry that we can't live a normal life" I added as we both went back to our phones and just started looking up what had gone down at the hospital today, I mean we weren't famous because nobody knew our names but we were getting a lot of laughs from people because Vincent looked scared out of his mind, he looked like he properly wet himself. "Diddum's" I whispered as Dr Wheeler came back in with a frown still plastered on his face.