
Escape or not!

And her face turned pale in fright.

The note read 'Get out fast from here. The guy which came after you has a gun with him.'

Reading this droplets of sweat formed on her forehead in fear. Wiping them Kate balled the note in her fist and dropped it in her purse. Fishing out her phone Katie tried to call the Police and Ali but both the calls just got disconnected outright. Trying to calm herself down Kate took deep breaths in and out.

Just then there came sound of footsteps from outside. Frightened Kate stood stand still without making a single sound.

" Hey Cutie, come out fast. Don't be scared of me I mean no harm to you."

This words said in a fake gentle voice echoed in the silence of the cafe making it more chilling to the ears.

Hearing this a chill ran up Kate's back as she muffled her mouth to drown out the cry which was going to immerge that time.

Just then that person holding a meowing kitty in his hands entered the washroom.

" See enough of this cat and mouse game just come out fast, I can't wait anymore." saying this he knocked on the door.

Scared out of wits Kate kept searching for some weapon to defend herself. Meanwhile wanting to stall time while she kept calling Police, she decided to talk with this psycho.

Mustering courage she asked him the question which was troubling her the most,

" What wrong did I do to you, we have never even met!!! WHAT DO U WANT??

"You didn't do anything. But I have one problem with you and I just want one simple thing."

Hearing this Kate felt little releived as she earnestly replied, "You can take all the money you want. I am ready to give you any amount of money you want. But mister just let me go unharmed."

"Just how blind are you. I am not any cheap person who came to you for money. I have problem with you living. And What I WANT IS YOU DEAD!!!"

Till the end of his sentence he was practically screaming.

Kate almost fainted hearing his words. The last bit of strength in her left her as she steadied herself totally paled in fear. That time she suddenly thought of the boy behind the desk hoping that he could have called the Police. But as she kept on thinking of all the time that passed possibility of that lessened. She just then prayed that he must be safe and unharmed.

Just then the man said something which made her shiver evenmore,

"Come out fast, and thats better for you otherwise you would beg me to let you come outside. When you would hear this small kitten cry out in pain because of you. Would you want that cutie!!"

Just when she was trying to think of what to do. There came the meowing of the cat as if in pain.

Without thinking more Kate just came outside determined to not let anyone suffer for her.

Just then when she came outside she saw the cat bite the man on one of his fingers badly. After which she leapt down and went running.

Seeing the man in pain Kate without any delay ran as fast as she could outside washroom. Towards the exit where on the way she saw some blood stains but no clue of that boy.

Just then she heard the man cry out maniacally in anger. As he came out running from the washroom.

She was just inches away from the exit.