

Just when she held the handle of the glass door to open, the man behind yanked her back. And down she fell hard on the floor. Her back seemed to have started aching like anything. She tried to get up but the pain wouldn't let her.

And then out of nowhere that meek little kitten came out from under the table . She bit the man's leg very harshly so much that blood started oozing from the bite mark. Infuriated in pain the man took the little kitten and threw her aside.

Seeing the opportunity Katie hastily pulled the cat in her hand. And before the man could register what happened she ran for her life.

Out of that opressing cafe in the fresh cool air of the streets, she never felt so thankful for her freedom . She kept on running and running without looking back. To the end of that street where it joined the main road and had general flow of traffic. Standing there she felt more safe. Timidly looking back with the kitten cradled in her hands. She saw the man making gestures of moving his hand over and over his neck all the while smiling eerily. After which he started running in the opposite direction surprisingly fast.

Wanting to be in the confines of her home she hurriedly hailed a cab and gave the driver her address. Where the cab driver gave her some curious look at her disheveled and frightened appearance.

Good naturedly he asked,"Miss, are you fine? You seem a little scared. if u want we can directly go to report to the Police if something is troubling you."

Hearing him say that Katie gave him a weak smile and a thanks telling that she was fine. She wanted nothing but to go home.

Back to the present...

At the end of the narration Alison had tears in her eyes at the thought of losing her friend. Thousands of possibilities went through her mind that could have went wrong, but lastly the possibility of never being able to see her friend, never able to see her smile and do fun together.

She pulled Kate for a tight hug all the while crying. From which Kate winced in pain yet so inaudibly so that her dear Kate won't hear and worry.

"How could you do that to me Kate? How can you not tell me what you went through."

"I am sorry Ali. I didn't mean to do that. But it just that I didnt want u to worry." saying this Kate guided Ali to the nearby chair to sit as she handed her some tissue.

"What the heck do u mean not wanting me to worry!! Don't you know how important you are to me." Ali's initial worry transformed into anger as she kept on ranting on her friend.

Just then came a timid meow from the entrance of the balcony.